“It Has Nothing to Do with Age” is a book about individuals who push themselves to physical extremes and who believe they have defied the aging process. If you are at least 30, 40, 50 years of age, join them in such sports as: theTevis Cup, the Dipsea, the Western States 100, the 100 mile ride and tie, the Hawaiian Ironman, the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tango,Randall,Sports Medicine and Martin Hoffman M.D.
"In all affairs, it's a
healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long
taken for granted."
– Bertrand Russell
– Bertrand Russell
Congratulations go to Debbie. Her new Russian Arabian Tango
just passed his pre-purchase veterinarian exam. Tango was being evaluated for a
neurological condition called Wobbles. Tony, read up on the condition and put her
horse through all types of tests. Last Saturday, I suggested that he blindfold the horse and make his assessment.
According to Tony, the horse was sound and
fine. But Tuesday, they got a second
professional opinion. The veterinarians agreed with Tony that the horse
was fine.
So this means that Debbie will begin riding after many years
of layoff. Tony threatened Debbie by saying if she’s not going to ride Tango,
he’s going to in the Tevis next year. Linda is happy because now she has
another riding partner. This also means that very likely “ the girls” will be
riding their horses on the trail and
“the guys” will be running on the trail after them.
Randall, one of our injured running friends, is beginning
his rehab after a long rest. He is now beginning to walk with a little running
mixed in. Randall stated that his motivation is good and that he can’t wait to
run a marathon distance next year. Hopefully, Randall well slowly work his way
back into running shape without a hitch. It so difficult for some, not to push
the envelope. Sometimes , a competitive nature can get in the way of sound
judgment. It’s important that he doesn’t do too much too soon. Easing back
slowly after six month or so layoff is a prudent thing to do. I continue to
tell Randall to be smart. There’s no shortage of running events and next year,
there will be likely more. Return to
running shape Randall, so you can join us.
Thursday’s TV Guest on It Has Nothing to Do with Age or
Gender is Sports Medicine Martin Hoffman, M.D. This physician has done research
connected with the Western States 100 endurance run. All you runners, and
active individuals, view what he has to say.
Join Tony and I Saturday for a 35k trail run at Folsom Point.
In the meantime, keep moving, laughing, smiling, deep
breathing, bonding, and loving.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
A Mental Toughness Model and Melissa Ribley
"I was always looking
outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is
there all the time."
– Anna Freud
– Anna Freud
Melissa Ribley DVM last Thursday’s guest asked me why I am
doing the TV show “It Has Nothing to Do with Age or Gender ? I responded that
one of the reasons for the TV show is collecting data on “ mental toughness.” So
far, I’ve asked our guests to define the term and how it might apply to them.
By and large, the respondents have talked about continuing with a behavior
despite circumstances or hardships. In essence, to continue to go on.
Chiropractor Don Freeman, a previous guest, said something to the effect that
you have to be smart and know when not to continue and that might also be called mental toughness.
The way that I think about mental toughness is related to
having a desire, a need, drive, etc. which is a hypothetical state located within the person. This hypothetical
state might also be associated with neurotransmitters . This need or drive creates movement toward a goal because of the tension created. To illustrate, let’s say I am competitive (a hypothetical drive or state within me ). In order to meet this need, I enter a 35 km trail race in which
I expect to finish. By entering and completing the race ( the goal) , I achieved my need and thereby reduced the (competitive ) tension state
within. So goal completion is the way that I reduced my tension system.
A goal can be
characterized by employing or giving it a valence or strength. The more
important the need state , the stronger
goal valence needs to be. If my need
state(competitive nature) is high, then running a 5K trail race(low goal valence
for me ) is not going to allow me to reduce my tension state. I have to
have a more challenging or higher goal valence than a 5K trail run. In other
words, it’s about my perception and what I need to do in order to reduce and
meet my needs or tension states.
In achieving any goal
of importance, there are likely internal and/or external barriers that
can interfere with goal achievement or goal completion. An internal
barrier might be : 1. Being physically tired 2. Falling and spraining an ankle.
An external barrier might be : 1. A rocky, rutted trail 2. High humid temperature. We have to deal
and get around these barriers. We can’t
allow them to interfere with goal completion.
So, one can visualize a need; a goal; valences and barriers
as one model explaining mental toughness. The next step is to determine the various characteristics
that allows an individual to deal or get around the many internal and external barriers. Notice in this model, a
need, or goal can be quite varied and does not have to be related to sports. More about mental toughness characteristics at a later date.
Watch Melissa Ribley’s interview to learn about her
competitive drive and her goals. You might find her Tevis Cup ride Interesting
when she won the Haggin Cup.
Keep moving, laughing, smiling, deep breathing, bonding, and
Tony and I have a 35K trail race in Folsom on Saturday.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hawaiian Iron Man ,Lew Hollander, Melissa Ribley and Lance Armstrong
"What is important is to
keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there
are no certain answers."
– Matina Horner
– Matina Horner
We all know that the Hawaiian iron man is one prestigious
event. Some of you may remember that Lance Armstrong was looking forward to
competing in that event. Unfortunately, Lance has been barred from that competition.
Likely, he would’ve done very well. Let’s take a look at a more positive and
respected individual.
That individual is none other than Lew Hollander . Some of you may not know that
the physicist Dr. Hollander is the oldest to have completed this prestigious
event. I told his story In Chapter 10 of “It Has Nothing To Do With Age.” He
has many accomplishments and considers himself one lucky dude. Some of his
story: “ another example of Lew living a
charmed life was during a recent iron man in Hawaii. During the 112 mile bike
ride, he realized he was violating one of the rules when he noticed a plug was missing from one of his handlebars. He
didn’t know how this could have happened, but he knew he was going to be
disqualified if the officials noticed at
the end of the ride that the handlebar was
missing a plug. He began to stuff GU wrappers
into his handlebar along with tape. Not satisfied with that, he remembered
there was a local bike store a couple of miles away. I was having a nervous
breakdown; I was so stressed not knowing what to do, remembers Lew. Then a
short distance ahead, he noticed a shiny handlebar plug on the ground. He
stopped, picked it up and it actually fit; it was a miracle, Lew exclaimed,
adding;…... and miracles continue to
happen to me. Just like what Arnold Palmer said, the more I practice the
luckier I get.”
Lew was born in 1930. Some of the answers to his success can
be found in Chapter 10. In another part of that chapter is the following; “in
talking about his Iron man accomplishments, Lew said those goals were for
personal ego gratification and that no one else cared. Being a scientist and
making a contribution are far more important to him.” Lew has good values and a realistic life
perspective. Keep it up, Lew. He is one amazing fellow.
Linda and I are going to the Olmsted- Coffer Dam trail. I’m
going to run and she is going to ride her Arabian horse Nails. I’m lucky too. On
the other hand, Tony is not joining us because he’s going to the Humboldt area to trailer a horse for Debbie.
Today’s TV show features Melissa Ribley, DVM. She not only vets the
Tevis Cup ride, but competes in it as well. Aside from endurance riding, she
competes in ride and tie and other running races. I know you’ll enjoy her story.
Remember to keep moving, laughing, smiling, deep breathing,
bonding, and loving as it’s good for you.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Michigan - Indiana Football, October 19, 2013
"Living well and
beautifully and justly are all one thing."
– Socrates
– Socrates
Linda and I just returned from Detroit .I went there to
compile research for my upcoming book
regarding mental toughness of the 1969, Michigan Wolverines. We also went there
for a family reunion to be with my cousins. I have a number of cousins living
in the Detroit area. Cousins, Richard and Judy hosted a brunch this past
Sunday. It was super seeing everyone and catching up with their activities.
Also, my sister, Beverly and her mate Roger arrived from the East Coast as
well. We are now making plans for other reunion, this time in the Traverse City
area next year.
On Thursday, Linda and I met coach Gary Moeller in Ann
Arbor. Gary was brought to the University of Michigan as an assistant coach by Bo
Schembechler, the legend. History began that year ,in 1969. Both Gary and Bo
were Ohioans. Not only that, Gary was Captain on Woody Hayes’, Ohio State
University football team. One of Gary’s coaches at that time was Bo
Gary has a friendly smile and is a gentleman. We talked about many things
during that 2 hour lunch. He then accompanied us to the ticket office to make sure we got our
game tickets for the Michigan-Indiana football game.
Later on, Linda and I met Fritz Seyferth, the fullback, for the Wolverines for
beers. Fritz is a tall, athletic, young,
good-looking man. We talked about our
tickets, that he arranged, and his tailgate for Saturday’s game. He hosted this
wonderful tailgate on Saturday and made sure for Mike Keller and I to go on the field before
the game. I must admit that was an
experience being in the Big House with all the activities going on. The players
were going through their drills with Brady Hoke and his staff. I also met previous Michigan head football coach Lloyd
I sat with Fritz during the game while Linda sat with Beverly,
Roger and my football fan cousin Steve. The
game was unbelievable with all the scoring as Michigan won. Also, Mike Keller, All-American
defensive end-linebacker on the 1969
team and Dallas Cowboy with his wife Kimberly met us at the tailgate. Mike is a
real joker with a great sense of humor.
Backing up to Friday, Linda and I had lunch with Jim
Brandstatter , an offensive tackle on
that 69 team. Jim took us to a Greek restaurant. He knows the Greek menu and
ordered a flaming cheese appetizer. He then ordered a variety of Greek delicacies. As he’s
familiar with the owners, especially in Greek town in downtown Detroit, the
owner, of this restaurant, brought us a desert that he made especially for us.
Jim currently does color radio for the Detroit Lions and the
Michigan Wolverines. His wife Robbie is involved in rescuing thoroughbreds from
the racetrack. These horses are evaluated at Michigan State and then they find
new owners to give these horses new careers.
On Monday, Linda and I had lunch with All American, All-Pro
offensive guard and NFL star Reggie McKenzie. Reggie is a large man who is
intense and passionate about what is happening in Washington. He used colorful
language and was very expressive. He told us many stories, especially the one
about captain, All-American, Super Bowl winner Jim Mandich , in the tunnel, just
before going out to the playing field during that classic, Michigan, Ohio State
game. Jim had tears, was grunting unintelligible
sounds , tense while facing and addressing the entire team. Reggie will never forget that
Stay tuned for more about our trip and my upcoming book on mental toughness. These
players and coaches are very special. They were super as 18 and 19-year-old Michigan sophomores . They
are special as well today. For example,
Reggie McKenzie has a foundation that he started in the 70s to help challenged
kids become better students and athletes. Visit his website as you may want to
be involved.
Later today, Tony and I are going to do 8 to 10 mile trail
run. In the meantime, keep moving, laughing, smiling, deep breathing, bonding,
and loving.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Depression,Mo Bartley and Trail Running Secrets
"When I do good, I feel
good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that is my religion."
– Abraham Lincoln
– Abraham Lincoln
The following
are symptoms of depression. If you are experiencing or know someone that you
think are experiencing some of the symptoms of depression then a more thorough evaluation is indicated:
1. A sullen mood 2. Having feelings of
hopelessness, guilt and/or anxiousness
3. Loss of interest in things that were pleasurable at one time , i.e. sex
4. A change in appetite, primarily but not always in loss of
appetite 5. A change in sleeping
patterns in either inability to sleep, or in sleeping too much 6. Inability and difficulty in concentration
7. Lack of energy( i.e. for sex) and/or feeling rundown .
In thinking
about depression, it brings me back to a class-seminar at the San Francisco
Psychoanalytic Institute that I attended in the late 1970s. I remembered
talking to the psychiatrist who was teaching the class about the benefits of aerobic exercise, especially running and how
that activity combats and is good therapy for dealing with depression. That
unnamed psychiatrist looked at me with a puzzling expression on his face. He
might’ve thought that, may be, I was out of my mind. In any way, I made my case
back then.
Today, aerobic
exercise is more universally accepted as a major benefit to those who have a
depressed mood. And of course, aerobic exercise has many other benefits as
Mo Bartley was
last week’s guest on our TV show “It Has Nothing to Do with Age or Gender.” Mo
began running in her 30s and credited ride and tie participants for her beginning. This young woman loved horseback
riding and then combined running. She ran
ultras, and then in her 50s switched to shorter distances. While still in
her 50s, she has become faster and now leads Trail running groups with Tim
Twietmeyer and Mark Falcone at Fleet Feet in Sacramento. Watch her video and
participate in a running group. http://youtu.be/Xi0D3EPHmx8.
Last Saturday,
Tony, Chris and I met the ride and tie competition In Cool. Susan Smyth, the
race director, hosted her second ride and tie in Cool. The three of us, past
ride and tie competitors are currently running. So we decided to run the first
loop of the event. We started out about 10 to 15 minutes before the others and
it took a while for them(competitors) to catch up to us. They did as we were
headed and close to the coffer dam.
My previous
horse Gypsy was in the event , and was doing well. However, as we were heading down the switchbacks, Gypsies, female
partners were walking her back. Unfortunately, Gypsy tripped and scraped her
right leg which was bleeding in the
process. I didn’t see her again until we finished our trail run. Her leg was
wrapped and she was a little off at that point. I expect that the current
owner, a veterinarian –Jen Mather will treat her well. By the way, Jim emailed
me about a month ago that she finished the Virginia City 100 mile endurance
ride. Way to go, girl.
Make it a point
to keep moving, laughing, smiling, deep breathing and bonding to assist you in
your aging.
Mo Bartley ,a
number of years ago, called Tony a cute name during the very first Run on the
Sly. He revealed that cute name on a
trail run a while ago. However, he gets embarrassed; when I call him by
that name. He didn’t want us to reveal” the name” during our TV show.
Yesterday, Tony,
Chris and I ran a short loop. Tony had a brilliant idea, but because it was
mentioned on the trail, It remains on the trail. I must admit we laughed a lot.
Join us if you can, because I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Jim Brandstatter, the Voice of the Detroit Lions and Michigan Wolverines
Tuli Kupferberg “When patterns are
broken, new worlds emerge."
More about the early influences of the voice of
the Detroit Lions in Michigan Wolverines, Jim Brandstatter : Part 2.
Aside from the strong academic modeling and emphasis on
sports, Jim was introduced to many cultures because of all the representatives
and the many nationalities from the various countries(i.e., England, India,
Vietnam) that attended the criminal justice program at Michigan State. How was
Jim introduced to all these folks? Art Sr. being friendly, good-natured and
caring would invite the adult students to his home for dinner to meet his
family and to teach them about US family culture. In part this created a
dilemma for his wife. What was she going to prepare for dinner for this array
of ethnic diversity? How could she prepare a dinner that tasted good, was
well-prepared and more importantly did not disrespect the religion or mores of
the individual? Being intelligent and creative, she chose as the main
course “ leg of lamb.” To this day, Jim
loves having leg of lamb as he has wonderful memories of that wonderful,
exciting and intellectual international dinner experience growing up, with his
parents, in East Lansing.
In order to get a strong basic educational background, Jim
attended St. Ignatius elementary school, with Principal Sister Rose Gilbert.
His favorite subjects back then were spelling and math. When he misbehaved in
Mrs. Wintermute’s class, she grabbed him by the back of the shirt or twisted his ear. There was
not, at the time , an East Lansing parochial high school, he attended
the public high school, two blocks from his home.
As a high school sophomore, Leo Smedley was an
assistant high school football and
wrestling coach. Jim remembers coach Smedley, pushing him like a Marine drill
Sgt. in fact Jim thought he probably was a Marine at some time. The coach would
say “you’re going to find out just how good you are” when they were playing
against good teams.
As a sophomore, Jim,
was about 6’2” tall and weighed roughly 225 pounds. In that year, he started
out on the football Junior varsity team but was promoted to the varsity and
lettered. Jim also lettered in his Junior and Senior years and was a team Captain as well. On offense he played either center
or tackle and on defense, lined up in a three point stance, outside the
opposing offensive tackle. Jim not only
lettered in baseball, but received honors and was an all city first baseman in
his Junior year and an all city catcher in his senior year. Aside from football
and baseball, Jim even lettered in basketball and was a center-forward on his
high school team and a co-captain in the last game of the tourney.
participating in sports , did not keep Jim busy. Was he hyperactive ? He
also sang in the choir for four years and was selected Homecoming King in high
school as well. Being a good student in high school, he thought of
attending college and majoring in architectural design. Anyway,
that were his thoughts as a young 18-year-old. However, what college?
More to follow at a later date.
Be sure to watch tomorrow’s TV show “It Has Nothing to Do
with Age or Gender” with guest Mo
Bartley. I am sure you’ll like her story. In the meantime, don’t forget to keep
moving, laughing, smiling, deep breathing and bonding.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Jim Brandstatter the Voice of the Detroit Lions and Michigan Wolverines
In my research on mental toughness, I’ve interviewed a
number of Michigan Wolverine football players as well as coach Gary Moeller.
One of the Michigan players that I interviewed, is Jim Brandstatter. Jim, was
an offensive tackle , and played from 1969-71. Jim has been doing color, on the
radio, for all the Michigan Wolverine football games as well as for all the
Detroit Lions football games since the 80s. He is the voice.
How would you explain an 18-year-old’s decision, in 1968, to
attend and play football for his families and communities arch rival ? Not only
that, this 18-year-old’s father was an All-American fullback at Michigan State .
Moreover, his father Art Brandstatter
Sr. was a faculty member and headed(director) the School of Criminal Justice
. This well-respected, worldly traveled
Brigadier General educator was appointed
by none other than John Hannah, president of Michigan State University. Oh yeah, the oldest son Art Jr. about 6’3”
and weighed 220 pounds and was the
starting-defensive- tight end in 1959, 1960, in 1961 for these same Michigan State Spartans. Yes, the youngest Brandstatter, Jim, did just
Growing up in East Lansing, Jim attended East Lansing High
School. He was the last of the athletic
Brandstatter boys and periodically heard “you have big shoes to fill, and you
are the last of the Brandstatters.” Besides , older brother Art Jr. Allstate in both football and
basketball (East Lansing , and Lansing
Hall of Fame) ; there was the
all tournament basketball player John ; middle linebacker, big game(
wild boar, caribou) bow and arrow hunter-fisherman Bill; Mike , a star, on the
state champion football team . Wow! This family, I would say, is the epitome
of sport junkies. Did they ever like
sports cannot be denied nor their excellence. And ,you can bet that both
parents were supportive of that fact.
This highly
competitive athletic Brandstatter family was, of course, well known by
administrators, coaches and city residents
as a result of their strong presence and decades of community involvement. It was not unusual, at
all, to see Mrs. Mary Brandstatter driving her boys, at times, to
the various practices as well as seeing them in attendance of all the many games
with her husband. Just think of her full-time job taking five sons to their
various sports activities. Would she have time for anything else, let alone
herself? Jim’s mother was so well known, respected and supported the coaches
that even Art Jr.’s high school football
coach Vince Carrilott asked Mrs. Brandstatter
who was her favorite coach? It
could’ve been. Gus Gunakas Art Jr.’s basketball head coach( he later became Michigan
State head basketball coach) however, Vince was surprised when she replied, “
Bo Schembechler.”
More about the “ voice” on a later blog. In any event, I
completed my 35K trail run yesterday and I must admit that it was tough,
especially as the temperature rose. Although I started cramping up, I was
pleased that my Achilles didn’t bother me. I saw familiar faces during the run
and after.
In any event, keep moving, smiling, laughing, deep breathing
and bonding because it’s good for you.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Trail Running Excitement Part 2
Part 2
My thoughts also went back to a number of years ago , while
running between the 14 1/2 and the 15
mile marker on the Western states trail. At that time, I was running toward my
home in the early afternoon sometime in the fall. The trail turned sharply and
my thoughts went something like this “ what is a cat doing on the trail?” Then,
before me, I saw a lioness and her two cubs. I immediately stopped. I looked at
my obstacle, and wondered if I was the prey? To test my hypothesis, I slowly
inched forward. As I did that the lioness did the same. I stopped. Quickly, one
of the Cubs ran toward me and down into the gully. Thank goodness, the gully
was in front of me. I was scared.
I thought, I better retreat. I backed up slowly still facing
my adversary and was soon out of her sight. I looked for a tree limb for my
weapon. I found my weapon , turned around and began to run away or in other
words, to backtrack. I knew about the
flight or fight response and chose to flee. I quickly realized that my
breathing was shallow and my running speed severely compromised as I frequently
looked behind me and on the hillside of the trail. I didn’t know if she was
following me. In fact, for the next hour or so, I retreated while continuing to
scan for the enemy. I did not see her again, and only when I was real close to
home allowed my club to fall by the
wayside. Believe me, I was terrified all the way home. I did feel relief when I
came into my home and locked the door
behind me.
When I arrived at the kill spot Saturday, all I found were
the remains-the bones of that deer. I must admit that my senses were alert
during the rest of my (Maine Bar) trail
run. I ran well and once again attributed it to the temperature, my cross
training and my conditioning. The first week in October, I intend to run a 35 km race. I should do
Last Thursday’s TV guest on “It Has Nothing To Do With Age
Or Gender ” was Keith Nesbitt of the Auburn City Council. Keith is bringing the
Krazy Man to Auburn, the endurance
capital the world. In 2014, the plan, at the moment, is to have a two day event
in September. On a Saturday, the intention
is to have: 1. A mile or so swim. 2. A 30 to 40 mile bike ride. 3. And
roughly a half marathon trail run. After Saturday’s event, the participants can
attend the Black and White Ball in Auburn. On Sunday, the plan is to:1. A
mountain bike experience maybe to Michigan Bluff 2. An endurance ride back to Auburn.
Nothing is in cement that the moment, according to Keith.
This two-day event could be completed by a single person( the Krazy Man ) or a
five person team. Any perspective sponsor or volunteer can contact Keith at
In the meantime, don’t forget to keep moving, smiling, laughing,
deep breathing and bonding.
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