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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Exercise, Aging,Mind Body , and Well Being

We must dare to think "unthinkable" thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world."– James William Fulbright

Aging has many advantages, especially if you are healthy.  For me, being healthy is a key component.  If you have your health, you have a fortune.  If you do not have your health, then you are poor.  So it is important to do your best to stay healthy.
Eating the right foods is one component for better health.  And we know food labels are misleading, as well as the information contained on menus. Buyer beware.  Likely, if we ate more fruits and vegetables and had less fat, in our diets, we would be healthier.
Health and foods were issues growing up, in my family, as my father was a diabetic.  He had juvenile diabetes and injected himself daily with insulin.  I remember him attempting to regulate his blood sugar. It seemed that he was either drinking orange juice and/or giving himself an injection of insulin on a frequent basis. On one hand he would complain about food that was not good for him and on the other hand, at times, would eat something that was not good for him. He talked about the curse of diabetes, and his fate.  Being knowledgeable about the disease, he knew his future, which was terrible to say the least. He was right about it too.
My father had frequent hospitalizations for a variety of ailments and I visited him many times in the hospital.  Growing up during his awful illness, during my adolescence, I turned to weightlifting.  Psychologically, I was defending against being weak and/or ill.  It is clear that my emphasis on health and wellness is related to my upbringing and family situation.  Even today, I want to maintain strength and wellness and continue to work at it.  Being healthy and strong is an important goal.
I must admit that focusing on being strong, healthy, and fit has served me well during my aging.  It certainly has contributed positively to my well-being. I also like to be around people who share the same value of fitness. Being able to run with Secretariat has resulted in many benefits.  Aside from the obvious health and competitive pluses, my affiliative, emotional, and intellectual needs get met as well.  I am able to present an idea to him, and I expect his input in return.  I am pleased that he complies with his opinion.
For me, aging and exercise has been a good thing. The October 3, 2011, Time magazine had an article that suggested that exercise can help teens quit smoking. This West Virginia study  ,with teenagers ,found that by adding exercise to a traditional smoking cessation program had remarkable results in as little as 10 weeks. Exercise is good for teens too.  Isn’t it amazing that exercise has been linked to so many benefits regarding health?  If you are not yet there, now’s the time to begin.


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