"If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all."
– Michelangelo Buonarroti
Wow! Hard work is a common denominator. Nothing seems to replace hard work. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes that I know or little old pills for a matter-of-fact. If you do not believe me, take it from the master Michelangelo.
Secretariat is back, Secretariat is back after a month of eating pie and ice cream in Washington State. He put on a few pounds, and all he did was eat pie and ice cream twice a day. He even corrupted his older sister by introducing her to berries by the road. So, he added healthy berries, to his pie and ice cream. He admitted that he also ate cookies. It is clear that his sweet tooth needs were met adequately. He claimed that he hiked and kayaked but did not run during this past month. So he came home plump and very well rested.
Carrie, Will, Linda, Nails, Secretariat and I went to the Olmsted trail today. I told him that I received some feedback about Pig Farm and the Shortcut trail on the Cool Ride and Tie on October 1. The feedback was that it was too hard to do for two loops. What a dilemma? Should we change the trial and make it easier for this new breed of ride and tie participants? Should we stick to the original plan and make it a tough race as advertised? Okay, against my better judgment Secretariat and I are going to change the trail to accommodate this new breed.
I remember my first Cool Ride and Tie and navigating the difficult, treacherous Pig Farm trail twice. Did I die from that experience? Did my life change as a result of that experience? Am I sadistic and do I want to punish them? The answer is no to all the above.
Tracey called me about the Cool Ride and Tie shirts. She plans to send me some proofs so I can decide on the best shirt. I am looking forward to this year’s shirts. Make sure you get one.
I got a terrific book review on the Good Reads website sent by my publisher. I will post that on the blog so you can be sure to read about it. It is five-star and I am extremely happy about what the reviewer said. Check out It Has Nothing To Do With Age at BN.com. It is a very good read if I do say so myself.
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