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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Infamous


 Statistically, there are approximately two mass shootings per day in this country. Mass shooting is defined as killing four individuals. This occurrence happens regardless of all the prayers. Eliminating  the sale of AR 15 type weapons would be a step in the right direction.  This disposition identifies  important psychological variables associated with these killers.

In the beginning,Homo sapiens are anxious, helpless and remain in this psychological state for periods of time. Newborns are totally dependent on the assistance of the caretaker for survival.  Being in this state, the newborn submits to the power, control,demands and the inconsistent quirks of that provider regardless, while seeking safety and security. This state is called being in  primary narcissism . There is total reliance and submission for survival.  Within this primary narcissism state , frustration ,conflicts,  anger occurs as a result of various and many barriers or circumstances that interfere with the meeting of one's physiological and psychological needs.

Developmentally, the process of secondary narcissism occurs with the process of individuation .With individuation, one psychologically becomes separate from the caretaker. Separation results with isolation, insecurity, powerlessness and always anxiety.  This individuation dynamic psychologically propels that individual back  to or a return to the safety and security of the caretaker to avoid the dread of anxiety-fear of being alone and separate as in separation anxiety. In other words, the pattern of being dependent, requiring assistance, and combating helplessness begins to occur  with individuation and then  returning  to the protection, safety and security of another. Also present during this psychological interplay occurs anxiety, frustration, conflict and anger. Thus, we have a lifelong repetition of dependence,relying on and submitting to another for protection along with the pursuit of individuation, and again the cycle which results in anxiety from separating and being alone.

During development, there is a dance or tug of war between being dependent and being independent. Therefore, rebelling,obstructing,fighting against the primary ties of caretaker and family occur during individuation.Then,what follows becomes a searching  for union, protection in order to escape isolation and loneliness. This occurrence gives rise to seeking the same from others like a  peer group.  Of course there are other ways to combat being alone .One can use alcohol ,take drugs,seek an ideology , identify with nature, tribe, religion,political group, sports-something to mitigate against loneliness and provide that security by belonging and defending against isolation, insignificance and powerlessness. Of course, interpersonal interactions always result in various forms of conflicts, frustration and aggression. Anger becomes either repressed and/or expressed because of fear of potential object loss. Disappointments, no matter how slight, occur with differences in perception of expectations or goals ,faulty communication, lies , betrayals, infidelity and so forth. With spousal abuse, the verbally and physically abusive male subjugates, dominates ,exploits and then pleads for forgiveness for her to take him back-the ugly head of sadomasochism and the dependency motive in full view. On the other hand, relationships are similar to quid pro quo , a give-and-take and friendship.  If I do this,you will do that. Then, this can occur, I did this for you,and you don't appreciate that, how can you ? I might have to compromise and do what you command . Of course, too much compromise , results in frustration, irritation and anger that likely gets expressed passively and/or aggressively.

The dependency submission independent drive occurrence becomes the ground floor and it is one of the most if not the most powerful dynamics during man's lifespan.  This dynamic gets played out over and over again within significant interpersonal relationships.  We find these characterizations or themes in novels, movies, poetry and especially love songs. The word love is often misinterpreted,mislabeled as the dependency or codependency need is enmeshed in that union and can become the predominant force. Couples often remain in their union primarily because of dependency which translates into the fear of  avoiding being alone. They rationalize about staying together for the children; embarrassment, failure or shame in a breakup; the financial cost, or even it's not good for one's career.  It's apparent when we see, In one instance, how an aggressive, independent dynamo interacts in the world  of work with others and then in the confines of home , much different interactions occur often characterized by passivity, submission and dependency. Of course there are many differences and variability in role reversals, duration, intensity,passive aggressiveness and control taking place between couples. 

It appears that these shooters have not developed satisfactory or quality unions with school peers. They are not popular,nor  captain of the football team or class president. Instead they are classified and identified as being loners, weird, secretive,not friendly and so forth.  The shooter's relationship with caretakers also becomes unsatisfactory with rejection, conflict, anger and aggression.  With that being said, that individual has been rejected and looks for some security and connection from any source, including anonymous social media.It’s an electronic connection -who's on the other end?  But, there seems to be some consensus, some similarities that provide  the temporary escape from loneliness and a sense of belonging. A dependency on the superficial technical device with  its diseased  messaging becomes consonant and the only option for reinforcement with contact  for these despicables. They can print about  hate, distrust , betrayal, entitlements, grievances,righteousness and  their beloved killing object possessions. Their plans , their so-called ideology,represents age old scapegoating and blaming others with no original ideas.but only primitive propaganda, myths and illusions. These others become non entities to be eliminated in  a sadistic manner.This  online occurrence contributes  and reinforces their opposition to societies ethical, moral and human values and perpetuates their negative identity formation. They can now associate with other alienated souls with their hateful attitude .With the new association, these characters have severed their primary ties as they attempt to create security, belongingness, mastery and some form of satisfaction . However, in the process, these individuals are easily manipulated and prey to anonymous messaging.  So, fulfilling dependency needs and interests are based on some peripheral form of "friendship" with a hateful, sadistic, cynical group that attacks others, not in their circle. These others are to be sadistically destroyed and murdered as they are not worthy, they are non human objects .

Within the dynamics of attempting to compensate for feelings of rejection and isolation without skepticism that results from anxiety can be and is severe. To find meaning and to solidify one's connection with these others is the attempt to find the missing security through the same.How can these sick individuals become part of, one has to silence, to remove any doubt in order to solidify with this fraternity of crazies?  To “join” they have to establish “fame,” In our society  that requires committing a sadistic massacre that turns into 24-7 TV and media coverage With that media coverage, their names are now known to their contemporaries and in the record book.  Further, their abysmal life ,for them, has gone from meaningless insignificance to being in the news.  Being in the news must mean they are celebrities of sorts .  So in order to get TV coverage and fame,all one has to do is to become a mass murderer .It doesn’t matter if the notoriety fades with the next occurring news cycle. They have achieved their goal and become another statistic, an integral part of this sickness in  our country.

With this recurring dynamic which is the design of man, having an assault weapons ban will not eliminate mass killings nor improve disturbed interpersonal relations. We've always had killing occurrences within society as the wealthy powerful continue exploiting the masses. This country cannot put a political ban on assault weapons. That fact demonstrates the power of the wealthy elites, tremendous insecurity, loneliness and the submission and worship of the gun for “ safety, security and  protection.” The gun manufacturers  pander to the evangelicals with messaging” The only way to stop the bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun."  And, a gun manufacturer advertises "commitment to meet each and every morning to pray for God's wisdom in managing the enormous responsibility that comes with this business."  Neurophysiologically Homo sapiens are anxious, fearful and aggressive. They seek  dependency, safety and security from others and/or groups for survival. Man’s history has revealed that providing a hateful powerless human feeling insignificant, isolated, and alone weapons, they seek and submit to a powerful force with similar qualities with consequences of destruction, sadism and murder.


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