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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Iron Heel

 In 1908 Jack London's The Iron Heel was published.  This was a story about rebellion by socialists against the powerful capitalist oligarchy.  This oligarchy consisted of a few in government , banks, and industrialists  that were squeezing  and exploiting the  middle and proletarian class . This aristocracy, although unidentified,  dealt with  the resistance by employing a number of powerful tactics including  their paid army  of mercenaries. This essay refers to that class struggle .

London's story was told by Avis, from a manuscript, the protagonist and wife of Ernest Everhard.  London's powerful novel foreshadows the development of facism in the United States.  Avis perceives Ernest as masculine , bulging muscles with a prizefighter's throat, but under the guise of an intellectual swashbuckler who was delicate and sensitive in spirit .” That glint of laughter in his eyes that belied the impassioned seriousness of his face.  And there were further reaches of vagueness and energy, and feelings that stirred in me. … She went on to say his written word was as clear and convincing..... He had the gift of lucidity.  He was the perfect expositor... He played to great stress what he called the class struggle, antagonism between labor and capital, the conflict of interest. “

Ernest was a social leader, a reformer , an acknowledged leader in the philosophy of socialism.  He called the conflict  a class struggle. the  antagonism between labor and capital, a conflict of interest.  Ernest  viewed the Masters as common , selfish, greedy, intellectually stupid ,materialistic, full of contradictions,  with hypocrisy and their morality and spirituality sickening. Also, men were in poverty and had difficulty finding food, clothing and shelter irrespective  of  the number of children in the labor force .  In spite of the  great production of the day, the caveman had it better than many, suggesting clearly that capitalism has mismanaged this society. Moreover , Ernest sang the song of man.  He did it out of sheer love of man,and  for man he gave his life and was crushed.  And all this  he did with no hope of future reward . In his conception of things, there was no future life.

Wickson spokesman for the aristocracy. "We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upon your faces.  The world is ours.  We are its lords and ours It shall remain..... There is the word.  It is the king of words.-Power. “ Wickson describes the iron heel of capitalism , its oligarchy ,despotism , the autocracy of the wealthy bankers ,railway giants, corporation directors , and trust magnates.  Power is the strength of wealth and wealth is a means to power and power is governmental plutocracy  which has all the power, makes its laws ,owns the Senate, Congress, courts, state legislatures and  directs the  army, navy,police and militia.

 This power for its own sake , is self perpetuating and is subject to no higher laws beyond good and evil.  Trump committed  numerous criminal acts, disregarded the Constitution to remain in power over the 2020 election results. When will those trials take place ?

.London wrote that power was concentrated in the complex network of economic, political, legal, and cultural.  It's run by a small number of people- groups served by a wide range of interests. Today, the Republicans have power with the Supreme Court; House of Representatives; control the Congress with filibuster use ; with numerous governors , state legislatures and federal judges like Canon in Florida.

Jack London's contempt and his criticism describes  the disastrous effects of capitalism that pertains to the middle class and  the proletariat in our country  Some examples follow: London believed there was an alliance between finance, politics with unequal wages that contributed to  a declining  middle-class as well as a caste system of skilled labor over others. Also,people were caught between  the masters of capitalism and others  that contributed  to a mindless mass of misery and disgust for far too many .  Currently we have income and wealth inequality . In 2010, the top 5% of US households received more than 24% of total after-tax income, compared to the lowest 20%  that received slightly more than 6%..  Many ,especially white male Americans , are dissatisfied, envious and in  rage and armed with their  guns . Not surprisingly,we've gone from 19th to 23rd on the happiness scale.  Finland remains number one.

 London believed that the ability to sway and influence others was based on charisma, masculinity,and a  personality cult  with hero worship.  The authoritarian Trump fits that description.  There was a 2020  poster with Trump's head on a muscular armed Rambo body .


Jack London believed that we are "free agents."  and were suppressed by the merciless industrial machine.  In other words, the system was rigged and exploitative  by the powerful .Not only that but individuals were emotionally complicit with the powerful capitalistic system even though it was contrary to their interests. Jackson, a machine operator, worked 18 hour shifts in order to support his family.  He was injured by attempting to protect his hazardous machine  after long hours.  The company's lawyer won the case because the managers testified in favor of the company in order to protect their employment .They knew that Jackson deserved compensation but were afraid to say so.  


 According to London, the oligarchy understands and exploits the others by keeping the institutions of law and media complicit.  The power controls and propagates lies as with  Trump’s excessive  media coverage regarding the 2020 election results , about his unfair trials ,  his Supreme Court and Judge Canon’s rulings are illustrations .  

London interpreted that the Government creates a state of emergency and then violates its own constitutional principles.  After 9/11 we've had the Patriot Act,incarceration at Guantanamo Bay and Homeland Security violating our own  laws. 

Another important point made by Avis: “ The aristocracy of man with innate intelligence tends to make him superior to the people he represents.  They speak to the masses but do not represent the common man.  Trump’s  sadistic rhetoric toward others is just one example .The ruling class also succeeds in preserving the established order by manufacturing and molding the consent of public opinion with its  lies and false comparisons . Lies become the  norm.  In other words, politicians, and Fox continue to lie repeatedly.  They make comparisons that are irrational with false equivalents and attempt to normalize the craziness.  This is an authoritarian, nationalist and fascist right wing system of government and is congruent with Trump’s  Republican Party.

 Another London prophecy.  "When the oligarchs have completely mastered the people, they will have time to spare for other things.  They will become worshipers of beauty.  They will become art lovers and under their direction generously rewarded will toil the artist.  The result will be great art;  for no longer, as yesterday, will the artist pander to the  bourgeois taste of the middle class." And the idea of grab sharing "give us more pay and charge it to the public," was the slogan of the strong unions.  And here and there the selfish policy worked successfully.  In charging it to the public, it was charged to the great mass of unorganized labor and of weekly organized labor.

London  did not   forget  the power and influence of religion, as there was a religious revival.  And truly, the religious revival assumed formidable proportions. “ The people, what of their wretchedness, and other disappointment in all things earthly, were ripe and eager for a heaven where industrial tyrants entered no more than camels passed through needl-e eyes .... God had stirred the nations to strife.  It was a time of visions and prophetesses were legion.”

London's treatise describes power as  an important part of man's nature and/or ego needs within a society . Man begins life anxious and fearful , compensates and  some seek  an excessive amount of power for survival  and control .  Power encompasses  other  aspects of  his ego needs  that include and are related to - Achievement ( to manipulate , to rival and surpass human beings), Aggression,( to oppose  or punish another) autonomy( to be irresponsible) and Dominance ( to control one’s human environment).  London adds  that the ordinary man is selfish “as long as he lives in a social system based on pig’s ethics.” And we can include  narcissism and egotism to that description.  “The  excessive   strivings for power serve not only as a protection against anxiety but also as a channel through which repressed hostility can be discharged . “   London's  The Iron Heel describes and explains man's employing  power while engaging in a capitalistic economy within the class struggle.  Capitalists rule and are supreme. It doesn’t seem to matter that  an authoritarian, nationalist and fascist right wing system of government has political power. 

 A scary thought about  elections: "The Grangers who had been elected were not permitted to take office.  The Incumbents refused to get out.  It was very simple.  They merely changed the legality in the elections and wrapped up the whole situation in the interminable redtape of the law.  The Grangers were powerless.  The courts were the last recourse, and the courts were in the hands of their enemies."

History repeats because man’s history is based on  ego needs which are aspects of his nature within society .For instance,our Civil War; KKK and Nazi gatherings in New York; Lindbergh's isolationist WW11 policies; father Coghlin's hate ,sedition trial and  McCarthyism are just a few examples that pertain and repeat  our hate, prejudice, discrimination regardless of the year . Personally, just prior to adolescence, my union president father was anonymously accused  and charged of being a communist because of his association with his friend James.  James was married and his  wife ,at one time,  supposedly  was a communist . James was fired from his government job, my father was not.  I remember visiting this family with my father and playing with their son. Was I communist - guilt by association ?  Today, the billionaire oligarchs aren't protesting against the anti-Democratic , anti rule of law, book and abortion banning  authoritarian and felon threat posed by Trump and his Republican tribe.  If they do not protest, they condone.


Horney, Karen.  The Neurotic Personality of Our Time.

Murray, H.  A.  Explorations in Personality.  


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