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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Friday, March 10, 2023

A Master Criminal

  Thinking  about the devil, I then turned my thoughts to a few famous United States criminals like  Bonnie and Clyde, Dillinger, Machine Gun Kelly , Al Capone and of course Mafia  Carlo Gambino .  Then, it became clear who was  our  number one master criminal.  As a noun ,master is defined as "a man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.  This disquisition applies psychoanalytic principles describing  our  master criminal.  

Briefly, a few  psychoanalytic concepts to consider for background.  The Id is a representation of activity that takes place in the mind.  It's inherited at birth and includes instincts, such as sex  and aggression.  It represents the inner world of  only subjective experience  nor awareness of objective reality.  It operates according to the pleasure principle and/or tension reduction.  This criminal's  behavior exemplified uncontrolled sex and frequent expression of aggression toward his enemies . He could neither  control his impulses nor  stop at anything that would prohibit him from his coveted goal of holding on to power, prestige and possessions.  He placed the country in danger irrespective of consequences ,.He’s  an example of evil and/or the devil.  His id impulses were not controlled. He seeked pleasure without a properly functioning  or lacuna conscience to control his criminal behavior .  He is the devil.

The Superego is another concept for consideration. The superego is the internal representation of traditional societal values and ideals  as taught by the parents. \ Did his parents transmit traditional ethical values ,morality, justice to their child or were these values unethical, narcissistic , criminal and exploitation  ?  With normal development, the superego strives for perfection, not for pleasure.  So ,with a well functioning conscience,  amoral  behavior , not representing  traditional societal  attitudes, values and rules , is followed by punishment, not reward.  However, with an unethical immoral  parent, a child lying or hurting another becomes  rewarded , not punished. Rewards and punishments from the parents  determine right from wrong and embedded in the child’s conscience.  Was lying ,hate  and discrimination  implanted and formed  this boy’s conscience? His father cheated, discriminated , exploited , lied and hated while his mother was sickly.  It’s been documented that this man's father was a liar, cheat , swindler and exploited many for his wealth. The fathers only apparent consequences were fines.  Further, the grandfather was  noticeably seen at a KKK rally in New York roughly hundred years ago. 

Superego identification occurs  with both parents. However, with the father the child can vicariously enjoy that masculine role.  Was that father dominant, aggressive, controlling, punitive , rigid and strict ?  It’s not uncommon for children to fear the wrath of the father and be afraid to displease him.  In other words, irrational violence, attitude of hate can be incorporated and counter socially and morally accepted judgments by society when reinforced by the parents.  Were immoral attitudes and behaviors forced down that child's throat so to speak ?  In other words, did their child learn socially accepted moral and ethical standards or not ? With an absence of  morally adequate parental figures, the superego fails to develop rapidly and his relations  with others remain at the narcissistic level.  Therefore, a child becomes an adult and winds up realizing that he can only love himself with a superego referred to as lacuna or not completely developed.

The Ego Ideal occurs during superego development ..  The ego ideal is not concerned about punishments that relate to guilt but instead the ego ideal rewards itself by making the individual feel good about himself.  It's a nonrational attempt to make the world into the child's own image.  In other words, the ego idealizes the picture of the self or the inspired self . It results in a number of ambitions, fantasy, goals and strivings for  future  possible or impossible attainment . These  aspirations, fantasy, dreams are often based on historical , illusions or  some mythology. Therefore, In  the ego ideal ,  on one hand, one can become  a master criminal , or on the other hand , a serene sage or some other superhero.  This individual in question  likely idealized figures like Attila the Hun  , Genghis Khan , Caesar  and Germanic mythology. It was reported he kept Mein Kampf at bedside.  These ideals,  models and aspirations in his fantasy, at  a young age ,were motivational  desires  within his ego  ideal. His current heroes include Putin, Kim Jong  un, Viktor Orban, and  Tayyip Erdogan.

In describing this criminal, I'm going to omit his   fraudulent foundation's , other financial entanglement shenanigans,  Covid -19  debacle , IRS  non-payment and call girl involvement . Instead, based on the article titled "When the Authorities Put Trump Under a Microscope found in the February 12, 2023 edition of The New York Times  , are illustrations from the Mueller report; interactions with Zielinski and the January 6 insurrection . These are examples of his Mafia -like behavior with his subservient lieutenants. This man employed his chief of staff, cabinet ,congress, justice department, supreme court  and other government employees as  criminal  conduit’s for himself and not the country.

Pertaining to the Mueller report, his lieutenants held him above the law.  Bill Barr wrote that the sitting president could not be indicted and  incorrectly summarized the Mueller report.  Mueller himself was fearful and wrote in doublethink when he concluded, "while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."  This Report suggested  weakly and vaguely that Trump bent and sometimes broke the guardrails. “ It also raised the question whether Trump and his advisers committed certain acts willfully .” Please spare me. The Mueller report also did not declare that the president deserved impeachment or committed crimes, but didn't mind if someone else reached those conclusions and stated, "preempt constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct."  The Mueller report also suggested that "a successor administration would be able to prosecute a former president."  Wow ,what courage. Trump also told his previous Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions that he would  go down as a "hero" if he reversed his recusal from the Russian investigation.  Further, when Michael Flynn resigned from the White House and committed lying about his contacts with Russian officials,Trump responded, "will give you a good recommendation." These few examples demonstrate his power , control with enablers..  He was above the law.  He was the law.  He got away with anything he wanted without  proper consequences.

Trump attempted to strong arm president Zielinski.  He  put pressure on Zielinski to say they were investigating  the Joe Biden family but didn't care if they actually did it.  He just wanted the negative publicity for his re-election.  Trump also relied on the Department of Justice to fire the FBI director and used the Office of Management and Budget to delay the reimbursement of  military aid to Ukraine as examples of his mob-like power within the government.

Proceeding to the January 6 Report,  we find the following: 1.  He's declared unfit to return to the nation's highest office or any office below it.  2.  Trump knew that his actions violated the law and that his statements ran counter to the truth.  3.  Trump told Pense that he would be known as a “patriot"  if he  helped overturn the 2020 election.  4.  “Trump placed his personal and political interest above the national interests of the United States, sought to undermine the integrity of the US presidential election process and endangered US national security."  5.  "I just want to find 11,780 votes" 6. To his mob   "Be there, it will be wild!"  7.  Trump was the architect  and  learned  to maneuver his way through the executive branch and grew bolder in his abuses of it.  8. Trump was in charge and others followed. 9.”Trump’s own campaign officials told him clearly that claims of fraud were false." 10.  “Many times the president was informed of the facts of the election, but he continued to lie about them."  11.  “Two days before the speech, Trump already floated the idea to advisers that he would join the protesters at the capital and that he even briefly considered applying 10,000 members of the National Guard to protect him and his supporters from any supposed threats by left-wing counter protesters “12..  Rather than worry about violence against lawmakers and the capital itself, Trump was focused on protecting his supporters.!3. His followers  interpreted the president's call to join him in Washington as a commander in chief to save their country violently; if necessary, they stood down only when he issued a video instructing them to do so. 14.  Trump wouldn't call down the protesters because he wanted the insurrection.  15. Cassidy Hutchinson explained the morning of January 6, “ the president was incensed that the presence of magnetometers used to detect weapons was inhibiting some  of his armed supporters from entering  when the president was to deliver his speech. “ 16. Trump wanted a bigger crowd, said Hutchinson and heard him say something that I don't  “ Fuc ing care” that they have weapons.  They're not there to hurt me, take the “ Fuc ing”  magnetometers away.  Let my people in 17.  Trump  was concerned about his safety only.

The founding fathers created a job description for the presidency.  They did not give this person unlimited powers.  There was to be a separation  of power among the three branches of government.  The Constitution did not state that a president could not be indicted.  In fact, they set up the mechanism of impeachment to remove the man from office.  Not only that, but they didn't trust  ordinary men to democratically elect any individual to that office.  They  cleverly came up with  a discriminatory process or procedure in which only a limited number  or minority would  elect the president with the fragile and flawed  electoral college.  In fact, we now know how disastrous that process and procedure is to a democracy or our Republic.  In fact, his plan  was to create fake electors to overrule the popular vote in  particular states .

The founding fathers made sure that this Republic was not patterned on a monarchy.  One can’t find the rule of law applying to a monarchy with a Kingship for Queenship.  Henry VIII comes to mind regarding his authoritarian, amoralistic and criminal behavior.  An office does not commit a crime, but individuals do.  It’s simply doubletalk to suggest that a sitting president could not be indicted.  Indictment refers to criminal actions by an individual not to a political office. Trump acted like a king but was only an inept character, flawed human .

The multifaceted criminal behavior of Trump to remain in the White House demonstrated his horror, terror and fear of separation and loss of power, prestige, and possession.  After all, his ego ideal resulted in the formation of these anxiety driven tendencies that are who he is with his  neurotic flawed character.  Remember , pursuing power is hostility in the form of a tendency to be a domineer and a reassurance against  unconscious emotional helplessness.  Prestige is the hostility that affirms , in the form of a tendency to humiliate and is an unconscious attempt for  reassurance against humiliation.  Possession is hostility and appears in the form of a tendency to deprive others, which is a reassurance against  emotional destitution .  These strivings are neurotic manifestations and are  disguises in which they appear.  He was dependent on that Presidency as his reality , The threat of him losing the election terrified him.  He could not face the proposition, the reality of being alone  , helplessness ,insignificance and vulnerability for prosecution. 

Trump’s id impulses and his weakened superego were on display with his  fear, anxiety and aggression.  He  knew he committed  a series of  non legal, unethical and immoral actions and behaviors . He projected to  his cronies to “fight like  hell” and  knowing that failure  would result in a more like "death"  for him. These crazy maneuvers were examples of  his  need for abasement - to accept criticism,to seek punishment and misfortune.  In other words, guilt is  the consequence  of actions that are out of line related to  the moral and social standards for a president.  During his campaign, he told the crowd."  Lock her up. “ Those words are a projection which is an unconscious defense mechanism that allows the emotionally unacceptable part of the self which is unconsciously rejected and thus contributing to his projection to others.  It's a foreshadowing of his future.  He reminds me of Melville's Captain. Ahab.  Ahab was at the mercy of his id impulses with his ineffective superego . He could not give up his search  for a union with the White Whale.  In the end, his union resulted in separation - Ahab's death.  Trump unconsciously seeks  to be punished and so let him  be.


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