An article titled F. D. A. Tightens Rules for "Healthy" Labels on Foods was published in the New York Times, December 22, 2024 .There is ill health in the United States. In the article, it was stated that it's extremely difficult to curtail false claims on food labeling. In fact, there's a tremendous pushback against the FDA's intention. Similarly, It’s the same story for EPA per the article in December 8, 2024 New York Times”EPA Seeks Limits ,Again, On a Harmful Pesticide .” The food industrial complex can be and is often a hazard
The FDA updated its definition of the term healthy for food labeling . Health can be defined as free from illness. The FDA proposed tightening the limits on the amount of saturated fat, sugar and salt in a product before it can be healthy. We know there are diet related diseases that include heart , cancer, diabetes, and they are the leading causes of disability and disease in the United States . This fact contributes to the United States having the lowest life expectancy among high income countries.
The FDA’s 318 page rule sets guidelines on what food manufacturers can label as being healthy, healthful,or healthiest. For example, a 50 g serving of the dairy product must contain no more than 5% of a person's daily sugar level and 10% of the person's daily salt and saturated fat limit . Also, similar standards apply to fruits, grains, vegetables, meat and other food products. This new definition will also include some processed and packaged foods that were previously excluded - nuts, seeds, salmon, and water. It would also strip the label from other foods including yogurts, fruit cups and whole wheat bread which are products considered too high in sugar and sodium. Apparently, even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agrees. Good for him.
This change would not take place until 2028. However, congressional or executive branch interference can stop an FDA proposal. The Consumer Brands Association, which represents food makers and others, called the proposal overly restrictive. They don't believe that the FDA sufficiently market tested its proposed regulatory framework to determine how it would work in practice. They raised free speech concerns and also stated concerns about some packaged foods. This group claimed the industry spent countless years of innovation to provide healthier operations. They added that the regulation is not based on clear or unambiguous scientific evidence or an in-depth economic analysis. On the other hand, the FDA said that about 5% of foods were currently labeled healthy and estimated the proposed benefit of the changes over 20 years would total about $686 million..
Moreover, the EPA linked the pesticide chlorpyrifos 25 years ago to learning disorders in children .Currently the Environmental Protection Agency outlawed the use of this pesticide on foods, except on 11 crops including fruits that children tend to eat in large quantities such as apples, oranges, peaches and cherries. EPA wants to lower the amount of this pesticide applied to fields and orchards annually by 3.9 million pounds. Further, this pesticide is also linked to neurological effects - tremors, fatigue and nausea..Additionally, this past August, the agency issued an emergency order to suspend the use of another pesticide called dimethyl because of a potential risk of birth defects. Often, the EPA scientific assessments are challenged in court, both by safety advocates who want more restrictive policies and manufacturers who want fewer restrictions ..Free speech is just permission to lie.
Lawyers for Earthjustice claim that the EPA's restrictions were inadequate to protect children and do not safeguard farmworkers or drinking water. Can the EPA actually protect the public.? In 2023 the sales of organic products mounted to 68.7 billion . And, fruits and vegetables accounted for one third of sales stated The Organic Trade Association . The program on Reproductive Health and Environment,at the University of California, San Francisco surveyed 1200 registered voters and reported that more than 90% of the voters said that it's important to remove harmful chemicals from people who work and go to school, even if it increases costs for some products .
Free speech in the Bill of Rights has decimated Commandment 9 "you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." With free speech ,lying ,ill will and hate is permitted, as evidenced by social media, Trump , his cronies, Fox News, podcasts and so forth. Free speech in The Bill of Rights was supposed to protect individual rights regarding religion, freedom of press, etc. from government regulation. What about when the government lies with its propaganda, half-truths, misinformation , Fox News, and others with so-called conspiracies theories? When Trump says things like he's going to deport millions; send the FBI and criminal justice system against his enemies; the Democrats are evil, that is clearly malice on his part. His intent is immoral, wicked, and psychologically harmful to those under attack. With him being the government, his evil and aggressive intent is clear. He should be held accountable..
Prejudiced,discriminatory, hateful lies are aggressive malice with the intention of evil and ill will. Psychologically, within a psychosocial framework, lies are equated with the development of mistrust. The trust versus mistrust dynamic is the basis , foundation or beginnings for developing psychological health or psychological illness . Freedom of speech, currently, is harmful and is chipping away at the foundation for freedom, democracy and mental health in our country.
The food industry with its lies pertaining to manufacturing, marketing do not have the desire to do evil or ill will. However, their advertising, manufacturing policies are misleading , false and lead to physical health complications. According to functional medicine doctors, food can be medicine or harmful to one's health. Yes, it's not the only cause of ill health, but its major Saturated fat, sodium, and sugar has been researched and found to be related to poor health in this country. The food industry complex’s goal is profit and not health. A more accurate label on foods might read ”free speech allows us to lie to you so that what we call healthy is a lie- no malice intended”..
If free speech only malice, when lying to the FBI, Congress or when testifying in court? Parents do not tell their children that they can only tell good lies . Lying has been normalized. One recent poll said that the lying convicted felon had a favorable rating. In any event, look to the source. Do you trust the food representative for their definition of health regarding saturated fat, sodium and sugar or do you trust the expertise and knowledge of science and functional medicine doctors ? Also, pesticides kill. It’s no wonder why we are so unhealthy.
In essence, Tomiko Itooka born in Osaka, Japan on May 23, 1908 recently died. The oldest person now is Canabarro Lucas born June 8, 1908 in Rio Grande do Sul Brazil. It's not surprising that the oldest person in the world does not come from the United States since we are number one when it comes to lying, infecting and promoting unsafe health practices resulting in early death . We are our main threat and complicit to our well-being. Just look at the physical and mental health of our current leader. Immigrants crossing the border are just another political distraction..The terror comes from within as 89 million eligible voters did not vote in the 2024 presidential election..
Erikson, Erik H. Childhood and Society .
Barry McGuire's recording of Eve of Destruction is another example of the past and continued hypocrisy. Also, I just received a brochure titled Changing How We Feel By Changing What We Eat. A few topics include: 1. Gut Bacteria Contribute to Anxiety and Anxiety, Depression 2. Anti-Anxiety Effects of a Plant-based Diet. 3. Neuroprotective Foods that Improve Mood 4. Nutrients and the Aging Brain.
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