"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence."– Lin Yutang
Additional thoughts about proper goal setting and expectancy for success. First and foremost it is very clear that goal importance is primary. That means one has to properly assess and evaluate the importance of the goal as it relates to self. How one goes about this assessment proves to be difficult. How can one really assess its importance? Just by saying the goal is important does not make it important nor by thinking that I hope to achieve will it make it happen.
Some questions that one can ask himself are as follows: 1. How does this goal relate to my core essence? 2. Will completion make any difference, to self, in either the short or the long term? 3. And if so, what is that difference? 4. Will my life change in any way (i.e. feelings about myself) and if so how? 5. Will I be able to assess a noticeable or significant difference in my life? 6. Would the completion of the goal be important to anyone else? 7. Am I trying to please anyone or affect anyone else by the completion of my goal? 8. Can I put in the necessary time necessary for successful completion? 9. Do I have the necessary persistence in my makeup for a goal completion? 10. Do I have the proper information, tools, equipment and time in my life for successful completion? 10. What are the sub goals necessary for completion? 11. How much of the variables are under my control? 12. How will an unsuccessful goal attempt affect me (positive or negative feelings) and /or others? 13. What are the rewards and / or incentives for goal completion 14.If I’ve been unsuccessful in the past what were the contributing factors and/or barriers that led to my failure ?These questions can be addressed by the individual by writing down the pros and the cons to each question. Hopefully, the motivational intention (the degree) can then be assessed. If you are still unclear, that suggests a problem exists.
Part 1
Chris and I hit the trail yesterday and plan to do it again today. Incidentally, Chris is a 2:26 marathoner; and by the way I won the gold at the Resolution Run. Also, Chris and Michelle are hosting Sunday’s NFL‘s football game. See you there or on the trail.
Remember to keep moving.
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