The behavior of Homo sapiens are varied , contradictory, complex and it can be argued whether or not man has an essence or human nature. With that in mind, are a couple of ideas pertaining to man’s motivational tendencies including benign and malignant aggression
A few examples of ideas from the days of old, depicting man, incorporating his ability to think and his aggression related to good or evil. 1.Socrates suggested that it was man's ignorance that was the source of his disposition. His evilness was a vice and man's error 2. The Old Testament described man's disobedience. This disobedience (benign aggression) was a basis for man's self-awareness ,for his capacities to choose between good and that of evil, and that man must choose between good , evil ,blessing, curse, life and death. And it was the messengers and prophets that taught the norms which led to the realization of goodness.; Identify the evil and to warn and to protest but it was man's decision and his alone. They also recognized that if man does evil, he becomes more evil as represented by Pharaoh's heart which hardened because he kept on doing evil . 3. In the Middle Ages, Augustine described man's nature as corrupt( Adam's fall was malignant aggression. Each generation was born with the curse caused by man's disobedience and only God , the church and its sacraments could save man. 4. Later ,in the Middle Ages, were the ideas and beliefs in man's dignity, power and natural goodness 5. Luther and Calvin expressed man's intrinsic (malignant aggression) evilness,and powerlessness . The greatest obstacle for man was his pride that he can only overcome by guilt feelings ,repentance, unqualified submission to God and faith in God's mercy.
Psychologically speaking, Freud believed in reason ,the right to protect man’s natural claims against societal conditions within the existence of cultural pressures;. He saw man as lazy, self-indulgent, and had to be assisted to be socially useful . He also saw man's irrationality and destructiveness .Further, a mentally healthy individual was one that was able to love and work productively.
In the “archaic “ and “old” brain structures of Homo sapiens are areas associated with aggression ( Hunger ,fight or flight ,fear responses, defending territory, keeping safe) and research has shown they can be activated or deactivated. Aggression is built in and necessary for man's survival and has been identified as an ego need. We witness the newborn expressing aggression by biting the nipple, crying , thrashing all related to its survival ; in the terrible twos we see more aggression, disobedience, and the power of no which is not related to the infant's survival. Furthermore, when a youngster says to his mother, "I hate you" that's an example of benign aggression and very likely the child is angry with no intellectual concept of the emotion of hate.
Aggression can be classified as benign when it's in the service and associated with survival. It's a biologically adaptive defensive reaction. Of course, another response could also be fleeing and escaping the danger. On the other hand, malignant aggression is not associated with survival and in fact at times, the individual perpetuating the aggression seems to enjoy , find favor and satisfaction in those actions.
With development the following occurs in various degrees depending on a multitude of factors. 1. A tendency for moving toward another as in dependence , love and cooperation. 2. A tendency for aggression, domination, exploitation in moving against another. 3. A tendency to withdraw from others as in self protection 4. A tendency for thinking rationally , irrationally , feeling , perceiving and sensing ..
As a child, I didn't like Brussels sprouts. I complained but didn't understand that Brussels sprouts were good for me and perhaps if they were prepared differently, I might've liked them. Thinking, feelings of disgust and benign aggressiveness were displayed . Much later, I began playing competitive football. In this game, in order to get the coaches attention, I aggressively dominated a teammate. During those benign aggressive encounters, I didn't like my teammate. I didn't hate him, but he certainly wasn't a friend at that point.but an external obstacle or threat . As my football career progressed. I learned about Denby's bitter rival-Pershing. I didn't hate them, but I thoroughly disliked them. One Friday evening during a football game.there was a knife fight and someone was seriously injured . That was the end of Friday evening football and the games were moved to Friday afternoon. Certainly, there was irrationality ,feelings of hate with sadistic and malignant aggression expressed between those combative individuals.
Currently, an article titled "Hate 'Em If You Want. They're Still on Top" In the February 9, 2025 edition of the New York Times was about the Kansas City Chiefs dominance; they are hated just like Tom Brady and the New England Patriots were before because of, in part, the envy over Mahome's ability and the Eagles seeking revenge. What goes on between one's ears and stays there even if irrational, can be classified as benign aggression. However, once those thoughts or feelings are expressed against another, it becomes malignant aggression.Thinking that you hate and are envious of Brady or Mahomes suggests shortcomings and the irrational .Blaming them is scapegoating . That thinking suggests that man's intellect is weak un reliable and influenced by various desires and passions. However, expressing hate, slander, and misinformation on social media is not benign aggression but malignant aggression. That passion of hate and expression is irrational and malignant because Brady and Mahome pose no real threat to one's well-being, safety and security. However, with malignant aggression, that passion of hate comes from within and is a character flaw of that individual.
There's a relationship between rational , irrational thinking, feeling and behavior. Emotions influence thinking and behavior and thinking influences emotions and behavior. In other words, a certain type of thinking leads to and is in concert with a certain type of emotions and behavior as described by Albert Ellis. For example,the emotion of hate can be based in some form of rationality like when there's an actual external threat affecting freedom, ideas or life like in war. Yes, the government can and does create illusions of some external threat and create hate. Do we need to acquire Greenland for security purposes ? I thought Russia's now an ally .Hating or disliking Pershing , Brussels sprouts ,Brady or Mahomes is not a threat to freedom, ideas , survival or life. It was simply irrational hateful thinking .
On the other hand , a hostile person who is committed to hate ,expresses a malignant aggressive tendency to hurt and harm another . In this case, the stimulus comes from within. This inner hate is a component and associated with one’s character orientation . These individuals blame and scapegoat others for their hate and their actions are then rationalized .
Frustration is one example related to aggression. Take the propaganda related to the so-called 2020 stolen election that resulted in violence. In this example, Trump’s needs, desires were frustrated when he lost and as a result, an enemy was created and scapegoated as the cause. In other words, frustration of a need, a desire can result in malignant aggression. Also, with Trump’s frustration and hostility the feeling of envy(wanting what Biden has) and feeling of jealousy was triggered by emotions of inadequacy, helplessness, anger, fear and resentment .
Violence and aggression are also associated with revenge even though the injury( lost election,impeachment etc.) has already occurred . And revenge won't magically change the original assault . It's an eye for an eye mentality and Gandhi once said “Makes the whole world blind.” Trump has selected numerous individuals in his cabinet and others to go after his political enemies. This active revengeful malignant aggression will not restore his self-esteem. It's simply his neurotic desire to protect his inflated ,unrealistic image of himself to regain control and reduce anxiety. The intensity of the revenge resulting from him being impeached ,the breakup of his economic holdings in New York, and being a convicted felon are some of the obvious factors pertaining to this man's character inadequacies
.More specifically, hate, and/destructiveness are inherent in all humans. However, note that in Albert Maslow's theory of self-actualization, there was a significant absence of hateful malignant tendencies toward others. These individuals were more fully developed- intellectually ,emotionally, sensually and productively. Individuals studied gave to others and helped create a better society . One can be aggressive or oppose forcefully when necessary .His sample achieved, mastered , overcame obstacles, excelled, and surpassed others. They cooperated with others, were affectionate and were loyal individuals. They were healthy . Spinoza ,Marx ,Freud, Spencer and others also wrote about man's developing self and being productive within society.
One's early experiences, genetics, socioeconomics, and other factors influence development of character, personality ,create and influence tendencies for developing mental health ,illness and hate. With illness and hate , these individuals have limitations, blockages ,and traumatic experiences in their experience during development. They are not self-actualized, but with their limited intellectual, emotional aspects, they fail to fully develop themselves .And as a result of these limitations, their malignant aggressive destructiveness is directed inward toward self and outward toward others. When the self is fully actualized, there's an important absence or limitation of hate and malignant aggression toward others .
According to Freud, man has a certain amount of psychic energy .If there is blockage of a spontaneous expression of sensory, emotional, physical and intellectual energy, this occurrence affects the ability to grow and develop .In other words, man’s productivity and potential for fully living becomes compromised. This blockage is the result of individual and social casualties .Then,the blocking of life furthering energy becomes transformed into destructive energy Thus, when a significant amount of the psychic energy is directed malignantly, that leaves little or less opportunity for growth, well-being and benefiting others .
In summation , the actions of benign and malignant aggression characterizes man. There are many examples of benign aggression in sports and everyday interactions.. Unfortunately, current examples of Trump’s GOP ,social media, movies, TV, novels etc. are filled with malignant aggressiveness that characterize man's negative passions such as hate, sadism, masochism, destructiveness, jealousy, envy, narcissism and so forth. Further, the power of malignant suggestion in propaganda is too prevalent and reflects divisiveness. Human passions of love and tenderness don't seem as prevalent today. The governmental actions of Trump ,Musk, the GOP are deplorable and yet a recent poll found that 30% trusted Trump’s positions .
Brain Injury. Institute for Natural Resources.
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