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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Supreme Court


Government pertains to the system of control for a country in which people are governed.  Supposedly, although not specifically stated in the Constitution, we have  a philosophy of the separation of powers between the church and state . Separation means removing the government's ability to give preferential treatment to one religion and also to support a plurality of religions and religious beliefs.. Yet, with the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe versus Wade, banning  abortions, punitive legal penalties to healthcare providers and individuals assisting with abortion , we have no separation, but a morally and psychologically punitive based law  decision that is harmful to prospective parents and their siblings.. This disquisition addresses this immorality and wickedness.

Turning to the origins of Judaism  5785 years ago, although little  was known about the physical world, man's behavior was most accurately depicted in how he behaves toward his parents and others with the 10 Commandments.  However, there were no significant external consequences administered for swearing, lying, cheating, stealing, adultery and  killing for these actions .  

About 2000 years ago man created the immaculate conception, soul, son of God , dying for your sins,   angels, Satan and " abortion” with additional ideas and provided " answers" to this life and the life hereafter  with no scientific evidence, but use of the word faith. Jeremiah  stated, "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."  Wow, what an idea and  God’s in the bedroom too?  How did Jeremiah know so much ?.  In any event, it's been  said that an abortion is attacking a human being with a human destiny ,being prepared by God to receive an immortal soul and eternal life with grace .Questions like is an abortion of sin and what type of sin; does an embryo have a soul at conception  and is an abortion, equivalent to murder are questions pertinent  to some ..

Individuals believe many things  including  the use of magical thinking based on their psychology of identifications, ego need structures and wanting to be part of the group.  Not everyone has the same religious or non-religious beliefs. To have a  federal law based on a particular religious belief which discriminates against others is one reason why the Puritans left England.  Further , a number of states with abortion on the ballot voted to legalize abortions.  During this past presidential election, 8/10 states voted for Trump and the legalization of abortion.How’s that for inconsistency . Anyway, put Roe versus Wade on a national ballot. 

To enact a law which prohibits the individual to seek medical treatment for a certain condition is not in accord with public health , a concern for the health and welfare while living , punitive, exploitative, sadistic and controlling . It’s a right to pursue happiness according to Jefferson. It's illogical to think that a religious view , based on the supernatural ,supersedes  medical based science.  Further, and to threaten fines and imprisonment on medical providers is both cruel and sadistic.  Morality is based on distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad. The overturning was immoral  .Moreover,, there is a psychological component  regarding this decision with many unintended consequences as well.

Turning to psychology, it has been well established that child-rearing is both extremely difficult and challenging.  Successful  emotional maturity, socioeconomic factors and child-rearing  practices can lead to positive mental health or set the stage for mental illness precursors.  With that being said, it's very important for the prospective parent or parents to have made this important decision based on their maturity and knowledge about developmental lines and child-rearing practices.  A few questions pertinent  to be addressed include the following: 1.  When should a mother substitute be introduced?  2.  When should she leave her child for work?  Because of maturation differences, it's not necessarily based on age 3.  Breast or bottle feeding based on the clock or demand.  4. When and how should toilet training be introduced  5.  Family medical issues requiring surgery of parent or child 6.  The birth arrival or adoption of another child..  The focus of these questions pertains to the concern and importance about how the child experiences them  These events pertain to, and turn into psychic realities, affects  anxieties and fantasies with  their consequences

Being knowledgeable  about developmental or egocentricity is also important.  In this first phase of object constancy,  the mother or mothering person are perceived as existence of her own This means that whatever happens in the interaction is understood from the aspect of  satisfaction or frustration from the wishes .For instance, It's the every preoccupation with  the mother, her concerns or involvement with other family members ,,with work,outside interests , her mental or physical illness  In other words, her absences are built and transformed into experiences of potential rejection and /or desertion .In other words, developing a sense of trust is problematic.

Erik H.  Erikson developed eight psychosocial crises in "Childhood And Society."  These crises follow along developmental lines and either successful resolution or unsuccessful resolution affects each succeeding phase. His first psychological crisis is  being able to develop a sense of trust versus  developing a sense of mistrust.  The importance of understanding the child's experience in this first cris phase is paramount.  Of course there are degrees of trust and mistrust.  Needless to say, the importance of developing trust pertains to oneself and to the world at large cannot be understated.  Being able to trust has positive implications for being able to deal more effectively with psychic crises that follow . Without trust there cannot be well-being.  Without trust there can't be a successful ego executive functioning.  Without trust there cannot be a  well developed moral conscience.

Mistrust is associated with anxiety, alienation,  suspiciousness, paranoia, and being susceptible to outlandish, irrational, threatening ideas. These individuals have difficulty taking responsibility and become victims in which they blame their woes on external forces they scapegoat hate with the negative and pessimistic mindset of the overall are looking to the future and focus on the past misfortunes. It's obvious when there's mistrust between family members, spouses ,with the community and with the politicians,  government, its institutions, a corrupt system with  the rich getting richer and the rest poorer .They certainly can’t trust the immigrants  and people that believe differently or their future .Mistrust does not bring happiness, satisfaction  but anxiety ,dread ,doom ,gloom and worry.

To force a female to give birth , against her right, irrespective of her physical or psychological condition is  cruel, punitive  and sadistic.  Females have many reasons regarding making the difficult decision of abortion. And yet the implications of her being emotionally able to provide the most reasonable and proper child-rearing becomes questionable with  the backdrop  of additional stress of this law. Who would want to be the embryo in an unwanted pregnancy?  I do not see any psychological advantage for the embryo.  We already have more than enough of these anxious, mental health aggrieved crazies in our Republic and we don't need  this inhumane ruling to perpetuate  and make things worse .  The well-being of that embryo is at stake and needs to be addressed despite all the negative odds. I don't know what happens , other than death  in the afterlife, but I do know about life in the here and now. Those Supreme Court justices that took away a women's right to choose medical treatment exhibited a harsh,  cruel and punishing conscience with that ruling.


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