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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dependency & Passive Aggressiveness

We don't know for sure if sapiens replaced all previous human populations without merging with them. However, we do know that for the last 70,000 years or so,  sapiens have interacted with each other  in  a combination of three ways in varying degrees . Sapiens might withdraw from others, with the consequence of perhaps being alone,or loneliness .  Sapiens might move toward others, as in association,  unions, friendship ,or love as described in songs, novels, movies, and so forth.  Or ,sapiens might move against others aggressively as in war, murder, or harming physically ; emotionally  and passive -aggressively with lies, blaming, discriminating, oppressing, hate verbal aggression , dominating, and so forth.  This essay has to do with Trump ..

Historically, philosophers and others have described man's motivation in various ways. Man’s motivation has been attributed to the importance of knowledge, with emphasis on virtue and rationality in pursuing happiness; will and free will; hedonism, fear and love,  desires for pleasure and the avoidance of pain; and that society is to blame for its egoism because man is basically good. Later, Sigmund Freud's theory incorporated both the sex and aggressive or the destructive drive as main motivators.  Henry Murray  identified ego needs such as  affiliation,abasement aggression and dominance and Erich Fromm described varieties of aggression and destructiveness.  Freud, Murray and Fromm  and others have provided an in-depth description and understanding  for man treating man in sadistic and aggressive ways.  

A few current illustrations of inequality among men from articles found in the 2024 edition of The New York Times..  1.  When Tik Tok's Algorithm Turns Deadly.  2.  Workers Deserve So Much More Than America's  Unions 3.  Harris, Gaza, and the Voters She Leaves behind 4.  Will  A.  I. Save us or Kill Us First?  5.  The Strange Report Fueling The War on Trans Kids.  6.  Russia Punishes Those Who Seek the Truth.  7.  We're Taught to Hate Hypocrisy.  We Shouldn't.  8.  Models of Resistance 9.  After Police Kill Boy, Ethnic Refugee Groups Young Lead Quest for Answers 10.  Pure Evil.  The content in these  articles describe and illustrate man dominating, subjugating, discriminating, manipulating and oppressing others.

To understand man's nature, we start at the beginning. The infant erupts from the womb in  a state  of anxiety, helplessness and dependency .  At the start, we have an uneven , and unequal relationship as the infant is totally dependent on another.  Soon aggressiveness is displayed by the infant crying, kicking and biting during feeding.  The dynamics of dependency,  as well as  aggression,  are established  like being imprinted in the brain from the beginning .  The  dependent child quickly learns that  parents and  older siblings  have the upper hand irrespective of perceived fairness.  School is no different as the teacher or the smartest, cutest, most athletic also have the upper hand.  The child is almost in a slave- master relationship with the teacher, coach or principal .In other words, inequality between and among humans is established and reinforced during one's lifetime.  With aggression, the occurrence of rebellion, opposition, noncooperation, and saying no characterize interactions.

In the world of  work, there is the boss and various levels in the absence of equality.In relationships, there's unequalness.  In fact, at one time, wives were the property of the male .  Commandment  10 has to do with coveting another man's wife.  In other words, don't take his property.  Commandments 5-10 pertain to man treating man aggressively and passive aggressively as in honor of your mother and father.  In essence, men historically have treated his fellow man In unequal ways, with one being the master and the other the subject. 

We have to obey man-made laws or we encounter fines, police, courts, and/or jail.  How many rules or inspections occur when building a house?    In our  republic , we vote..  How well does the voter know about the candidate?  Does the candidate represent you or does he or she represent interest groups?  If elected, the main motivation for the candidate is to remain and stay elected.  However, with the present presidential election coming up., we know a lot about  the former president.

The former Pres. is no different than the rest of the population.  Everyone has dependency  and  passive-aggressive issues .Passive aggressiveness is characterized by aggressive behavior manifested in passive ways .

Passive aggressiveness was brilliantly described in Freud's psychoanalytic psychosexual description occurring in the Anal stage and in Erikson's psychosocial model of the crisis of autonomy.  Pop-culture has called it  the terrible twos, the expression of "no" and "I hate you."  It's as if there's a battle of wills with the parent over toilet training, eating certain foods and obeying.  It's a battle over independence.  Examples such as hiding food in a napkin and then putting it in the drawer; collecting pebbles at  the beach, wanting to take them home and then refusing to get in the car and walking home instead illustrate the battle and  conflict.  Other illustrations such as coming late to an appointment, forgetting, making mistakes,  not taking out the garbage,not  picking up one's clutter, leaving dishes in the sink, not doing one's homework are learned and reinforced because they are effective in  a  sense, since they are not physical but directed toward the controlling other.

Historically, Gandhi comes to mind.  His nonphysical, turning the cheek  despite violence perpetrated by the British were effective. His followers shut down railway system communication and production of salt.  The British Empire succumbed and India became independent.  As a result,  Gandhi was brilliant in the use of passive aggressiveness. Passive aggressiveness has been an effective response throughout history.

 Trump is dependent on people voting for him; the Supreme Court; the Congress; wealthy donors; lawyers; federal court judges; money; large crowd size ,Putin, Fox News,Musk ,filling his hotels and buying his products and other factors.  His passive aggressiveness is displayed with lies; misrepresentation of facts; bullying behavior against prosecutors, political types, journalists, election workers etc.; his threats to punish his enemy; failure to pay appropriate amount of taxes; retaining federal documents; reinforcing and directing mob action on January 6; threatening to  callout the National Guard;perpetuate fake electoral college electors; calling a Georgia official to find more votes as his behavior so exemplifies. Recently, he told a group of wealthy Jews that he could save Israel and then  later said if he loses the election, It's the fault ( lot to do) of  the Jews .  Factually, the Jewish population in the United States is about 2%.

A few examples of the “power” and control of freedom of the master, dictator and authoritarian include but not limited to: 1.  Eliminating the Presidential Commission 2.  Eliminating Roe Versus Wade 3.  Restricting teaching and book banning 4.  Quid pro quo -holding up Ukrainian military aid . 5.  Voting suppression 6.  Abusive treatment of women; not paying employees 7.  Bankrupt 6 times 8,  Tax breaks favoring the 1% 9.  Sabotaging bipartisan support for immigration reform. 10 . Refusing to participate in the second presidential debate with Kamala Harris.  11.   Supporting the 2025 playbook 12.  Employing Russia participation in 2016 election 13.  Endorsing right wing bigots14. Ignoring the Constitution 15. Not obeying the Rule of Law 16. Threatening  citizens 17. Control over the Justice Department and his tribe of followers

Freedom is an important issue that's facing the majority of individuals in our republic.  Many are pursuing and supporting the truth . Solving complex issues is hard, and difficult but not threatening  while others are looking to another to “protect”, which is a delusion and in the process reduce and limit their freedom..  Authoritarians are looking to protect, benefit  themselves and only themselves per history.  Their mission is not to protect but to rule. Do not forget Francis Scott Key’s ;last line. In 1814 he wrote  "O"er , land of the free and the home of the brave “ is pertinent as well as   The Pledge of Allegiance   I pledge  allegiance to the  flag and to the Republic  and not to Trump is also  central . as he is an indicted criminal and not  cognitively, emotionally or morally fit for office in our country  but maybe in Russia, China ,Hungary, Turkey, Iran or  North Korea.  Anyone want to follow him there? After 248 years, hopefully the Republic and Constitution will remain relevant.


 Beneath the surface of this wealthy, business genius and Don Juan TV marketing persona, is a neurotic character and personality  with traits associated with the tendencies of dependency ,passive aggressiveness, narcissism. sociopathy of this insecure and troubled individual.  


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