“It Has Nothing to Do with Age” is a book about individuals who push themselves to physical extremes and who believe they have defied the aging process. If you are at least 30, 40, 50 years of age, join them in such sports as: theTevis Cup, the Dipsea, the Western States 100, the 100 mile ride and tie, the Hawaiian Ironman, the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
The Age of Escapism Part 3
If we participate in yoga, we can insulate ourselves from others, and withdraw to lower our breathing rate and blood pressure. Numerous other health benefits such as energy level, mood, executive function, and ability to control thoughts and emotions have correlated with this positive way to withdraw from everyday life. If we attend a sporting event, we yell, scream and experience enjoyment when our team wins or sadness and disgust when we lose. During the game, we can experience many emotions and not think about our personal issues, stresses and demands. We’re given permission to love our team and hate the opponent. We don’t have time to deal with our own issues as we externalize, project and identify with something outside ourselves. Another way to lose oneself is to read a best-selling novel. We can identify with the protagonist and live vicariously within the story. These are just a few escape mechanisms and if employed in moderation, they are benign. Yes, they do work, in that they block out troubling thoughts.
On the other hand, we can consume alcohol, especially at a party or social event in order to loosen up and” enjoy” oneself. Once again, alcohol distorts one’s reality. Some people even become friendlier, while others become drowsy. All the commercials show young people drinking alcohol with smiles on their faces. The messages say” simply distort reality so you can have fun.” We can take drugs, since being in an inebriated state must be superior to present reality. Becoming addicted makes it a medical problem, which gives it cover for otherwise poor choices, inadequate heredity, etc. if it’s a medical problem, then insurance can pay for the treatment. We forget to see that consequence in all the fun loving commercials.
However, our current favorite escape mechanism is to be found within the electronics explosion. We can carry our cell phone, provided we have a deep enough pocket, and entertain ourselves almost 24-7. We don’t even have to call someone with our phone device. We can text them, we can play games with them, we can listen to music, we can ask our device questions, we can get directions, etc. etc. What happens when we can’t find our cell phone partner? We become anxious like fearful parents that have lost their child. Find the cell phone and the anxiety lessons. We are dependent and addicted to our escape mechanism called cell phones.
Man, may seek momentary pleasure by consuming that milkshake but on the other hand it creates long-term negative health consequences for self. Man may opt for surgery to minimize current pain and that then creates negative health consequences, as in knee replacements that only last for a certain period. Man attempts, at times, to minimize pain as the goal and some might call this seeking happiness. Falling in love is another escape mechanism commonly employed. However, the chemicals involved in this process are short-lived and do not last forever. Our statistics on marriage and divorce continue to bear this out.
Living and coping with reality has evolved over time. We no longer have just alcohol and drugs to numb our senses. We now have many more opportunities. The early hunters and gatherers had to do just that, while creating lodging and safety. Early on they discovered more “civilized” ways of escape in the process. Since then we have mastered it beautifully. If you’re pursuing happiness, tell me how it turned out.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
The Age of Escapism Part 2
On the biological level, an aging body can reach havoc proportions and that clearly affects the health, and the health care delivery system in our country. On a personal level, a young mid-60s, athlete friend was diagnosed with ALS, as was Dwight Clark, the former San Francisco 49er hero. We have an obesity problem in our country that just makes things go more badly for the health and welfare of individuals. We also have preponderance of non -curable diseases that limit the health span of many.
It seems to me that the pursuit of pleasure, pursuit of happiness and avoidance of pain, tell only part of the human story. It’s apparent that the motivation of individuals also seek escape from the realities of being. Yes, it’s clear that natural disasters and our biology contribute to life’s unpleasantness. Civilization, culture, society add to life’s challenges.
A brief list of articles found in the magazine 9/29/17 of The Week included these titles: 1. College: the trouble with Ivy League schools 2. Obama care: why the uninsured are happy. 3. Facebook it secret experiment on users 4. Breast-feeding: the politics of mother’s milk. 5. Regulation: putting a price on life. 6. Russia: no protection for our kids in America. The list goes on with all these articles pertaining to the vast array of negatives currently going on in our society. We turn to radio, TV, movies and social media and pile on more hate, destruction, fear, anger, and disgust. It affects all of us negatively.
As humans, we are skilled at the distortion of reality and who can blame us? With the threat of nuclear war, political ineffectiveness, the dying middle class, war on terror or whatever, and interacting with our fellow humans, it’s obvious that we are stressed, anxious, uncomfortable and fearful. Life is not only difficult, but it’s hazardous to our health. We have learned to escape. We are living in the “Age of Escapism.” Escape is the distortion, change or modification of the physiology {neurotransmitters, pleasure-pain centers and executive functions} of the brain and the psychological {thinking, perception, feeling, mood changes, memory and motoric functions} taking place within our state of being. Escape is so widespread that more than likely people who employ and rely on an escape mechanism, then erroneously label themselves happy. Remember, according to Epicurus, it’s only our thinking that puts labels on good and bad. We are experts at deceiving ourselves.
To Be Continued
Friday, October 27, 2017
The Age of Escapism
Philosopher [Aristotle], religious icons [St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas], past president of the United States [Thomas Jefferson], economist [Paul Ananad] and psychologist [Albert Maslow]are some that have written about happiness. Happiness has been referred to as a rational activity, employing ethical behavior, being an ultimate goal in life, found in self-actualization, and attainable in the life after. It has been positively correlated with GDP, GNP as useful measures of successful economic policy. Also, there is a positive association between happier nations and richer nations as well.
It has been stated that good mental health and good interpersonal relationships contribute more than income to happiness. However, the German philosopher Nietzsche, on the other hand, criticized the notion of happiness as in his words,” it makes one contemptible.” He believed that attaining and achieving difficult goals were a higher ideal as opposed to pursuing mere self-serving happiness.
Interestingly, it’s been found that happiness does not correlate highly with physical health. Perhaps one of the difficulties with this concept is the number of its many employable definitions. Some psychologists see happiness as an emotion, while others attempt to incorporate various associations with the happiness notion like Seligman. Seligman found the following factors correlated with happiness or well-being: 1. Pleasure 2. Engagement 3. Relationships 4 Meaning and 5. Accomplishments. I have no argument, if we’re talking about well-being. The above factors, no doubt, contributed to well-being.
Psychologist Paul Ekman studied the relationship of facial expressions to emotional states. He identified five major emotions that included: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, and enjoyment. Note that four of his emotional states are negative. Even if we include happiness within Ekman’s classification of enjoyment, the one positive emotion is outweighed by four negative emotional states.
The preponderance of negative emotional states for human beings make sense as man is confronted with natural disasters, frailty of the mind and body during the lifelong process along with the development of civilization, society and culture. Within our society we have to deal with interpersonal drama, unions, losses, employment challenges, economic uncertainties, political shenanigans, along with the threat of war etc.
Just recently, there was horrendous human suffering as a result of the season of hurricanes in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. Furthermore, the deadly fire in Santa Rosa, California devastated that community. These natural disasters caused havoc with individuals who experienced too much anger, fear, sadness and disgust. There was not a whole lot of happiness to be experienced.
To Be Continued
Friday, October 20, 2017
Do College Football Rankings Matter?
According to the college football national rankings and the media, Saturday’s game between the Wolverines and the Nittany Lions is a big deal. At the moment, Penn State is ranked number 2 in the polls, while Michigan is ranked either 15 or 19. Many of you know that the 100+ college football teams in Division I are ranked prior to even playing their first season game. Of course, there’s great variability in terms of football history, past season success, previous week’s ranking, level of competition, etc. per school or university .Despite all the many variables, there’s no shortage of the rankings. Accuracy and reliability of the pools are suspect to say the least.
Rankings are used as if they are the gospel. If a higher ranked team gets beat, it’s called an upset irrespective of where the game was actually played, weather conditions, number of player injuries or suspensions, or whether or not it’s a rivalry game. Two weeks ago, Harbaugh’s Wolverines lost to unranked Michigan State University. MSU has been a very significant rival. That close scoring game was played in very rainy weather conditions. The Maize and Blue beat themselves by fumbling twice along with throwing three interceptions. After the games that week, Michigan was ranked ahead of now ranked MSU. Per last week’s football games, MSU is now ranked higher than Michigan.
At this time, PSU has a 6-0 record. None of their victories have been attained against a top {1 through 25 ranked team}. Buy the same token, at this point. Michigan has a 5-1 record against all unranked {1 through 25} teams. These two Big Ten schools have played one common Big Ten team that being Indiana. Penn State blew them out while Michigan beat them in overtime last week.
Penn State is heavily favored to beat the Wolverines on their home field. Using various statistics, currently, they are a 9.5 favorite to beat Harbaugh’s Wolverines. According to statistics, the Wolverines have an outstanding defense, which will be tested Saturday evening. It’s their offense that makes them statistically underdogs. Michigan, earlier in the season, lost its starting quarterback. The current quarterback is John O’ Korn. As a result of John’s three interceptions against MSU, the passing attack was practically nonexistent against Indiana. That nonexistent passing attack was the result of Harbaugh’s decision to limit O’Korn’s decision-making options. If that’s the case Saturday, the Wolverines are in big trouble.
According to Thom Darden, U of M, All-American, all Pro, Hall of Fame Cleveland Browns defensive back, Harbaugh has to allow O’ Korn the freedom, instinct’s and flexibility to play quarterback without the play calling restrictions. Only then will the Wolverines have a fighting chance to whip the Nittany Lions in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania.
In sports, as far as competition and playing performance goes, the time, the day, the competition or the event is always unique and different Last year’s whipping of Penn State in Ann Arbor was just history. Every game brings its own sets of variables. There is not one college team, at this point, that looks unbeatable, except maybe Alabama. However, we won’t crown the 2017 college football champion until January of next year. It’s a long football season.
Go Blue!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Guns and Tension Systems Part 2
It is been reported that 3% of the gun owners have acquired 50% of the weapons, or have an average of 17 guns per individual. Because of the unconscious, conscious rationalizations, distortions, irrationality and illusions, it makes it difficult to ascertain the magic number of killing weapons required for the meaning of security. Of course, individuals very. However, it’s unlikely, that any amount of weaponry can result in total or prolonged bliss, happiness or sense of safety in our violent culture. One thing that’s constant is change and change is constant. Events continue to happen.
Since, gun ownership has an underlying emotional significance, and dealing with the issue can’t be reasoned rationally, it’s relatively simple for politicians, gun manufacturers, advertisers and their spokesman’s to enhance and/or or provoke the underlying fear, insecurity dynamic by saying” the government is going to take your guns; if everybody in that concert had a weapon; more guns are going to make us more safe,” etc.
On the other side of the aisle, we hear things like we need gun ownership regulation; background checks; eliminating the bump stock add on; eliminating automatic and semiautomatic weapons; reducing ammunition rounds , etc. .These statements or solutions attempt to reduce the fear and the tension system of the rest of the populace. Unfortunately, the significant issue, or underlying fears are emotional and as a result, are not considered. The same old words are used over and over again despite any significant change or resolution occurring. Why the individual is so threatened is never adequately addressed. In other words, the origin and history of the fear and anxiety are the real causes to be uncovered.
Because man has so many fears and insecurities, is aggressive, is irrational, is prejudiced and amoral and resides in a capitalistic culture that has its roots in becoming an independent nation, conquering lands going West, being victorious in the world wars and developing more weapons of mass destruction than any other country, it’s not difficult to understand why there’s so much killing and violence. Remember, guns were developed for killing. At the moment, there’s not enough populace outrage to deal effectively with the killing. In fact, Congress has not established the funding for this problem to be scientifically studied. Who elected those people in Congress anyway?
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Guns and Tension Systems
In the past few weeks, gun terror and fires in California have made the headlines. It’s clear that natural disasters and cultural violence are the cause for varying disagrees of disaster or doom and gloom. One aspect of man’s nature rests with his desire to master his life space. He’s motivated to control with efficacy those unpleasant [anxiety-based] barriers, challenges, situations or negative issues which confronts him. There also exists the fear of failure. In essence, we have these two forces working against each other often but not always at the conscious level. Think of a motivational operating tension system. On the one hand we have anxiety and we are motivated to reduce or eliminate that anxiety or tension. Tension is unpleasant and the reduction takes away the unpleasantness. Thus, we are motivated to reduce or attempt to eliminate the unpleasantness in order to achieve some form of mastery, goal attainment, well-being, safety or reward. However, the “why” or the in-depth understanding of the insecurity, fear of failure is generally at the unconscious level.
To illustrate, an individual may be motivated to make the team, and fears being cut. His motivation results in developing more strength, speed and endurance. The extreme competitive unconscious dynamic or the why of making the team, is often based on earlier experiences and/ or interpersonal interactions. The fear of being not good enough or not being able to master the situation is generally at the conscious level. Accomplishing the goal or desire of making the team results in pleasure and satisfaction for the moment. It doesn’t take long before another threat, anxiety or fear to occur. It could be “can I make the traveling squad?” or “can I become first string.” In other words, our anxiety-based tension system operates frequently.
Man is motivated to pursue pleasure, but frequently has to deal with the danger, fear or anxiety that interferes. Obviously, uncontrolled or potential fire creates tension with the opposing desire and motivation to protect one’s life space, regardless of the many barriers in the way. For example, my residence is adjacent to a vast Bureau of Land Management [BLM] area with its trees, brush or fuel from the forest. My tension system [fear of forest fire] motivates me to continue to clear more and more space by cutting down trees and brush around the perimeter of my home each year. The state recommends at least 100 feet of clearing, but I’ve exceeded that a long time ago. Do I know how much of a firebreak that I need to protect my loved ones and belongings? No, but I continue each year to clear and remove more and more trees and brush. My fear and anxiety is greatest during the summer and fall periods. During these seasons, my vigilance never wavers. Only during the rainy season, am I without an operating anxiety or fear tension system as I don’t think about fire danger terror.
Let’s turn to gun violence terror. For many, not having a firearm or a number of firearms with ammunition, creates a tension system. Conscious thought about attaining a weapon centers around the ability to hunt, pursue target practice, for freedom, a Second Amendment right, for protection, etc. At the conscious level, there exists the dynamic or drive to control, master, or to experience security. Any perceived or anticipatory perception or threat of not having a firearm creates tension, and/or anxiety, insecurity and fear. Attempts are then established to reduce the unpleasantness of insecurity and tension by purchasing a firearm, ammunition, etc. Now, how many weapons, and how much stored ammunition can satisfy or resolve the tension system dynamic? Don’t forget there is a “why” or unconscious dynamic underneath the conscious thought of owning a gun.
To Be Continued
Saturday, October 7, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooting Part 2
In attempting to understand this cowardly act of violence and death, the pathological key resides and can be found within this white man’s character composition. If an in-depth psychosocial [exploring unconscious motives, symbolic meaning, inadequacies, compensations, etc.] and neurological history were performed, his character structure would emerge as long-standing and solidified as he aged. His motives would then become apparent. The shooter exhibited various behaviors such as lying ; secretiveness, emotionally cold and distant, except when engaged gambling; a non-display of sentimental feelings; had limited social contacts, craved excitement; had irrational and angry verbal outbursts; was narcissistic with self-serving behaviors; exploiting others; disregarding the integrity of others; lacking empathy; showing unpredictability; experiencing feelings of emptiness and boredom; with impaired interpersonal relationships.
The shooter demonstrated sadomasochism with necrophilia character. In other words, death was valued both inward and outward. There was neither an orientation nor drive towards humanism or for life fulfillment, growth or actualization. No positive religious values were demonstrated, instead an amoral nature surfaced. The shooter exhibited a hatred of life, a hatred of humanity, a hatred of law and order and an absence of the expression of love. There was simply a lack of conscience and an ignoring about the welfare of others. There was also no concern about the consequences of this horrendous act and its effect on society.
It’s also clear that this depressed shooter could neither think about nor have a plan for a future. There was an absence of planning for accomplishing personal goals, planning for charitable acts of kindness that demonstrate an integrity of character. Instead, this man was in despair as far as hope, security, happiness, and well-being were concerned.
Is there a fix or solution to these too frequent acts of death and violence? Based on human nature within the current structure of our society and culture, I think not. These horrendous acts will continue despite homeland security, police, war on drugs, governmental laws and the many other programs within our free society.
Friday, October 6, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooting
Unfortunately, one major “news” event focused on the recent rampage in Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada is that “wonderful” desert location made infamous by the mob and the celebrities. This time it was a 64-year-old male Caucasian that made the spotlight with his horrific act of violence. Notice the scene of the crime was Las Vegas. Apparently there was no superficial political motive; or no irrational religious cause. Forget, the search or explanation for the one true. Instead, It was one man showering death and terror to fun-loving concert going humans enjoying life with their significant others.
A few facts reported are as follows: 1.This shooter purchased 47 firearms with the majority this past year in multiple states claiming it was for target practice. Yes, he was lying by not telling the entire truth as well as not raising apparent suspicion. This behavior suggests planning. 2. The shooters semi-automatic weapons, were bumped stock modified. He wasn’t arthritic and this allowed more rapid shooting, than by finger only. This fire power, suggests planning. 3. Tripods were employed in the hotel room to make rapid firing more efficient. 4. The room on the 32nd floor, was like a barricade and provided protection and anonymity from return gun fire from the ground. This behavior suggests planning. 5. From that height and distance of the hotel room above, the shooter shot randomly and not at a known target or targets. This behavior suggests planning 6. Cameras were installed so that the shooter could see combatants coming to his door. This behavior suggests planning 7. The Las Vegas location was not randomly selected and instead was will well-known to the shooter. This behavior suggests planning and has likely symbolic with significant meaning. 8. The terror occurred on the last day of the concert. This behavior suggests planning. 9. This homicidal act and suicide suggests planning with symbolic meaning. He was not going to be taken alive.10. It was reported that the shooter was a high risk compulsive gambler. 11. It was reported that the shooter had substantial economic means. 12. It was reported that the shooter was verbally aggressive with his “significant” other 13.It was reported that the shooter had no history of arrests, mental, or significant physical treatment.
To Be Continued
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