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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lovely Linda

 Last Wednesday,the 11th, Linda and I returned from a mud bath in Calistoga.  That afternoon we decided to play pickleball.  On our way to the court, Linda was making a U-turn,and the golf cart got away from her and turned over. Linda was trapped ,and her ankle  caught . I was horrified , helpless and unable to save her .  I attempted to lift the golf cart so she could remove her leg from under the cart, but  I couldn't.  Luckily,  3 neighbors stopped . Then we picked up the golf cart so Linda  could remove her leg. Mike F. , a Search and Rescue friend wrapped Linda's leg and assisted expertly.  We got her back to the house and I drove her to the hospital in Auburn.

At the hospital, she was x-rayed and scanned from head to foot.  After a while, the emergency room physician told me that she required going to a trauma hospital.  Later , he said he couldn't find a bed in either Roseville or Sacramento and Linda would  have to be transferred to Modesto.  I asked if we could remain in Auburn until a bed opened up closer to home.  The physician said she required treatment for her ankle immediately.  An ambulance drove her to Modesto and I followed.

At the hospital in Modesto, Linda's leg was treated and she was admitted early Thursday morning to ICU.  Later that morning the surgeon came in and said he didn't think surgery was indicated but he would have to clean  her wound, stitch it and put her in stirrups so that the bandage could be changed every other day.

After that procedure, she was placed in a two patient room .  Linda's children Sidne,Kristie and Buck provided tremendous support.  I had to convince those in charge that I needed to stay with Linda during the night.  It was clear that she had to deal correctly with her weight-bearing issue and  that she required assistance to keep her in bed during the evening. Eventually , after serious discussion, the nurse in charge said ok and brought in a more comfortable chair in order for me to spend the night at her side .

On Friday, her ankle injury remained infected . Initially, I intended to take her home that evening.  After receiving input from Dr. Warren, the physician, the staff and her children, I decided to keep Linda at the hospital.  They moved Linda to a single room that had a loveseat that could be extended like a bed .

During that evening, I decided to have a fiesty Linda transferred to a rehab hospital . Her son Buck has a  Home Instead franchise and  recommended two rehab hospitals.  The one hospital in Sacramento would have 24 hour care so that Linda would not be alone. Super !

Saturday, the discharge process became complicated. Fortunately, Daniel.a head nurse ,facilitated the discharge process.  We had to remind Daniel that we would transport Linda to the rehab hospital in Sacramento.  Buck  facilitated the admission, Sidne transported Linda in her car . I thought the Corvette would be more complicated and less comfortable getting Linda in and out.

Linda was admitted Saturday evening to this new facility and was accompanied by her three children.  I left that evening and was able to have a non-interrupted night of sleeping.

At the rehab hospital, Linda had 24 -7 hour care with a nurse and patient care technician.  She’s  provided  with physical, occupational, and speech therapy during the day.  Linda's mood was upbeat and she was a pleasure to be around despite her discomfort.  Her wound is changed every other day by her  nurse.  The staff changes occur and  there were a lot of new faces daily 


On Thursday, Linda visited an orthopedic surgeon in Roseville.  He unwrapped her bandaged ankle and decided not to take out the stitches at that time.  He said there was no medical necessity for Linda to be in the rehab hospital.  His office arranged for home healthcare, and an appointment was scheduled for September 30.

Friday morning I contacted the home healthcare office; made arrangements with Sidne  for her to provide  workers to help with respite and her ability to provide a wheelchair, walker and shower chair.  With  all that in place, I decided to bring Linda home Sunday.

Linda's home and she has home healthcare.  Home healthcare consists of a nurse case manager, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and a health aide.  She has a follow-up appointment with her orthopedic surgeon on Monday the 30th.

This accident episode seemed  more difficult  than her hip replacement last December as Linda is unable to put any weight on her left foot.  Being on 1 leg, Linda has to be able to transition from bed to wheelchair and from wheelchair to toilet.  Linda is getting stronger and more familiar with the process.  However, she is still wheelchair bound.  Modesto Hospital did their job, as did the Sacramento rehab hospital.  It's difficult to be the advocate within the maze structure and rigidness in healthcare.  In any event, my advice is not to be a patient.  


Our friends Dave and Joyce have been angels sent from outer space or  more accurately from Michigan and Ohio.  They took care of Teddy ,Linda's love child during her hospitalizations.  We were able to use FaceTime , including Teddy daily .  They have been a godsend again and again.  They  also have provided a wheelchair, porta potty commode and a tub transfer bench.  They have been a tremendous support and we value their friendship and support .I thank the support of  many friends, including my sister Bev, Tony, Debbie, Rachel, Paul, Melissa, Lee ,Avi, Shelley,  Wiff’s, Trula, Pat and Diane.


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