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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Successful Anti aging

  A number of years ago a friend presented me, for my birthday , with the book titled "Stopping the Clock '' written by doctors Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman.  This book is about anti aging and  was a welcome resource at that time as it benefited me while competing  in Ride and Tie.  It complimented my workouts with important information physiologically.  Anti Aging research and  being a competitive athlete  was perfect, as this book has become one of my  references. Today's disquisition incorporates personal secrets from these two anti aging medicine pioneers and my story.  The examples are intended to be a model for successful anti aging.

Dr. Goldman, a physician and surgeon, received his second doctorate in steroid biochemistry.  Also, he's a karate , black belt , Chinese weapons expert, former world champion strength athlete, holding over 20 world strength records and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.  Aside from being a 3 time winner of the  John F. Kennedy Physical Fitness Award , Athlete of the Year, Champions Award and  inducted in the World Hall of Fame of Physical Fitness, he also set a world record in handstand push-ups with 321 repetitions.

Few of Dr. Goldman's secrets in his personal longevity program are as follows: 1.  One hour a day of aerobic exercise with light resistance training six times a week.  2.  Multivitamin supplements include-vitamin A, thiamin, folic acid, calcium, chromium picolinate, odorless garlic, ginseng, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, feverfew, vitamin E, B12,and black currant oil.  3.  Dietary protocol: high carbohydrate, low-fat diet mainly poultry and  three pieces of fresh fruit a day, six glasses of water a day.  4.  Alcohol minimal, if any, red wine .5, other information -seldom eats fried foods, red meat or shellfish.  6.  Sleep 4 to 5 hours a day. 7. Relaxation techniques - aerobic exercise.

 Dr. Ronald Klatz is a foremost authority in preventive /longevity medicine and maximum human  performance.  He has many publications and is the author of best-selling books.  He's a founder and president of the American Longevity  Research Institute and awarded the prestigious INPEX                           Gold Medal in  science and president of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine.  He’s co-founder of National Academy of Sports Medicine and co-publisher of the Professional’s Journal Sports Fitness and the  NASM Journal of Certified Personal Fitness Trainers.

A few of Dr. Klatz's secrets from his personal longevity program include the following: 1.  Exercise: 30 minutes aerobic workout including walking, stair climbing and weight training five times a week.  2.  Supplements: vitamin C, E,A, selenium, niacin, chromium picolinate, lysine, acetyl carnitine, coQ10 ginkgo biloba ,chlorella ,melatonin, thyroid hormone , DHEA , deprenyl and aspirin 3.  Dietary protocol : 8 glasses of distilled water with lemon, omnivore primarily vegetarian . limit red meat and fried food, fresh fruit twice a day.  4  Rest: 30 minute nap  5.  Stress reliever : Aerobic exercise program.

A few secrets from my personal longevity program include the following: 1.  Exercise: 12 to 14 hour workouts,  6- 7 days a week includes running, jogging and walking some hills .  Two sets of chin-ups 3 to 5 times a week  use of bands and pickle ball 2.  Supplements: zinc, selenium, co-Q10, B12, B6, B complex, vitamin C, D3, fish oil, turmeric, rosemary, fennel seed,  and sesame seed.    3.  Dietary protocol: glasses of water, green tea, modified Mediterranean diet, grass fed beef, goat cheese, yogurt, MCT Oil  with 12-14 hour fasting between meals 4.  Rest:  nap.  5.  Stress reliever : progressive relaxation and aerobic exercise 6.  Daily : 3Rs include reading, writing and running. 

Should be noted that anti  aging medicine is changing, based on research.  Therefore, what might have been  good yesterday  might not be good today.  Further, diets generally don't work, likely because it's limited and not a significant part of  one's lifestyle .  In other words, repetition is necessary, with a significant psychological benefit, reward or pleasure for ongoing success.  Progress and evaluation are also key components.  My book titled "It Has Nothing To Do With Age"  , has 7  healthy life expectancy components and depicts athletes 65 years of age ,still competing, making good choices and thoroughly enjoying the competitive part of their lifestyle. For me, lifestyle, health ,learning and competition is who I am, my identity.   

For example, my physical activity  lifestyle facilitates an opportunity to meet many psychological needs. 1.Abasement : to seek pain   2.  Achievement : to rival , surpass others , to master, and to accomplish something difficult  3.  Affiliation: to enjoyably cooperate or reciprocate with an allied other .To adhere and to remain loyal to a friend   4. Aggression : to overcome opposition and  to oppose forcefully. 5.  Autonomy: to be independent  6.  Counteraction :to overcome weakness.  To maintain self-respect and pride on a high level 7.  Deference: to admire and to praise 8.  Dominance: to control one's human environment .To influence and direct behavior of others by suggestion 9.  Exhibition :  to make an impression  10.  Play : to act for fun, to laugh, make jokes .To seek enjoyable relaxation of stress. To participate in games, sports, dancing 11 .  Understanding: to  be interested in theory . To speculate, formulate, analyze and generalize. 

 Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand.  It's not surprising, I have an interest in health as my father was a juvenile diabetic.  I witnessed his difficulty and discouragement from his medical condition daily.  Side note,  my  dad was born in Baltimore and my younger brother is a physician  living in Maryland.  There is nothing easy about maintaining one's health as much of it pertains to choices.  According to Woody Allen " Some people try to achieve immortality through their offspring or their works.  I prefer to achieve immortality by not dying." According to Epictetus “ Only the educated are free.”


Murray, H. A. Explorations in Personality.


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