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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


 There are differences in the  psychic attitude among those that call themselves evangelicals.  There is one group that has a propensity for good, right) true and correct and the other group a propensity for evil  , like “zealots” with their religious and political views which are more profoundly immoral, wicked ,  wrong and incorrect. The belief that evil began and originated with Adam , Eve  and the Garden of Eden is beyond the scope of this essay.  This  good-evil division has resulted in some  evangelical pastors being fearful ,burned out and leaving their congregations.  The definition of an evangelical can mean someone or something that is in agreement with the Christian gospel of Jesus such as believing in the authority of the Bible , the importance of believing that Jesus Christ saved you personally from sin or hell . However,  being in agreement , identifying with the  “suffering” Messiah figure Trump, denying that he is evil is congruent in being a true “ false idol "evangelical"  along  with their hatred and death wishes against their democratic , liberal deep state oppressors. This essay has to do with those that call themselves Evangelical Christians.

Do all evangelicals believe that God's angels battled demons in a war for our souls; the belief in the redeeming blood of Christ; God's endless love and ; how can evil exist if God is all-powerful and all good ?  I would define an evangelical as one that not only believes , but acts in accordance with the teachings and philosophy  of Jesus Christ and his disciples and the tendency  for following the moral and ethical principles of the 10 Commandments; positive treatment for respecting  all others; assisting the poor and unfortunate; not being prey , seduced  being greedy regarding  the acquisition of money and living a fulfilling life without  hate , discrimination and prejudice.  In essence, the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah promised by the prophets.  Jesus, after His death is by the divine awakening raised to the right hand of God and will soon return to set up His kingdom visibly upon the earth is pertinent..

Moreover, Jesus and his disciples like John the Baptist  and the story of Lazurus   "who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table."  Luke 16:21  "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.  Blessed are you that hunger now, for you  shall be satisfied....... ; Luke 6”20 . "How hard is it for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!  For it is easier for a camel to go to the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"  Luke 18:24  are examples of early Christian attitudes expressed pertaining to the poor and the rich . These statements do not sound like they come from the Trump cult.

The existence , purpose ,power  and overthrow  of God was challenged during the  French Revolution in the late 18th century . The idea that a monarchy associating with God was necessary to rule was confronted  and overthrown with rebellion.  Man didn't have to follow the dictates of the King.  Man could self  rule based on his propensity to develop  with liberty, equality,  fraternity , and objectivity , and thus create a better, happier  society in which man could  more fully evolve. 

Related,  Karl Marx believed that man's humanistic potential was the result of his labor .  With control, involvement and equality within the production of his labor , the opportunity for a classless society could be established.  If so, man would create more meaning to his life, able to evolve  physically, cognitively , emotionally, and interpersonally.  In other words, man could have the potential and ability to love himself and to love others.  If not, the potential for man becoming  alienated would increase because of the negative practices , greed and consequences of capitalism.  Note, current  Russian and Chinese socialism was not what Marx had in mind but not for some of the evangelical types .

Further , Existential philosophy  postulated an additional  understanding of man's nature.  Because , in part of the French Revolution as an example,  the idea  and notion that God was dead emerged.  Furthermore,  man's problems for the meaning in his life are increased with his excessive  reliance on science and technology  for a solution . In capitalism, man becomes a peg , a meaningless number, an insignificant item  within the employment of production . Also, because man is irrational, follows false prophets,and  becomes herdlike, he becomes inauthentic ,  Insignificant in his meaningless existence as are  some of the evangelicals. 

In the 29th century , humanistic psychology based on the writings of Fromm, Horney, Maslow , Rogers ,May , Pearls and others  hypothesized man’s ability to reach his human potential . Maslow studied and researched   employing in-depth psychology of numerous statesmen, intellectuals, artists,and humanistic individuals . He established a hierarchy of needs and concluded that man could become self-actualized.  Self-actualization was the end result of meeting various needs within his model. I would add Murray’s needs  such as achievement, affiliation , autonomy, counteraction, deference ,exhibition ,nurturance, play ,sentience ,sex  and understanding for reaching optimum growth as well.  This emphasis for self actualizing and being in the present  also results with better health and well-being.  Today we have additional   opportunities , such as classes on well-being,  fasting retreats,   sensory deprivation , yoga , hypnosis, mindfulness etc. for further development and not with so-called “gender” , “homosexual “ sexual conversion counseling.

With that being said, the character flaws ,of many, are represented  in various  evangelical settings. In fact ,  there are pastors that follow the teachings of Christ and his prophets ( good) but too many are not (evil).  Some pastors are in conflict and intimidated by members of the congregation that are associated and follow a different God ,  a different Messiah  and have difficulty confronting  these neurotic types.

The  neurotics include individuals that are alienated  and inauthentic such as Christian nationalists, white separatists , those with conspiracy beliefs, following a Republican political party  based on authoritarianism.  They are stuck and according to Maslow with, and not  in a state of B-love, which is a love for the other person's Being.  Instead, they are characterized by a D-love, which is a deficiency love which is selfish or a neurotic love.  Additionally, if Trump becomes "resurrected" from being an ex-president to being  reelected, rising from the dead, so to speak, these insurrectionist types would be pardoned, bringing  them back to life with freedom before the day of their final judgment.   

Issues for division of the pastors have included Covid- 19, to wear or not wear a mask; to hate ,discriminate,lie and disrespect the poor, people of color, race and gender;  climate change; banning books ;  eliminating CRT ; LGBTQ;  being gullible to the lies of political pundits, and social media ; believing in  the stolen election nonsense along; supporting other suspicious, non-trusting paranoid  individuals with their  conspiracy ideas that divide our republic . Perpetuating and pressure to support and vote for an authoritarian and fellow authoritarians in order to overthrow this Democratic Republic; not following the ethics and morality of the teachings of Jesus, but instead joining malicious groups that  perpetuate hate and prejudice do not suggest the definition of being an evangelical, but instead being  neurotically misguided.  These so-called evangelicals claim their religion as being attacked.  Instead, they are projecting and practicing using their "religion" as a weapon to control and subjugate others since  they believe that power and control will result in fulfilling  their pursuit of happiness.


In essence, those  evangelicals that do not follow or adhere to  Christ and his disciples' humanistic messaging are alienated , inauthentic, with deficiency needs  that support narcissistic criminals like Trump ,under the guise of the religion of Christianity. They are  a disastrous threat to our Republic.  Although we've had threats before, but not with additional A1  tools available for hijacking the Republic , the  danger becomes elevated..  At this time , how does someone like Trump contribute to the welfare of many in our society ?  A structure of character  deficiencies with tendencies for narcissism, lying, stealing, possessing, manipulating, coveting and avoiding consequences may be good for the people of Russia, China, Hungary, and North Korea , but not for those valuing freedom , individuality ,truth and humanistic ideals.  


Donald in the eyes of some evangelicals, is unconsciously like Jesus, a son of God.  Like Jesus, he was " persecuted"  on earth by his enemies.  As an ex-president (dead ,without power and 91 indictments ) , he can be resurrected (reelected) and then the apocalypse will follow on  his enemies.


Fromm Erich . The Dogma of Christ .


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