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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 One  Friday evening, Linda and I joined Dave, Paul and Tony for a late  dinner.  Joyce and Debbie were ill so they did not attend.  That evening, Tony brought up an article that he had previously sent me on Free Will.  I responded to that email by saying that I agreed with the scientist that Free Will did not exist and added man is irrational  both in thought and action .    Rational is defined as based on or in accordance with reason or logic. Dave asked me if I knew about Elliott Aronson ?  I told him I did and Dave asked me if I had read  his read "Mistakes were made ( but not by me ).  Why do we justify foolish beliefs,  Bad decisions and hurtful acts ?” I told him I hadn't . Tony inserted that while working for Xerox, he was stumped while attempting  to fix one of the machines.  He had replaced the circuit board a few times and got the same result .  He asked a friend for assistance. The friend plugged the cord into the wall. Problem fixed. This disquisition pertains to man's irrationality.

Reality  has been hazardous for centurie . In the Old Testament, we learned about Genesis, Exodus, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Methuselah, Noah , Jonah, Sodom and Gomorrah,  Moses, Samson and Delilah etc. These are terrific stories  written and translated prior to knowledge  and understanding about astronomy, planets,  solar system,  Milky Way Galaxy, Stephen Hawking's blackhole theory, Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, Robert Oppenheimer, astrophysics, matter, etc.. Archaic beliefs began  prior to employing the scientific method with  a hypothesis, null hypothesis, advanced mathematical measurements  etc.  To  believe about the creation of  some significant ,powerful, omnipotent  supernatural  occurrence as fact  is irrational. It’s not based on knowledge nor logic but on other psychological factors.  However, eliminating animal and human sacrifice and reducing the number of God's to one might represent progress ? On the other hand, the attacks  on science only perpetuates and is consonant with a  belief in irrationality and is a concrete example of  the use of cognitive dissonance, denial and projection..

1789 was the “beginning”of the French Revolution.  At that time, Louis XVI had  assumed the monarchy in 1774 at the youthful age of 19 .  Family  history and “divine” approval facilitated his power, prestige and status.  However, he was inept and resentment for this despotic monarchy followed . There was rebellion and revolution .  In other words, the rise of man and the  removal or death of God occurred.. 

In 1762 , Rousseau wrote about Social Contract theory based , in part, on the brilliance of Greek Stoic philosophy and  Roman  Canon  law.  The moral and political philosophy of a Social Contract  was the battle cry and suggested that man was supreme,virtuous , righteous , good ,  and humanistic toward fellow man with liberty, justice and freedom .  Man did not have to submit,or surrender freedoms to an authority.  Man made good decisions and when the majority rules , it serves man  best. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and others also addressed this Enlightenment idea.  However,  the beheadings of Louis XVI, Robespierre and others do not equate rationality but irrationality as well  the Devils Island imprisonment  of Capt. Alfred Dryfus . Do not forget about Frederickh Nitschke’s  famous  quote "God is dead. "

The French revolution,beheadings and  the Social Contract has resulted with  the following: 1.  A just morality and a replacing God with man has produced  immoral lies , hate, power and corruption .  Using the guillotine did not represent a high degree of man's morality toward fellow man.  In fact,  the  current Russian - Ukraine war; the Israeli -Gaza war; the criminal indictment of  Trump,a previous president, income inequality, etc.  are a few examples that do not suggest the  importance  of  man’s morality but his tendency for hate, power, irrationality and lies.  2.  We have a  Republic and not a democracy.  We saw the power of one senator holding up military nominations for promotions.  We saw a minority in the US House of Representatives interfering with electing a speaker.  We saw the use of the filibuster and the inability to pass legislation without a simple majority in the Senate .  Democracy does not exist but  instead the pursuit of power by a minority. With  the pathological pursuit of power , we find an absence of morality and an increase in irrationality .  3.  We see the power of the unknown; our enormous defense budget; the building of obsolete World War II type aircraft carriers that occurs and  are not based on democracy but on the power of a few.  One could say that pursuit of power exists for a few and the rest of us have very little  input ; are simply slaves and subservient to that process.  Do our representatives represent us, or do they represent powerful interest groups  ?  Minority  power, tax cuts for the wealthy are irrational for the majority.

Sigmund Freud 's Psychoanalytic model identified  defense mechanisms which signifies  the how  and why individuals create illusions, mythology,  in  distorting reality.  Subsequently, Freud's daughter Anna brilliantly in her book "The Ego  And the Mechanisms Of Defense “ described , in depth , the importance of the ego , super ego , anxiety and the mechanisms  of defense..  

Briefly, all defense mechanisms have two characteristics in common.  1.  They deny, falsify or distort reality and  2, They operate  unconsciously so that the person is not aware of what is taking place.  A  few defense mechanisms include the following.  1. Repression: is when  a son who has repressed his hostile feelings towards his father may express these hostile feelings against other symbols of authority.  In other words, the adult carries around a lot of childish fears, he  never gets the chance to discover that they have no basis in reality. 2. Projection occurs  if anxiety can be attributed to the external world rather than to the individual's own primitive impulses or to threats of his conscience, and is likely to achieve greater relief from his anxious condition . Projection is when one simply says “he hates me” instead of “I hate him,” or “he is persecuting me” instead of “my conscience is bothering me. “ Projection can reduce anxiety by substituting a lesser danger for greater one , enabling the projecting person to express his impulses under the guise of defending himself against his enemies. 3. Denial  is used to resolve emotional conflicts and allay  anxiety by disavowing thoughts, feelings, wishes, needs or external reality factors that are consciously intolerable.

Employing a Field Theory model of tension and tension reduction in addressing irrationality , Leon iFestinger’s research with cognitive dissonance provided additional data regarding  man’s irrationality in thinking and behavior . Briefly,  a tension state is motivational . A successful reduction of dissonance or tension is rewarding  in the sense that it reduces tension .Cognitive dissonance are  unpleasant  cognitive elements, pieces of information , bits of knowledge that may be related to oneself ,to others or to the social environment.  The  cognitive dissonance goal is to reduce tension. For example ,if one likes Joe Biden, information that is at odds with Joe Biden would  be dissonant . In order to reduce the dissonance , one ignores, avoids the negative information or  seeks positive information that’s consonant  regarding  Joe Biden which coincides and maximizes  one’s personal beliefs .

Elliott Aronson,  in one  of his  cognitive dissonance experiments, demonstrated that people who undergo an embarrassing initiation, and in order to gain admission to that group, develop more favorable evaluations of the group than people who are admitted after a milder or easier initiation.  In his "Theories of Cognitive Consistency, ” Aronson stated  dissonance theory does not rest upon the assumption that man is a rational animal.  Rather, it suggests that man is a rationalizing animal. He attempts to appear rational to others and to himself.

Irrational is defined as lacking reason or understanding.  With that definition , how reasonable is it to be engaging in obese eating behaviors; not receiving a Covid- 19 vaccination; not regularly exercising; not taking medication as prescribed; making suicide attempts; affiliating with a hate group; having a multitude of weapons; intending to vote for a multiple indicted politician; believing in conspiracy ideas, relying  on social media for information ?  How reasonable is it for  a government to be a republic, and not democratic;  a tax code favoring the wealthy; discrediting climate change,  favoring income inequality,  discrediting negatives of capitalism, believing  the US is  number one in longevity ,health , education and happiness ? How reasonable is it to have fentanyl, made entirely in a laboratory , result in more overdose deaths than  automobile deaths,  greater than the number of Americans killed in wars in Vietnam , Iraq and Afghanistan combined as well as gun violence did at their peers ; have a few financial institutions controlling the economy at the expense of the people; and high school graduation rates rising along with increases in absenteeism, have a higher percentage of GPAs in high school, even though national exams or test scores are not increasing, and teachers reporting that they can no longer hold students  accountable regardless of grade level ? 

Man has difficulty dealing with the many conflicts , contradictions  and threatening circumstances within his life space which makes reality dangerous to one’s health.  The powerful ravages of nature; aging issues , challenges  and mortality and the society in which he finds himself , since the past history of Homo sapiens is fraught by the irrationality of craziness which flows into the present.  A few examples that illustrate and define man's irrationality: 1.  Novels such as Theodore Dreiser's Sister  Carrie, John Dos Passos's USA Trilogy, John Grisham  and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.  2.  Movies such as James Bond, Mission Impossible, Spartacus, and Helen of Troy from Homer's Iliad.  3.  Songs such as Marvin Gaye's What’s Going  On , John Fogerty's Fortunate Son, and John Lennon's Imagine 4. TV with the superficiality and contradictory messaging from "experts”  and nonsensical commercials  5.  The opinions of the M.A.G A ,election denier House Speaker  politician Johnson.  For an in-depth analysis of rationality and irrationality, Dave recommends Elliot Aronson's read.

According to Eckhart Tole, the primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. My formula is as follows. Irrationality is multifaceted,  it results when “ happiness”  is  dissonant with one’s perception of their own reality . And it becomes expressed in the pursuit of fiction, illusion, mythology, fantasy, alcohol, drugs, unions, separations, love, hate  etc. while  chasing  the fragileness of happiness . Per The Rolling Stones , I Can’t’ Get No Satisfaction.


October 8, 2023, the New York Times.


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