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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Violent Republic


Peacemonger was the title of an article in the September 2, 2023 edition of The New York Times.  The  question is, if wars are the least rational  of human projects , why have there been so many of them all over the world in every era ?  The article traced wars beginning from the Roman Republic to Putin’s involvement in the Ukraine,  the Imperial China, Mongol conquest, feudal Japan ,carnage of European Christian clashes, pre-Columbian , Latin America, the two world wars, colonial incursions, communist conflicts and wars in the Middle East.  Why war is the focus of this essay .  .

According to the writer, wars began with the establishment of fixed agrarian settlements.  Briefly, the following variables for war : 1. Conflict between agriculturalists and pastoralists  2. The view that in the chaotic world, leaders make rational decisions to protect their interests and domestic politics  but often fail to deal with their miscalculations.  3.  Modern civilization is more violent , makes killing is easier, more organized, more legitimate and more efficient  4.  Wars vary widely depending upon differing ecologies, class, ethnicity,  domestic politics, ideologies, emotions with leaders competencies and desires.  5.  Greed status-honor- glory and  enjoyment of domination.  That's a lot of variables for war  .

Do the above 5 variables provide insight and explain the war against Native Americans ?   Native Americans occupied the continental United States, including Alaska prior to the migration of Europeans . The Native Americans established, created their own culture , mores and society and lived off the land and the waters. Then , Europeans and colonists invaded these shores.  These people  sadistically exploited, murdered and took possession  of all the land as if  entitled.  They apparently didn't ask for permission or barter for the use and occupancy of land and taking resources like the killing of game and fish. The colonists were given permission for this invasion by King George , the leaders of the 13 colonies and religious  leaders. Advanced weaponry, supplies , assistance from the Native Americans and  technical skills facilitated their take over .

Furthermore, a few  patriotic songs about God and  war include but are not limited to: 1.  Over There, Star-Spangled Banner, Oh Say Can You See, God bless America, America; 2.  For kids include F Is for Flag, America The Beautiful, Lil'  Navy Sailor .For adults include The Great Patriot's, Don't Tread on Me, The Last of the Mohicans ,Patriot Games 3.  Patriotic movies with John Wayne include The Searchers, The Green Berets, Wagon Train Rio Grande.  The Alamo, The Comancheros, Cheyenne Autumn, etc. Patriotism ,war heroes, and killing  the”enemy” are deeply rooted and play a significant element in our identity and our culture.

As the government developed,  factors such as Jefferson supporting the push westward  , the  exploration by Lewis and Clark; the Louisiana purchase, and with religious Manifest Destiny ideology ,  the occupiers pushed westward for economic opportunities.despite the  inordinate risks, hazards and dangers facing them. With cognitive dissonance, they focused on glory, acquisition, adventure , the benefits of success , and downplayed  Christian morality ,the hardship and other difficulties of reality . They affiliated and became members of  various groups as in wagon trains, in part , because these groups validated their own beliefs and aspirations.  In essence, dependence becomes a major source of attraction for group enterprise.  Also, their personal aspirations were met  and congruent with  the aspirations of the group. With group consensus., they engaged in riskier behaviors than they would have if left to their own accord . And their individual goals were met by group goals. As a consequence, political, religious, military superiority and ideology began to occupy all the land. In the process,  Native Americans were either converted, killed or put on reservations.  Treaties were broken and with the  financial and military power,  possession of land and waterways along with the status of the young republic was  becoming fulfilled.

The advantage and benefits of obtaining land  which means dominance and control over the natives was evident with a favorable outcome because of  superior military and industrial advantages.  The consequences for their acts of murder ,domination  , economics and exploration outweigh  their  human losses .Power, possession and status was extraordinary.  The probability of being successful in war was high , based on the military power and  resources along with the prospect of being rewarded . Military generals  were heroes and  there was admiration for Gen. Custer because he killed many.  Generals were rewarded and even became presidents along with Indian fighters like Kit Carson for  their ability to kill.  After all, they were killing savages, heathens and non-believers .

The motivation for participating in the war of 1812 and World War II are different, as we were attacked first.  So an eye for an eye and revenge are permissible.  World War II was necessary for economic, military, political and moral reasons.  What about the Spanish-American War, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan ?  Dwight Eisenhower had it right.  Ike described the  influence of the Military Industrial Complex. 

With war, there is a coordination of political, economic, military, and moral rightness.  The enemy is described in unflattering terms as savages, gooks,  slanted eyes etc .  The winners in war seem to benefit with more wealth , increases in military rank and political opportunities.  George Bush after invading Iraq was easily reelected for a second term.

There was no rationality for going to war with Iraq.  We armed Saddam and he assisted in beating up on Iran.  But, he committed the cardinal sin of interfering with oil  supply and rocketing Israel.  The consequences for our actions in Iraq have been creating more enemies, terrorists and empowering Iran. Since World War II, our motivation for entering war has been the Military Industrial Complex with neurotic pursuit of power, possession and prestige .  Follow the money. Ask who's going to benefit; who's expendable  but do not consider nor address consequences.  Our participation in World War II, aside from being attacked by Japan and Germany, was necessary.

In essence, the question of why war is as follows: 1.  Man has ego needs and with excessive neurotic tendencies seeks'' Dominance”. To control one's human environment .To influence or direct the behavior of others by suggestion, seduction, persuasion or command. To dissuade, restrain or prohibit.” Aggression “ To overcome opposition forcefully. To fight . To avenge . To attack, injure or kill another. To oppose forcefully or punish another.  2. To acquire. To hoard .To have control over all. To  “Possess “3.  “Achievement .” To accomplish something difficult. To master,  To manipulate, organize , physical objects, human beings or ideas . To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard 4. For “Status,” reputation, stature , standing   5. “Abasement . “ To submit passively to external force.  To accept injury, blame, criticism, punishment.  To surrender.  To become resigned to fate.  To admit inferiority, error, wrongdoing or defeat.  To confess and atone.  To blame, belittle,. To mutilate the self.  To seek and enjoy pain ,punishment, illness and misfortune.6.  Man  has  weaknesses  , is irrational, along with malignant egoism, egotism or narcissism.  7..  Morality diminishes with an imbalance of the  ego needs 8..  With the Collective Unconscious, man's memory and behavioral history repeats   9.  Within the above, and included are the institutions of politics, economics ,with the military industrial complex  10.  Leaders and advisors make war decisions about others going into battle 11. Man , being a social animal, makes wars inevitable.


Cartwright, Dorwin and Zander, Alvin.  Group Dynamics.

Murray, Henry . Explorations in Personality.


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