This essay has to do with a few of man’s.ideas pertaining to health ..Man for centuries has denied, rationalized, created myths, fantasies and illusions regarding knowledge about his being. Articles from The New York Times are main references .
The article "The Pursuit Of Longevity Lives Forever, but We Don't “ was published January 19, 2025. Roughly 4,000 years ago there was a Mesopotamian king named Gilgamesh. As the story goes, he set out to find a life of everlasting youth in a certain plant . Then,, a Chinese magician named Xu Fu convinced the Emperor that there was an elixir granting eternal life across the Yellow Sea. The Emperor supposedly gave this man 3,000 virgins and an Army for his quest. End of story as the magician was never seen again. Everyone knows about Alexander the Great and his dominating quest . Apparently ,he also had the desire to live forever. He died in his 30’s. The irrational pursuit of immortality is an example of man’s craziness and stupidity .
What about Ponce de Leon? Did he find the fountain of youth? Apparently he did. Just look at the number of older individuals living in Florida today. That population number just swells during the winter months. Even my younger sister Bev moved to Florida.
Maybe Isaac Newton was on to something when he believed that his alchemical research would create a drink that granted immortality.. Then, during the Age of Enlightenment, the word longevity emerged in the English dictionary.. Its current relevance is apparent and a few notable characters follow: 1. Luigi Cornaro wrote the first longevity diet book and subjected himself to sparse daily portions, including a lot of eggs, milk, broth and vegetables and lived into his 80s. He also practiced caloric restriction and abstinence. 2. A Chicago urologist began replacing people's testicles, including his own with those of younger men. He died at age 65. 3. Dr. Eugene Steinach’s vasectomy procedure was the cure for aging.
In the 19th and 20th centuries ,anti-aging gurus, newspaper writers and charlatans promoted lifestyle changes, such as avoiding excessive sleep, forgoing water, marrying and even living in Nantucket . Other suggestions were not reading sexy novels that poisoned the mind. Even insurance companies preferred to insure one Jew rather than two Christians. Soda fountain clerks told customers drinking sour milk would cause them to live to be 200 years old; cosmetic companies sold electrotherapy devices already established and useless ; and testimonials from Americans to reporters said that they drank a daily bottle of old and good wine, took medication, ate candy ,hunted whales and smoked at least one cigar a day. Dr. Cyrus Edson, told people that men of genius lived remarkably long lines. He died in his mid-40s. Alexander Bogomolets developed a serum made from horse blood and cadaver marrow that he believed would allow one to live to 150 years of age. Alexis Carrel claimed to have kept alive the tissue of a chicken heart for years.
Longevity increased in large part to the establishment of public water filtration , chloration, discovery of antibiotics like penicillin and the arrival of vaccines for deadly diseases like: polio. Now , researchers from Harvard and Oxford recently thought the market value in expectancy research with breakthroughs would be worth $367 trillion.
It's clear that immortality is fictional and can be found in novels, movies, and so forth. On the other hand, aging is not as evidenced by the fact that it's developmental as well as normal and pathologic. With that being said, there are numerous theories of aging.The main ones include: 1 Wear and Tear. 2. Neuroendocrine 3. Genetic Control 4. Free Radical .Other theories proposed throughout the years include water accumulation; cell division, limited number of cell divisions,, Hayflick Limit,, Death, Hormone, Thymic-Stimulating , Mitochondrial, Errors, and Repair, Redundant DNA, Cross-Linkage, Autoimmune ,Calorie Restriction ,Gene Mutation , Rate of Living, Order to Disorder, and Telomerase per Klatz and Goldman “Stopping The Clock.”
There's a plethora of information regarding aging in our wealthy country. Yet ,the oldest living do not nor have never resided in the United States. Yes, Loma Linda, a "Blue Zone" community has people reaching 100. The following four articles titled "A Tricky Diagnosis and the Lure of Women's Health Scams. January 12, 2025; “How Extreme Religious Liberty Undermines Public Health” September 18, 2022; “Best Measure of Health? Body Roundness Index Find Support over BMI “September 8, 2024; and “The Joyless Quest For Peak Happiness “ August 11, 2024 are just a few articles affecting aging . And, I'm omitting all the toxic exploitive Trump policies associated with anxiety, fear and increased cortisol levels..
Briefly, the first article had to do with the difficulty with accurately diagnosing female conditions . An example of this was based on the polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease has resulted in both over and under diagnoses. That being said, there are a number of scams for treatment, especially on social media that were financially motivated by uncredentialed health types.
The second article had to do with recent rulings by the courts that favored the beliefs of a small group of conservatives. These rulings favor corporations and limit various treatments, especially drugs related to infectious diseases like Covid-19 and HIV . It's the court promoting corporate profit over public health. Generally, the insurance companies, because of the Affordable Care Act, had increased the amount of coverage and the courts seem to be on the path of changing that because of religious craziness based on some primitive idea. It's not surprising that the motive of profit rises. Back in the day when I was practicing psychology. I had a contract to provide psych services with a limited number of Rx visits allowed. When I exceeded those limitations, they told me they found another provider that they could pay less..
The next article suggests that perhaps the BMI index -body mass index should be replaced by the BRI - body roundness index. As far as the BMI index goes, every time Linda and I have visited a Dr. ,they asked for our height , we were weighed so BMI index scores were recorded. I can't recall any doctor or nurse ever commenting on our BMI index. Perhaps the BMI index fails to capture the health or illness of many.? Okay, the BMI is only one measure of health. Yes, there are many measures regarding health. Is the BRI a better index than BMI ?
The last article was about measuring and being preoccupied with happiness. Recently, researchers created a critical positivity ratio which is a precise numerical value derived through complex mathematical functions to describe the ideal relationship between positive and negative emotions. As a matter fact, this mathematical ratio has been used in a number of apps pertaining to happiness. Also, the article went on to suggest that one can become preoccupied with their apps and that in fact can and does create negative outcomes with certain individuals depending upon their anxiousness or depression .
I have not read any current research that suggests using one of these emotional apps relates to longevity. Assessments for longevity are very detailed, covering a wide range of topics, experiences of each individual. In any event, apps are a tremendous source of income with questionable outcomes. Years ago, Paul Ekman stated "emotions are a process, a particular kind of autonomic appraisal influenced by our evolutionary and personal past, in which we sense that something important to our welfare is occurring, and a set of psychological changes in emotional behaviors began to deal with that situation." He identified seven emotions that included anger, contempt, enjoyment, fear, sadness and surprise. I would add that emotions change rapidly and that they are difficult to identify and label based on private practice and personal experiences with others.Notice that five of Ekman's emotions are negative and Jefferson’s pursuit of” happiness “was nowhere to be found. I admit that Jefferson ,the brilliant wealthy land owner and owner of other humans had a pretty good life.
Albert Ellis’ theory was based on the fact that emotions affect thinking and thinking affects emotions which often results in irrational thinking and behavior . With that being said, emotions are significant but do not tell the whole story as far as longevity goes. Yes, Jefferson told us to pursue happiness , but he didn't say it would lead to longevity.
For the purpose of this essay, let's assume for a moment that apps differentiate pleasure and non pleasure . Aristotle referred to a hedonistic concept suggesting that the attainment of pleasure is good because it's the absence of pain; it's the ultimate goal of life. Plato suggested that pleasure can be true or false, and that good men have true pleasures but bad men have false pleasures. In other words, pleasure is subjective .
Pleasure, success, and satisfaction can be considered good depending upon the perception of the holder. Those Hamas terrorists ,who are still alive, likely considered their attack on the Israelis as pleasurable, satisfying and good. Also, eating a hot fudge sundae might be pleasurable and satisfying at that moment . even if one is obese and has diabetes . Obviously the long term perception of pleasure, satisfaction and happiness can often be detrimental and self-defeating. Further, a sadomasochistic type seeks and strives for pleasure and satisfaction with their sadistic, cruel and dominating behavior. However, who wants to be in a relationship with that type of individual ? In essence, the pursuit of pleasure, satisfaction and happiness can be and is often self-defeating and harmful to well-being.
Pain and unhappiness also occur in the unconscious. To illustrate, often a person, who is unaware ,who doesn't have success as he desires because of impaired health or from inner defects is unable to understand or make the connection that these unconscious forces contribute to his unhappiness .He believes he's happy. Recently, I chatted with a friend In his 60s .Steve told me that he was delighted, happy because he recently sold a number of items. He can not afford to live independently. He also mentioned his high blood pressure. He was almost disqualified when in his 40’s ran Western States .He claimed that high blood pressure for him was normal and was never a big deal. He also told me of his recent heart byway operation and again told me that high blood pressure was just high blood pressure. He didn't acknowledge any relationship between his high blood pressure, and his heart condition . Simply put, individuals have an illusion of happiness which is self-contradictory. Happiness and unhappiness are not only states of the mind as they are expressions of the entire organism and personality.
Spinoza, Spencer ,Marx Freud ,Rand and others wrote about the necessity of being productive ; It's of value because it contributes to the emotional development of the individual and these actions benefit other individuals . In”It Has Nothing to Do with Age,” I prescribed 7 prescriptions that relate to mental and physical health, resulting in lengthening one's life span.. Happiness is subjective and conjugated with living a productive and healthy life .
Happiness and unhappiness are more than just thoughts within the personality ..The belief in happiness can be related to a lack of productivity, emptiness of life, incapacity to love or be loved found in the unconscious. Often, individuals rationalize the illusion of being happy. Happiness is conjunctive. with an increase in vitality of feeling, thinking and productiveness . Unhappiness is conjunctive with the decrease of these previously mentioned capacities and functions of personality.. The workings in our body and its reactions are clear expressions of the unconscious workings in one's reality . In other words, the body is less capable of being deceived. Facial expressions ,listlessness, being tired and headaches are a few examples. In essence, subjective feelings of happiness are illusory and unrelated to genuine happiness. They are simply pseudo and illustrate man’s ignorance. In closing, Aristotle stated, "all I know is that I know nothing."