How many of you have considered or even experimented with barefoot running? Ever since “Born to Run” came out, running without shoes became more popular .Supposedly, running barefoot will bring out the natural runner. Who doesn’t want to be a natural runner? Some reasons to run barefoot: 1. Running barefoot with a forefoot strike has only a third of the impact of running in a shoe compared to heel striking in which the collision of the heel with ground generates a significant impact per Dr. Daniel Lieberman, no relation. 2. High heeled – heavily cushioned running shoes produce a 56% more dangerous torque at the hip and 38% more torque at the knees. 3. Cushioned shoes interfere with your ability to perceive what’s happening beneath your feet and reduce your proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity 4.When you’re running barefoot you are more likely inclined to land on your forefoot. 5. Running on the forefoot allows you to use your metatarsals, your arch, and your Achilles tendon, quads, hamstrings and glutes muscles. 6. Barefoot running or using a lighter shoe results in economy by reducing your workload by up to 5% .7. And, by keeping your stride short, your legs can whirl around more quickly with minimal resistance and braking action.
Advice, if you’re going to transition to barefoot running: Start out very slowly. When running up hill, run on your forefoot and when walking, grab the ground with your toes in an effort to flex and strengthen your foot. Make sure to rest, ice in order to recover. Take your time and relax because this is a slow process. This process can easily take three months or longer to make the transition. Be smart.
I have considered changing to minimalist shoes. However, I see very few runners incorporating the minimalist shoe while running on the Western States Trail. When I do see that runner, I generally stop them and ask them questions about their shoe. Where I run and train, trail conditions are uneven with plenty of rocks and roots in my way. Periodically, I stub a toe or even trip. When I do that, I start thinking about what I would feel like running in the minimalist shoe. My thoughts are generally I’m glad I have a well cushioned shoe. Source: Trail Runner, October, 2010, issue 68.
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