“It Has Nothing to Do with Age” is a book about individuals who push themselves to physical extremes and who believe they have defied the aging process. If you are at least 30, 40, 50 years of age, join them in such sports as: theTevis Cup, the Dipsea, the Western States 100, the 100 mile ride and tie, the Hawaiian Ironman, the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Jim Brandstatter,Meghan Arbogast, Western States and Motion Sickness
"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."– Isak Dinesen
I have learned many things during my research regarding mental toughness. This journey has provided me with enjoyment, insight, grit, awe, and a glimpse into the resourcefulness and strength of male and female human beings. It doesn’t seem to matter whether that individual is a professional football player, an all American college football player, and ultra runner, a gold-medal rower or an equestrian. One thing is certain in those individuals have an amazing capacity to overcome hardships or circumstances not under their control and still achieve at unbelievable levels.
Jim Brandstatter, the voice of the Detroit Lions and Michigan Wolverines has a story as well. Jim was born in East Lansing, Michigan. His father was an All-American football player at Michigan State University and was a professor running the Criminal Justice Program at that University. His older brother was the starting tight end for three years on the MSU football team. One might expect that young Jim would follow the footsteps of his father and older brother and play in that competitive program. Would you expect him to leave East Lansing to attend and play football for the Spartan’s archrival, the University of Michigan? Well he did. He became an All-Big Ten for Coach Bo Schembechler’s Wolverines. I’ll bet you’ll find his story interesting to say the least.
I’m delighted to announce that Thursday’s TV talk show guest is none other than Meghan Arbogast. This young lady was, in 2010, the USATF 50 mile trail champion and the 100 K. National Road Champion as well. She lives in Corvallis, Oregon and started running seriously at age 42 about 10 years ago. She is obviously one of the female premier runners in our country. And, on the 29th is running the Western States 100. Learn about Meghan’s character, how she handled life’s challenges, and became an ultra runner. Incidentally, she’s a frequent training partner of Craig Thornley.
On another note, does anyone get motion sickness? Well it’s not unusual as estimates range that from 25 to 40% of our population suffer from some degree of motion sickness. Did you know that NASA and the US Navy are working together with a pharmaceutical company to develop a nasal spray containing scopolamine? The researchers state that the drug’s possible strong side effects such as drowsiness and dry mouth would be significantly reduced with a nasal spray. In any event some suggestions for dealing with this ”affliction include the following:1.if you’re on a boat ,face same direction as the boat is moving; gaze at the horizon and avoid lying down if you can’t see anything. 2. In an automobile, be the driver and watch traffic and the road; avoid reading books using a smart phone or watching movies. 3 Sit near the wing span, especially on smaller planes; try a window seat in daylight. 4. Sit facing the direction the train is traveling. These suggestions might lessen the degree of motion sickness while traveling. This information was found in the June 18, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal.
In any event, keep moving, laughing, smiling and deep breathing.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Craig Thornley,Electrolytes,San Lorenzo Run and Ghirardelli Chocolate
"In all affairs, it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted."– Bertrand Russell
Tony and I had a good time with Craig Thornley last Thursday’s guest on our TV show. http://youtu.be/e-BmOb2bw5k Craig, at 49 years of age, appears to be a good fit for race director for the Western States 100 mile endurance run. He has previous administrative experience with the ski border patrol as well as race director run experience. In addition he’s a fierce competitor and an elite runner.
Craig talked about moving up to the foothills, as a kid, from the Bay Area and loving his relocation. He told us about one of his more difficult Western States experiences. He also mentioned research by Dr. Marty Hoffman regarding additional salt intake. He said he has reduced his salt intake on his training runs but hasn’t bought into the research regarding his long ultra events.
I was curious about his input regarding electrolytes. The information was timely as Tony and I had entered the 30 km run in the Santa Cruz Mountains Saturday. This run was called the San Lorenzo Trail run. Essentially, there was not a whole lot of level or flat running during this event. Aside from the numerous ups and downs, we also had to cross the San Lorenzo River twice. The weather was perfect and I, for the first time in a long time, did not take any salt tablets during the event. I relied on my electrolyte drink. I didn’t experience cramps during the run and was pleased.
Just prior to the last downhill to the finish, I came across one runner who had his shoe off. His running partner said that he cramped up. I didn’t stop to inform that runner of Marty Hoffman’s research regarding electrolytes. I thought it instead. For more information, I suggest you watch last Thursday’s TV program.
Prior to Saturday’s running event, we met our host Steve. Steve is a former runner, six top 10 Tevis completions, and three third-place finishes in the ride and tie world championship .he has many wonderful and humorous stories and currently hunts with his prize falcon. We were treated to see the falcon devour his dinner. This bird knows how to eat. We also saw his speedy pigeons do their thing as well. Hopefully, Steve will be a participant on our TV show.
To top off our weekend, we stopped at the Ghirardelli chocolate factory for ice cream delights. On the way home, Debbie agreed with Tony “you deserved it.” I wouldn’t go so far as saying we deserved having an ice cream treat, however I would say it was a fitting and appropriate. I can’t think of a better reward can you? It sure beat my second-place finish on the run. I won’t talk for Tony as he got a first-place finish.
In any event, keep moving, laughing, smiling and deep breathing.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Mike Keller,Fritz Seyferth,Jack Youngblood and Mental Health
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."– Carl Jung
Did you know that mental health disorder diagnoses are on the rise among American children? Findings at the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 13% to 20% of American children aged 3 to 17 experience mental disorders each year and that percentage has been increasing. The article stated that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has troubling numbers. For example, this statistic / diagnosis among children in the south are approximately 10% while in the west it is 20%. A European psychologist noted that this diagnosis is much higher in the US than it is in Europe. He wondered if the pharmaceutical industry had something to do with or perhaps is contributing to an over diagnosis? This article was found in the May 25-26, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal.
While interviewing Mike Keller, Mark Falcone and Tim Twietmeyer, it was very apparent that these three men spent their time especially in childhood and adolescence involved in sports and activities outside the home. They were not confined to some electronic device and spent their time highly involved in the outdoors. Perhaps, many of the children of today ages 3 to 17 have different experiences. I know the issue of mental health is complex. I also know that child-rearing, parental modeling, and kids exercising their mind and body are important as well. These men, found natural highs as opposed to chemical highs. Further, it is known that that doing well especially with positive human interaction builds self-esteem as contrasted to spending time alone. Do not forget that some of the recent crazies all had impaired interpersonal relationships.
It is no coincidence that these young men (Tony’s age), are living a healthy lifestyle and are doing and following my prescriptions found in “It Has Nothing To Do With Age.” I’m thinking of interviewing Dan Dierdorf, Walt Garrison and Jim Brandstatter as additional interviewees regarding mental toughness.
I am enjoying finding out what makes these men so successful both on and off the field.
In the October, 2010 issue of Trail Runner, there’s a great article regarding trails in Yosemite National Park. The article points out that Yosemite Falls at 2425 feet is the tallest waterfall in North America and El Capitan is a 3000 foot granite monolith. The writer of the article suggests that runners/hikers could consider the Valley Loop Trail which is about 13 miles or so as well as the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail which is about 16 miles. There’s also shorter trail called the Four Mile Trail which is actually 4.8 miles. Another trail worth exploring because of the wonderful topography and breath taking views is the Half Dome round-trip trail which is 14.2 miles. This run has nearly 5000 feet of climbing up and back. This has been called” a must run.” If you haven’t been to Yosemite National Park, I suggest you consider it. And a good time to visit is when school is in session. Forget about it. during summer vacation. There are just too many visitors.
Keep moving, laughing, smiling and belly breathing. Also, check out Thursday's ACT television show with Race Director Craig Thornley.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Mark Falcone,Tim Twietmeyer,John Muir and Western States 100
"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."– Helen Keller
Last Thursday’s TV show with Mark Falcone and Tim Twietmeyer was fun. I learned that Mark was a Boy Scout and credited that organization highly for his love of nature. He also enthusiastically talked about hiking the John Muir Trail for some 225 miles with his wife Tracy. He gave suggestions and ideas for new and potential hikers. He enjoyed his TV appearance thoroughly and volunteered suggestions for other guests to consider.
Tim was his usual, humble self. He talked about his love for all sports as well as his competitive and sports minded family. He also talked a little bit about his Western States strategy which included not burning himself out, keeping hydrated, eating properly, fast walking when tired and listening to his body. He added” once I got to Forest Hill, I knew I just had seven more hours.” one of his more challenging victories at the Western States run was in 1995. He raced against Ann Trason and the Tarahumara Indians. He mentioned that because of their (Indians) reputation he wanted to beat them and he did. Check out the TV link on this blog. http://youtu.be/wr2v3D4JreU
Linda, her Arab Nails and I spent about three hours on the trail Friday. Saturday, Linda and I (not Nails) joined Tony and Debbie at Folsom Lake where we experimented with different kayaks. Linda found one that she liked and is considering getting a new kayak. After leaving the Aquatic Center at Folsom Lake, Tony couldn’t resist and stopped at Baskin Robbins on the way home.
Sunday, Tony, Chris Turney and I ran a tapering run on the trail. We met Bette Smith a WS 100 entrant. Tony and I are tapering for our 30 K., the San Lorenzo, in the Santa Cruz Mountains this coming Saturday. Monday, Chris is planning on joining us for another tapering run.
Craig Thornley the new race director for Western States 100 is our scheduled TV guest on Thursday, June 20.
Don’t forget to keep moving, smiling, laughing and deep breathing
.To be continued
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Fritz Seyferth,Tim Tweitmeyer,Mark Falcone and ACT Television -Part 2
"We must dare to think "unthinkable" thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world."– James William Fulbright
Red has been doing a wilderness trip for 50 years and Fritz for the past five years. I found out, with my discussion with Fritz, more insight into his mental toughness. We talked about his very first experience with Red in the wilderness. According to Fritz, he loves this experience as it puts him in touch with his primitive side. It’s just like being a caveman, in some respect, because two things become very apparent. First, in order to survive, you have to work as a team as well as having to rely on yourself. In other words you have to pitch your own tent and yet cut wood for the group. It’s important to use both sides of your brain including the executive function because you have to gather information, quickly understand the variables and implement and produce. While dealing with all the challenges you’re using your intellectual, mental, emotional and physical and pushing the boundaries to the limits.
Fritz stated that, all too often, using ones work or employment as an example, we simply are not challenged like that. As a result, monotony or boredom can set in. I totally agree with him and what comes to mind was an experiment I learned about in Dr. Jacob Kounin’s psychology class regarding the development and process of satiation. Incidentally, the brilliant Dr. Kounin was a student under the legendary Kurt Lewin.
For me, the most challenging mental and physical experiences where three different one day 100 mile events that I completed in my six decade of life. In the Tevis Cup event my partner was my horse Rader and in the Swanton Pacific Ride and Tie my partners included Jonathan Jordan and my horse Gypsy. In these two ultra events, I had partners and I would only be successful if we worked as a team. Trust me; it’s important to take care of your horse if you want to complete these events. It’s about teamwork.
In the Western States 100, my team was my crew that I saw periodically. So even in that one event, the importance of other people is very clear. Working as a team, relying on others as well as yourself was the key to success. I do not have a problem remembering this concept. In “It Has Nothing To Do With Age “prescription number three addresses this very significant point.
Fritz, I thank you, for sharing and revealing yourself.
I would guess that tomorrow's TV guests Tim and Mark will add more information about mental toughness as well as the importance of teamwork. Those of you that do not know about Tim, he is inhuman as far as his running accomplishments go. I have to find out about his human side and his vulnerabilities.
On another note, I just read an article about the stud farms in Kentucky. In fact according to the Blood-horses Stallions Register there’s about 30 of them. These mansions for these magnificent stallions have a number of perks. To illustrate, a stall might have two windows; partial pastor views; 4 foot tall walls with black metal railings so the horse can see the landscape and garden when the barn doors are open; a digital camera that captures and monitors movement; special feeding such as grains and molasses to complement the pasture, 16 foot ceiling fans to keep the horse cooled and to keep away flies and posts placed outside the fences to prevent injury. So the cost for boarding for one year might be anywhere from $25-$30,000. I don’t know what it would cost to transport your horses to Kentucky. I’m sure that’s extra. This article was found in the Wall Street Journal June 7, 2013.
Yesterday, Tony and I did our 10 or so mile loop on the WS trail. Today, I plan to accompany Linda and her Arabian Nails on the trail. See you on the trail.
Remember to keep moving, laughing, smiling and breathing.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Mike Keller,Tim Tweitmeyer,Mark Falcone,Fritz Seyferth and ACT Television
"We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal and then leap in the dark to our success."– Henry David Thoreau
Last week’s television interview with professional football player Mike Keller was a blast. I had a lot of fun and Tony is a great partner and provided a lot. In some ways it was like three comedians on a reality TV program. On the serious side, we learned that Mike’s competitiveness was related, in part, to his mother’s competitive spirit. According to Mike “she had everyone paddling fast and was always striving.” For example, when he was four years of age, he challenged his mother to a foot race. Of course she didn’t let him win and said “when you get faster come back and we’ll do it again.” So one of Mike’s strong points or his edge was his ability to run faster than anyone else. It was his speed that allowed him to win the battles that took place on the line of scrimmage for this All-American linebacker. He also learned that players had to play supposedly with pain and not with injury. However, he gave two examples of when Jack Youngblood played on a fractured tibia and his Cowboy’s teammate Walt Garrison played with a damaged clavicle. Players were told to “take a couple aspirins and get out there and play.” There was plenty of humor and laughter as well as information on mental toughness. You can catch this program on this Blog. This week’s TV program will feature Tim Twietmeyer and Mark Falcone and their ideas regarding mental toughness.
Yesterday, Chris Turney, Tony and I ran the trail for about 10 miles. I was pleased that I didn’t experience discomfort to my Achilles even traversing Maine Bar.
I have been interviewing Fritz Seyferth regarding mental toughness for my current projects (next book). He is an interesting man to say the least. This man has scored a touchdown in the Rose Bowl; played professional football; was the assistant athletic director at the University of Michigan; and currently consults with coaches and business executives.
Fritz recently spent two weeks in the wilderness with Red Baron(Berenson), the hockey coach at the University of Michigan, couple of recent hockey graduates and a couple of other men. Red’s group was flown into the wilderness near the Blood Vein River and left there with canoes, tents, food, saws etc. . Their mission was to make it back to civilization.
To be continued
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Enhance your Life ,Set a Goal
"The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach."– Benjamin Mays
How many of you think about goal accomplishment? When younger, (20s, 30s, 40s) goal achievement might be related to such things as education or career. However, when a little bit older (50s, 60s) our goals likely change. What is important is that we have a goal which allows us to think about future. Not only that, but we can do research, plan, evaluate, synthesize and use our brain which is necessary for productive and healthy living.
At the age of 80, Yuichiro Miura scaled Mount Everest. This man also scaled Everest at youthful ages of 70 and 75. At the moment he holds the record for being the oldest to reach the world’s highest peak. I do not know when this man first thought about climbing Mount Everest but I do know it had to be prior to age 70.
At the age of 80, Dr. Jim Steere became the oldest to complete the 100 mile one day equestrian Tevis Cup race. This veterinarian and equestrian were around horses for most of his life. As a teenager, he rode some 90+ miles by himself (for 3 days) going from his father’s home to his mother’s. This man had plenty of goals that allowed him to live life to the fullest.
At the age of 82, Lew Hollander completed the Hawaiian Iron Man thereby giving him the record of the oldest to complete the event. Lew also completed the Western States 100 mile one-day endurance run. Being an accomplished horseman, he also completed the Tevis Cup and is a member of the American Endurance Ride Conference Hall of Fame. Even today, Dr. Hollander does not have difficulty with goal setting.
Sharon “Shay” Bintliff, in her late 70s, is the oldest female to ever complete the famous Wahineo Ke Kai Outrigger canoe race from the island of Molokai to Oahu.Doc Shay was on one of the two women Outrigger canoes in 1975. On that date that was the first crossing (40.8 Miles) accomplished by women paddlers.
To learn more about Jim, Lew, Sharon and others I recommend “it Has Nothing To Do With Age .Do not forget to set ego or task goals because it’s good for you.
Tomorrow’s exciting as Tony and I are hosting our first TV talk show on ACT television. This is a brand-new venture for both of us. And once again, I practice what I preach regarding goal setting. I’m thinking and planning about future guests for our program. Mike Keller of the Dallas Cowboys is our guest this week. Next week, Tim Twietmeyer and Mark Falcone will join our program. Your suggestions, for future guests, are welcomed.
Today, Tony, Linda and I had fun as we skyped.
Don’t forget to keep moving, laughing, smiling and deep breathing.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Auburn Community Television with Frank,Tony and Mike Keller
"No one can really pull you up very high — you lose your grip on the rope. But on your own two feet you can climb mountains."– Louis Brandeis
It’s my pleasure to announce that Tony Brickel and I have a new television talk show to be shown on Auburn Community Television. This program will feature men and women who are passionate, inspirational, and have a powerful drive or zest for life. They have, without a doubt, physical, emotional, and mental toughness.
Our first guest is Michael F. Keller. Mike has a wealth of experience in college and professional sports. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and was an all Big Ten linebacker in 1970 and 71, all-American linebacker in 1971. In 1995 he was Voted All-Time Michigan Football Team (Modern Era).Mike played for the legendary Michigan coach Bo Schembechler.
Mike played for the Dallas Cowboys; scouted for the Dallas Cowboys and Seattle Seahawks; and currently is the chief operating officer of the A-11 Pro Football League. Mike played for the legendary Cowboys coach Tom Landry. He is also the founder and CEO of the San Diego Sports Academy.
One of Mike’s references is Roger Goodell, Commissioner of the National Football League. In addition to football, Mike excels at golf, is an accomplished equestrian, Hunter and fly fisherman .He has numerous stories and is a super storyteller. I feel lucky to have him as a friend, and first guest on our show. Mike is also one of the main interviewees of my mental toughness book-project.
Yesterday morning, Tony, Chris Turney, Madhu and I ran on the trail. On our loop we dropped off Chris at his home. The three of us then proceeded to my home covering a distance of roughly a half marathon.
Remember to keep moving, laughing smiling and deep breathing.
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