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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Phones and Violence

 An article titled "Phones Fueling Violent Scenes At US Schools" in December 15, 2024. edition of the New York Times was troubling to say the least.  Are the public schools out of touch and failing to provide an appropriate learning environment for our students ? How Is our  society contributing and making our learning environment dysfunctional  ?  How are  the parenting practices contributing to the violence?  This disquisition pertains to the above questions.

The article in question described a series of physical fighting , cyber bullying and taking part in aggressive disruptions occurring in a number of  public schools in our country.  These disruptions included a variety of aggression that included both boys and girls punching, kicking, turning over tables and chairs. In fact one student died  .Also, school officials were being thrown into lockers  as well.  Students shared and jostled to film these disruptions on their phones and provided an opportunity for  more students  to become involved  both actively and passively in the chaos. Some students were suspended.; police were hired and school boards became involved and received pressure from angry parents.  Instagram and Tik Tok were platforms used as well as publicity from  TV newscasts. Yes, phones are just one  contributing factor to this sadistic chaos.

Also contributing and an environmental and social factor is the school environment.  Are the teachers burnt out and disinterested; are the school administrators inept and powerless; and/ or are the school boards punitive, reactive, and  out of touch with their  primitive and punitive philosophy of what is appropriate as far as a meaningful education  along the understanding of adolescent development  and our history of violence ?

What about the social influence of our aggressive ,violent and inequality within our society?  The  history of man is associated with violence.  Fighting each other is not new.  Bullying with prejudice and hate against others is also part of man's behavior regardless of setting.  Filming violence is not novel.  For example, the filming of the Rodney King debacle years ago turned out positive and revealed police brutality and injustice.  Modeling, imitation and influence of radio ,TV ,movies, novels and now social media is associated with both positive and negative influence on behavior .  Perhaps, the school board might limit cell phone availability of their students during the school day.  Yes, that would cause separation anxiety for many.  Would it eliminate  or reduce the amount or frequency of fighting and  bullying behavior during the school day?  A necessary research project could evaluate the impact, if any, with a  policy regarding the phone. Does the availability of having that phone during the school day contribute to an increase in learning?

A few research findings pertaining to the acting out and delinquent adolescent are as follows: 1.  Within the rapid  physiological, psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth of the adolescent are major differences.  There is cognitive and intellectual development immaturity  with those in early adolescence .There is also more egocentricity and less empathy . With normal development they become more mature, with empathy for others .With formal thought, adolescents are  now able to reason,create hypothetical deductions with relativity and are strongly grounded in reality. Those immature adolescents are limited  both cognitively and morally.  2 When parents are cruel, inconsistent, sadistic or antisocial,  those teens fearing a cruel parent  may express hostility by placing it and acting out what was done to him on to others  3.  Those who identify with their parents  antisocial characteristics, also engage in their delinquency .  Girls may defensively identify with their father and become tomboyish.  4.  Those with disturbed parent  communication and openness, result   in developing a negative self-concept ,mistrust of the adult world,  more dependent on the peer culture for their gratifications, begin dating  earlier looking for that mother figure, don't do well academically, experience more psychological pain, and are  less happy and more critical of their environment.  5.  Families of divorce, mental and physical  illness, social and economic inequities, and  minorities are associated with teens who have more emotional, social, and academic difficulties. 6.  Those adolescents that idealize powerful acting out role models in their ego ideal tend to follow that leader and tend to lose themselves in group participation while becoming active followers.  7. Those with a negative self-concept.and Identity diffusion are more  anxious . The consequences result in the need to conform to the peer group  .These alienated teens see themselves as outsiders, and  persecuted .They turn towards the world with bitterness and revenge and they have a low capacity for academics and  yearn for intimacy with their unmet dependency needs  .

For those troubled teens, there is both the sadism of the aggressors and the passivity  and aggressiveness of the followers. The following  ego needs  are apparent . Affiliation ,being part of the group, a follower  with dependency . Aggression,to attack , fight; and act out .Exhibition to make an impression, to be seen ,to be heard by others ,.Abasement, submit to external force ,to accept punishment from those bullies are just a few of the ego needs met.

These troubled teens acted out, not alone, but in front of an audience.  That audience was not totally passive.  It filmed the event, thus reinforcing the  exhibition of the occurrence; the sadistic ,macho behavior,  which is necessary  to mask their insecurities.  The passive aggressive teens did not report the incident to authorities, but distributed it instead to other members of their "group" making everyone  complicit and a follower ,and part of this anti-social display . Those that did not report this incident to authorities have identified with the  acting out "group." All of them deserve  concrete consequences.  They used modern-day technology, not for the good of society but for their own narcissistic, inadequate selves , suggesting  a symptom of identity diffusion.

Phone technology can be a symptom of those highly dependent on this device and contribute negatively to society . Secondly,  psychodynamically the foundation for personality behavior occurs prior to adolescents.  Third,, the preponderance of negative social influences  occurring within the family and society contribute and expose the mental sickness of the culture.  If you're a teen athlete with special skills , artistically or intellectually gifted , you  are more  likely not to be a participant in this school chaos . Becoming a teacher once was associated with status and  an honorable profession ,doesn't seem that attractive today.  Unfortunately, acting out negatively by adults and adolescents is too ingrained in our culture. 


Mussen, P.H., Conger, J.  J and Kagan, J.  Child Development and  Personality.  

Offer, Daniel.  The Psychological World of the  Teenager.


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