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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Capitalism and Illness



The medical health , insurance , food   and pharmaceutical industry exploits and contributes to man’s needs and cravings so that about 70% of American adults are obese or overweight with its negative  ramifications  . Instead of working to address this complex problem,the   pharmaceutical industry has produced a  quick “fix “ with GLP-1 drugs like  Ozempic ,Wegovy, Mounjaro ,  Semaglutide and Zepbound in order to  lower blood sugar  and  appetite cravings . .Two articles in the New York Times titled “The documented benefits of Ozempic,Wegovy and other GLP-1 drugs keep growing by the week-and we have no idea where it will end “ on 4/28/24 and  “Remedy Sought to Counter Muscle Loss from  Ozempic on 2/11/ 24 are  the topics of this essay.  

It’s not surprising that we have poor  mental and physical  health results.  Food addiction and the multitude of problems associated with obesity and being overweight are staggering.  These conditions include heart disease, stroke,  hundreds of other comorbidities and death.  The first article praised the benefits of these drugs but didn't make clear the research to support the many uses or long term effects of these GLP-1 drugs.

GLP.1 drugs have been used to treat  the following : 1. Type 1 diabetes  2.. Moderate to severe kidney disease 3. Reducing fatty liver deposits in patients with HIV and nonalcoholic steatotic liver disease; 4. Menstrual cycles of those with  polycystic ovary syndrome; 5. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, 6. depression, anxiety,and schizophrenia, 7. Alcoholism and drug addiction 8.; Compulsive shopping, and sex addiction 9. Gambling , nail biting ,smoking and skin picking. Wow!

GLP-1 drugs are extremely expensive and cost more than private companies currently pay per employee into employer-based insurance in total.  At present  ,few private insurers cover the cost of  these drugs for weight loss.  Researchers calculated that at current prices, the cost of providing these GLP 1 drugs to all Americans who could benefit from them would grow past.  $1 trillion annually . This amount is more than the full annual cost of Medicare, or even that of the US military .

 The second article addressed the wonders of capitalism .Profiters  are creative in developing  ways to counteract the muscle loss that can happen with these medications.  Not only does the individual lose body weight but also significant muscle loss  . Post menopausal women in particular are at risk for becoming frail or developing osteoporosis.  It was pointed out that older individuals are also at high risk because of weakness, fatigue and falling episodes that result in more complications.  It was stated, according to one physician, that losing weight doesn't always translate into becoming  healthier.

Numerous  companies   for profit are now creating services that include  : 1.Strength training; nutritionist  and meal delivery services  with plans to help patients eat enough protein; 2. Drug companies like Eli Lily are  developing combination treatments that prevent  just muscle loss .  They are also creating  other compounds to help people achieve more optimal balance of muscle and fat which can even imitate hormones produced during exercise that can improve muscle metabolism function.  The article went on to list a number of other programs with various methods to deal with this current money bonanza .

There are two ways to fight muscle loss that include eating  the right amount of protein and doing  some form of strength training . As a result, companies are capitalizing on both  : 1.Making protein shakes 2. Meal delivery services with a new companion food collection 3.Connecting people with dietitians  that provide protein intake and pay attention to the risk of malnutrition.  4. Behavioral health coaching for weight loss  5 . Online  fitness videos and  a protein tracker scale. 6.Personal training for people on these  medications.  7. A platform partnering with a viral care company with prescribed weight loss drugs and development of a muscle guard exercise program.

Pleasure for  profit exploits a  humans' addiction  for  the  pursuit of  food for comfort and pleasure . And, the corporate food industry creates and reinforces addiction with unhealthy fat, sugar , salt and chemically laden  foods . .Also, corporate food establishments offer  extraordinary unhealthy meal portions .Furthermore ,a  profitable corporate   healthcare industry  complex  identifies and treats illnesses  like obesity ,cardiovascular  disease and diabetes largely based on lifestyle choices  . Profitable Big Pharma comes to the rescue with innovating products to treat but not cure. Meanwhile creative  enterprises  offer diets and exercise regimens to assist with the erroneous lifestyle decisions . In essence, no one has to change their pursuits . Unfortunately,  capitalism and health are  the problem as they are too interrelated.   .


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