ADHD and
An article in The New York Times, November 2, 2014 got my
attention. This article was written by a clinical psychiatry professor
regarding A. D. H. D., This professor believes that individuals with this
diagnosis have impaired, dopamine receptors (D2, D3) in their rewards circuits.
And as a result of these lower levels of dopamine receptors, the individual has
more problems with inattention. He went on to say that medication like Adderall
and Ritalin help by blocking the transport of dopamine back into neurons and
this results in increasing their level (dopamine) in the brain.
Further, he went on to say that those that had an ADHD
diagnosis in Paleolithic times had an advantage since these individuals were
nomadic hunter gatherers. Being a hunter gatherer meant that you were on the
search for food and lived the exciting life because you never knew where your
next meal was. It also put you in contact, with many different females because
of always being on the move. For these, activity novelty and movement were a
good thing. And then man discovered, and
invented agriculture. With this discovery came along a life that became more
routine, and likely boring.
In other words, having an ADHD diagnosis was an advantage at
first in the evolutionary cycle, but that all changed with the invention of
agriculture. So today’s ADHD individual seeks curiosity, exploration,
manipulation and activity. And if this is true, how can that individual
function effectively in a rigid sitting like being at a desk in a school
program or sitting at a desk in some office. One theory of motivation is
tension reduction. For these ADHD individuals, tension reduction doesn’t work.
They need an environment that is actually tension induction.
So this psychiatrist believes that it’s important to be in
the right environment for individuals with this diagnosis. More than likely the
ADHD person becomes bored, inattentive and restless in many of today’s venues.
What becomes interesting to some becomes very negative or uninteresting to the
ADHD individual. And an explanation of why some individuals seem to outgrow
their ADHD symptoms is because as adults have found work that is more
interesting, creative and challenging. They don’t have to function on one thing
at one time. They can have three computer screens and leave many Tabs open at
one time and flourish in that activity.
It is also clear that some computer games are more drive inductive
(inducing), which means the more you play the more excitement and challenge. If
you have a child or know somebody that does have an ADHD diagnosis or is doing
poorly in school, it might be related to the school environment. And if you
don’t want to use meds, then think about changing the school or the teaching
philosophy. A Montessori, more hands-on or even a technical training school
might assist greatly.
As you know, it’s my motto to keep moving, smiling,
laughing, appreciating, bonding, and loving.
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