Elon Musk is the news And, his massive contribution to Trump's reelection puts him in the White House.. In fact, the White House has given him a special position with neither oversight nor significant negative consequences .Favorable consequences come later. This essay provides a character orientation supposition of Musk.
Homo sapiens are saddled with existential anxiety, biological and ego needs during development.. Existential needs of separateness, dependency, powerlessness, insignificance are based on awareness, intelligence and imagination This condition results in a state of constant disequilibrium as man has to deal with being. As a consequence, various passions, such as love, justice, truth, hate , cruelty, sadism and masochism affect and are represented in the character orientation of man..Moreover, In dealing with the frightening reality of life, the tendency for unlimited power, possession and status become neurotic for some .
Man requires an orientation and a devotion. He requires a map, a concept of his national ,social,economic and psychological world .A frame of reference or roots that incorporates ideas often derived from the consensus of others ; rational and/or irrational doctrines pertaining to morality, socialization, economics, politics and religion. These reference points make man vulnerable to following false prophets. Money can be an object of devotion . Needs, goals of devotion become a focal point for his strivings, which are unsuccessful strategies employed in an attempt to protect him from his loneliness, his isolation,his existence and to provide security which gives some meaning to his life.
Homo sapiens begin life in the womb that provide nurturance, warmth, security and safety. Then with birth, there's a trauma resulting in terror, symbolically and realistically of being alone, helpless, insecure and not safe. Mother becomes the fountain of life as she provides nurturance, safety, warmth and meeting the biological needs. The first three years present psychological trauma as in the oral , anal and pre phallic stage of development.with significant psychic implications during these formative years and present themselves in various degrees and intensity throughout one's lifetime. Notably, the birth trauma separation represents a longing for situations as it once existed psychologically but never ceases completely. In other words, every adult is in need of assistance, warmth , dependence and protection for being . The dynamics of these needs continue to be repeated during a lifetime.
Elon was born in 1971 to wealthy parents in South Africa. His parents divorced in 1980 and he initially chose to live with his father. He stated his father beat him after learning that he was beaten severely by a fellow student leading to him being hospitalized for his injuries. He hated his father and later reunited with his mother.
These early traumatic experiences resulted in him being dependent and emotionally tied to his mother especially during the oral, anal and phallic stages of development. What are Elon's dependent , emotional and cognitive ties? How does Elon recapture that need for warmth, affection and security ? Because of him being early tied to his mother, what other avenues has he chosen ?
For instance, a few Issues associated with the anal stage of development for Musk are as follows: 1. The sphincter battle for autonomy between mother and son. Who was going to win this conflict of when to hold onto tightly or when to let go of his prized or special possession ? A bowel movement is a thing , not a person as in an example symbolically of dehumanization. All the people that were fired were simply things; all his companies are just possessions; all his wives,girlfriends, children are his possessions. These possessions are associated with malignant hostility ,and control 2. Will there be a defiance or fear that's associated with being sensitive to a loss of love? How many wives and how many relationships are required to find and recapture symbolically that first love? How much power, money and possessions are needed and required to fill his depth of insecurity ? 3. His defiance of norms, humanness and morality expressed suggest that there is only one way of doing things and it's his way? Dismantling and destroying without significant consequences the federal government.is his way .The legal system and monetary fines are irrelevant . 4. The tendency for noncompliance, negativism, controlling others and invoking arbitrary rules with no consequences are sadomasochistic and hateful with contempt.
Proceeding to the pre-oedipal and oedipal stage of development suggests the following :The pursuit of love ,comfort and security results from his first identification and imitation of his mother or his first sole love object. His second identification and imitation was his father. 2 How and to what degree is he expressing” love “ for all the relationships and with his 13 children? Does he model his mother or his father? 3. The origins of his conscience, and superego of good ,bad ,right ,wrong are established. And his transactions with his mother and father set the stage and range for him being a helping ,loving or a hindrance, hating mankind. His actions toward government employees and programs are sadistic and cruel. 4. Oedipal fears are related to sadomasochistic tendencies. Are his wives, other relationships sexually motivated or are they simply object possessions that he acquires ? Are his children likewise possessions too? 5. With the castration anxiety dynamic,follows anger, jealousy , resentment and the talion principle of revenge. His symbolic chainsaw attack is simply one example ..6. His narcissistic unfulfilled fantasies and wishes seem to be symbolically acted out hatefully. They are clearly sadomasochistic with malignant aggression .
How many wives , divorces and impregnations ? He obviously can't find safety, security, affection and dependency in any one woman. His notion of marriage and family ? Perhaps his relationships do not have to do with sex and pleasure, but with fathering children. He fathered 14 children and one died as an infant. How much nurturance ,love, affection, attention and personal involvement as a father does he exhibit with his children? Also, his malignant sadism is unconsciously expressed in subjecting his wives and children to divorce. His wives, girlfriends and children are simply possessions. His malignant sadism is also expressed in naming the children on their birth certificate letters that are impersonal ,nonhuman characters,and symbols. associated with an oral and anal character, tendencies
Other illustrations of an anal character orientation are possessions as pleasure in his possessions and in his properties. Characteristics of a anal character orientation are associated with being stingy, suspicious, cold, anxious, stubborn, indolent,obsessional and possessive.His possessions over the years have included: 1. Zip2 2. X.com and PayPal. 3. Space X 4.Starlink: 5. Tesla 6. Hyperloop 7. Open AI and X AI. His foundation donated money to his Open AI and the assets reached 9.4 billion by the end of 2021 but he only dispensed 160 million to charities that year. His self-serving foundation received another 6 billion . A World Food program director David Beasley said the money could have fed 42 million people for a year .Musk says he’s a christian with what moral code? He pays what in federal income tax ? He knows fraud with intimacy.
Elon's exploitive character orientation has been certainly more on public display since January 20. Behavioral tendencies , of him, include being exploitive, aggressive, egocentric, conceited, rash and arrogant. How many civil service and federal employees, agencies, government contracts have been severely affected by his cold, narcissistic, malignant actions? He was seen smiling on the stage with a chainsaw . A chainsaw is used to cut wood. Limiting democracy, stealing data , neutralizing investigations into his companies and use of government funds and technology are his goals .Also,,his sadistic representation of people is characteristic of his dehumanizing hate. Furthermore, this smiling dependent apartheid South African has terrific use of his sphincter muscles with his expulsions on people of color ,vets, and our country.