“It Has Nothing to Do with Age” is a book about individuals who push themselves to physical extremes and who believe they have defied the aging process. If you are at least 30, 40, 50 years of age, join them in such sports as: theTevis Cup, the Dipsea, the Western States 100, the 100 mile ride and tie, the Hawaiian Ironman, the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Trouble Is Civilization Part 3
Before the birth of Christ, we had oral and written language that governed human behavior with its various consequences. Within the evolutionary development of man, with the creation of large groups of people, rulers surfaced and implemented strategies to correct, control and limit man’s food, sexual, aggressive, and dominance needs. Per the 10 Commandments, swearing, honoring the father and mother, not murdering and committing adultery, not stealing, not lying and not coveting were considered affronts to God if broken.
Marriage and monogamy were created, established and expected to be the norm. How’s that working out? The United States currently has produced the most advanced killing operation ever. Doesn’t that fact contradict the Judeo-Christian “thou shall not kill” rule?
The 10 Commandments and the Hammurabi code correlates with the establishment of civilization. Now, man’s inhumanity to man was exacerbated. Since 12,000 BC, group and individual violence has dramatically increased. Mythical reasons such as my God is the only true God; belief in one God; fighting for land or territory; fighting for national resources; fighting for national interests were some of the reasons given to go to war in order to kill. Nowadays, killing and maiming, has become more widespread by mentally sick sadomasochistic individuals. Start with man’s nature; thwart growth by creating an atmosphere of insecurity, hate and prejudice; market Second Amendment mythology; produce a plethora of guns and military weapons, and you have a recipe for evil.
Man’s nature is man’s nature. At this juncture, man’s aggressive drive and cruelty toward others is the biggest threat toward peace within our civilization. I wonder, if it’s possible for this society to reduce mechanisms that produce inequality and transpose it into equality reforms between and among people? We must first take into account man’s insecurity, sexual and aggressive drives and needs for dominance and promote rationality. In other words, a society based on humanistic principles can be a start. For instance, it’s necessary to eliminate man made prejudicial distinctions, divisions, and/ or illusions such as upper, middle, lower, white and black; patricians and plebeians; male and female and the rich and the poor. Unregulated classifications and divisions between people would nullify the myths that justify making some people legally, socially, morally and politically superior. If man’s evolution does not occur, we can expect continued acts of violence against other humans. Extinction follows.
Sources: Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud; Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari
Saturday, April 28, 2018
The Trouble with Civilization Part 2
12,000 years ago, man was able to communicate better than earlier man, and keep track and control the production and distribution of wheat, rice, etc. Thus, civilization gave birth to the creation of more negative interpersonal conflicts. Man likely had to lie, steal, and cheat, in order to survive. Because of the conflict between man living in a civilization, leaders devised a system to combat and keep track of foodstuffs. The Sumerians about 3500 BC and 3000 BC established a base 6 numbering system. Now, accountants, or bureaucrats were able to record various transactions called writing. With writing, came rules with more attempts to regulate and control man. This development resulted and interfered with man’s ability to resolve conflicts and interfered with the fulfillment of his need and drive structure.
Along came King Hammurabi in 1776 BC of Babylon, overseeing the world’s largest city at that time. He established the first significant written code for inappropriate behavior with consequences. Within this system, Individuals were either divided as superiors, commoners or slaves. According to the code, the Gods Anu, Enlil, and Marduk appointed Hammurabi to make justice and eliminate evil. Within this three tier approach, the consequences for broken rules varied. For example, “if a superior took the eye of another superior, they should blind his eye. If a superior took the eye of a commoner, then, they should pay and deliver 60 shekels of silver. If the superior took the eye of a slave, he shall deliver one half of the slave’s value in silver.” This code was not justice for all, even if was established by the God’s. These guys were prejudiced. Yes, man created illusions, which are followed like the blind leading the blind.
According to the Old Testament, the 10 Commandments were given to Moses by God. 10 Commandment references can be found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. However, these 10 principles initially did not have clear consequences, other than displeasing God. Consequences came later with the holy day of Rosh Hashanah.
To Be Continued
Friday, April 27, 2018
The Trouble with Civilization
More senseless murders happened, this time in Tennessee at a Waffle House. For a perspective on violence, let’s take a look at our beginning, some 700,000 years ago at behavior of the hunters and gatherers. They have been named Neanderthal, Homo erectus, Homo soloensis etc. We know that a drive for food and water; aggressive drives or needs to fight; to attack, injure or kill another; sexual needs or drives to have intercourse; and dominance needs to control one’s environment by suggestion, seduction, persuasion or command are in man’s nature.
To survive, man had to satisfy his hunger. If some larger prey killed a more vulnerable prey, man likely had to wait his turn, in the pecking order, before he could engage. Let’s suppose another hungry group arrived on the scene. Chances are the stronger would take over and push the weaker aside and if necessary kill his human opposition. By the same token, let’s hypothesize that there were more mating males and fewer females. It’s not hard to imagine that once again, the stronger would prevail, and if necessary, injure, attack or even kill the rival. Let’s also hypothesize that a younger, stronger male wanted to be in charge of the group. If suggestion or persuasion didn’t work, it’s not hard to imagine the younger dethroning the older male. Once again, aggression, violence and death were outcomes. Thus, the fulfillment, by brute strength. Of man’s drives and needs were more easily met in this period.
Much later, through evolution resulted in the cognitive, about 70,000 years ago, and the agrarian revolution, roughly 12,000 years ago, with greater numbers of people congregating in one locale. With this historic change, more and more people were subjected to residing in smaller settings; with extremely difficult labor conditions in planting, watering and harvesting the crops; building more permanent man-made structures; having less variety of food nutrients; being an employee; being dependent on the system; living in cramped spaces; and being subjected to contaminated sewage and water; with more disease and the inability to meet basic needs which leads to frustration and aggression. Within larger group formations of people congregating, group dynamics surfaced. Man either become a member of a commoner or slave group; had more pressure to conform to a particular group; could either gain power, control and influence over the group or become a follower of the group. Man seeks power, success and wealth for self. He also admires these components in others. Further, mythology flourished. In other words, the formation of larger groups created numerous interpersonal conflicts with the thwarting of man’s basic needs and drives coupled with bias, irrational thought, prejudice and fictional beliefs
To Be Continued
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Modern Man and Humankind. Part 3
He’s an expert when it relates to forging, as he’s knowledgeable about plants, insects and everything edible. When he finds ripe fruit, he may stay a while and gorge. He doesn’t think about or worry about BMI index, diabetes, heart conditions or other physical ailments. He knows by now, what herbs provide relief from discomfort. He has become his own functional medicine expert specialist. Essentially his diet is varied depending upon availability of game and likely he is getting most if not all the important nutrients. He does not require supplements, nor diet books from the health food store. His well nutritionally-balanced diet suits him fine. Further, his diet likely changes from day to day. Moreover, he also does not suffer from infectious diseases brought about by the agricultural and industrial revolution.
He is able to meet his sexual drive and needs based upon availability and is not hindered by man-made fictions like marriage. Child support and visitation rights are not issues. However, there is infant mortality.
We are unable to say much about the spiritual and mental life of these ancient hunter gatherers. We have no recording device and are left at formulating hypotheses based on paintings, drawings and gravesites. However, we can speculate that they likely believed in animism. If true, this is a fiction that most animals, most plants and natural phenomena has perception and feelings. They can communicate with humans. Essentially, there’s no psychological barrier between humans and other beings. Communication is evident directly through speech .song, dance or ceremony. There is not a strict hierarchy in that nonhuman entities do not exist to provide for the needs of man. Further, they don’t have all-powerful mythical gods running the world. In essence, the world does not revolve around any humankind or other particular groups of beings. Sounds to me that there are some advantages in believing this fiction.
However, what if an individual believed in another fiction like a supreme being? Would that individual be subjected to mediation, negative language, bullying, expulsion or physical violence, and perhaps death? We don’t know how competing beliefs were handled or disagreements or consequences from them.
Sounds to me that there are some advantages in believing this fiction.
Based on this brief bit of information, does anyone want to be a hunter and gatherer? If so, one can visit certain areas in the Arctic or the Kalahari where modern gatherers still exist. Don’t take too long, because, knowing man, we will eliminate them also. This is one price we pay for modern civilization
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Modern Man and Humankind, Part 2
With this routine or way of life, visits to the doctor, dentist, and shopping are likely .The family likely experiences stress, anxiety, depression, overweight issues and other physical health concerns like arthritis, slipped disc and other back related issues known to modern man. There’s plenty of diversions, such as cell phones, TV, movies, novels, sports, etc. but they do not provide or resolve mental and physical health conditions. Instead, for example, cell phone dependency has addictive habit forming qualities. You cannot leave home without it.
Now let’s turn to the fictional life of a hunter and gatherer. He may awaken as result of the rising sun, or from the barking of his trusted and dear domesticated canine. He throws off the pelt and rises from the bed of leaves placed beneath him. Today, may be a hunting day. If so, he is likely to be joined by others for possibly the group chase without his sunscreen, orthotics, fit bit, compression socks, hydration pack etc.; corner, trap and kill. The animal has to be skinned and quartered. All parts of the animal are used by these talented individuals.
Each has become an expert in tracking, running down and killing the beast. Large motor skills are well developed for this athletically conditioned individual. He’s able to run, climb and utilize his endurance by being able to outlast, with help of others, the four legged prey. He likely doesn’t suffer from meniscus, MCL and other injuries. His small and fine motor dexterity is outstanding as he’s able to make a flint, attach it to the spear in record time. He’s in touch and in tune with his bodily functions because it is necessary for survival. He doesn’t require going to the gym, running on the elliptical or using free weights. Nor does he have to engage in yoga as his dexterity is superb. He has become a knowledgeable specialist in so many areas of the outdoors. Yes the outdoors.
To Be Continued
Friday, April 20, 2018
Modern Man and Humankind
Anyone willing to trade places with the hunters and gatherers? Perhaps, mythology, age and gender are significant variables? Let’s take a look at a fictional day for modern man, and then hypothesize about ancient humankind.
Today’s man might be something like the following. He awakens from the ring from alarm clock, turns on the lights, dresses with store bought clothes, checks cell phone, and proceeds in the comfort of his domicile more than likely built by others. He might have coffee with the assistance from the grocery store with his coffee maker device. Procures cream from the refrigerator and sugar, along with his typical genetically modified, sugary, fat, salt breakfast He is accompanied at the kitchen table built by somebody else with his wife and kids. Then he climbs into his automobile, checks cell phone, turns the key, leaves his remote-controlled garage, fills his car with petrol and off to work with his long, stressful hour commute. He labors indoors generally for an eight hour plus day, provides income to support his family by paying for the groceries; gas, oil, and car payment; and the mortgage or rent on his house. Don’t forget that he requires automobile, life, health and homeowners and an umbrella policy insurance as well. These are a few economic stresses.
On the job, his task might be singular, specializing in just one part of the whole. It might be repetitious and bureaucratic despite the fact that he has a college degree. He also has a college debt to pay off. His work may not be satisfying, but the illusion that it may provide a springboard for him to climb up the corporate ladder. Meaningful work is not the goal, but navigating with his boss, getting along with fellow workers is in a 9 to 5+ job. He also has to fight the stressful morning and evening commute in heavy traffic but can monitor his cell phone. Plus, he is away from his family for long periods of time.
Returning home, he may fix himself an alcoholic drink to unwind from the workday, to ease his body discomfort, and listen to his harried helicopter wife who has to control the kids, with their school, and after school schedules. She is likely to be tired as well. Having electronic gadgets like TV, radio, computer, cell phone, fast food and kitchen appliances do not seem to make her life any easier. Do they really save time? Don’t forget homework and kids interacting with kids. They keep to this religious schedule, likely, five days a week and then look to the weekend for additional chores, maintenance around the house, sports schedules and maybe even time for themselves by themselves. There may be Sunday church or religious services, followed by family or friends for lunch or dinner. Maybe, they get to go on a 2-4 week vacation in order to exit the rat race every year which is another myth. If lucky, they go to the zoo and see large mammals and sea creatures like elephants, whales, sharks, tuna and dolphins not yet extinct. Too late to see mammoths, mastodons, ground sloths and sabretooth tigers as they are extinct. Don’t forget to visit botanical gardens as they could vanish also. Thank you civilization.
To Be Continued
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Civilization and Humankind Part 2
Yes, then, as is now, the hunters and gatherers employed thinking, memory, perception, sensing and feeling, and motor behavior. Their language was limited as was their fiction, fantasy and beliefs. Then, they began to further develop tools, form groups and increase their ability to communicate with others and increase further understanding of their natural world. However, fiction became more entrenched.
Over time, the social animal became agrarian about 12,000 years ago, assimilated and accommodated into larger groups of individuals, arbitrary states and countries. The result of maturation and time passage occurred within the last 6,000 years and we now have a society, culture and way of life, considered to be most advanced. Fortunately, scientific advances within the last 500 years and technological breakthroughs have been progressing at warp speed. Unfortunately, man’s fears, anxieties, drives, needs, irrational and disorganized thinking, prejudices have not evolved. Essentially, we are somewhat like hunters and gatherers in terms of our nature, while corralled in our “advanced” civilization.
Institutional groups are divisive. Institutions sell and promise fiction; pit” them “versus “us “mentality; are biased, narcissistic, and prejudiced; instill emotion to interfere with rational thought and behavior; become resistant to change; create false status; force and press for uniformity and consensus; and generate autocratic and authoritarian leadership.
If mankind is to survive, our species and institutions have to change as we produce too many weapons of mass destruction; exhibit too much violence and killings; create dangerous levels of economic inequality and exploitation ; and have a dysfunctional democracy . Our species has to evolve by reducing anxiety and fear levels; become more efficient in meeting our safety [food, water and air] needs; and better able to fulfill drives and needs of sex, aggression, and dominance. If we are so lucky, then our species can likely create an attitude and philosophy of humanism for groups provided that it includes ethical and moral consequences for human interaction. It’s clear that our present civilization is not working for many, and requires something different. Time will tell.
For in-depth understanding, consult Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents and Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens a Brief History of Humankind.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Civilization and Humankind
Let’s go back in time about 2.5 million years when there were hunters and gatherers. These nomads simply met their safety and survival needs, such as food, water and sex. In order to survive. However, they fearfully had to deal with ferocious beasts, and infections. When hungry or thirsty, they would search for food or drink. If they ran across something very tasty, they would gorge themselves and not worry about gaining excess weight since they were extremely active and likely didn’t reach middle age. The drive to procreate was based upon availability. In fact, back then there was collective fatherhood. That meant that the child was not born on the belief of the importance of a single sperm. Instead, the accumulation of sperm from different men in a woman’s womb was considered important because of all the multiple qualities such as the greatest hunter, the greatest storyteller, the greatest warrior and the greatest lover from multiples of males compared to one male. Further, there would also be more males available for protection and child care. The Bari Indians of today share a similar sentiment.
Those hunters and gatherers, as far as sex was concerned, did not have to consider ideas, and increase fiction or consequences of monogamy, marriage, divorce, nuclear family, sin, child support, me too etc. They also did not concern themselves with obesity, reading nutrition labels, joining spas and purchasing workout equipment, diets, cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, health and prescription insurance. These nomads also didn’t have stress related to career, retirement, self-esteem, pursuit of happiness, being killed in school or at a concert, or nuclear annihilation. They were not exposed to daily propaganda, “brainwashing,” bombarded by social media, radio and TV. There were also not influenced by the idea or fiction of good or bad unions, corporations, political groups, capitalism, socialism ,democracy ,communism, free trade, tariffs and a whole host of rules, regulations and laws decided by a few.
To Be Continued
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Searching for Integrity Part 3
Adding to an understanding of conscience, Shakespeare , many years ago, said something to the effect that “nothing was good or bad, but thinking made it so.” I would add to that the emotional center of our brain, our hypothalamus; our perception and sensorimotor process; our desiring, thinking and memory also affect our ability to judge, analyze, synthesize and assist in determining good from bad. As a result of inconsistencies, ambiguous definitions and the complexities found in our social environment, it’s no wonder that an individual conscience cannot sort out all the irregularities that have confronted it over time.
Moral equivalency is suspect. Moral, ethical leadership is nonexistent and/or flawed. Lying and cheating is no longer a taboos as the ends seem to justify the means. The barriers of what was once forbidden, now seem to have holes in them. In essence, the moralistic side of individuals have now been diminished and have been regulated to be somewhat non relevant. Narcissism rules. Just listen or read the tremendous amount of hype- hypocrisy that exists with all the contradictory explanations and ignoring right from wrong. It’s no longer about the common good or we, but instead it’s about me, me and me.
How I many current political, entertainment models with integrity come to mind?
What a sorry state of affairs regarding the absence of integrity, when it comes to the use of algorithms, data mining, and expressions of hate and prejudice perpetrated by employing social media platforms.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Searching for Integrity Part 2
Throughout life, one is faced with numerous contradictions, inconsistences and double talk. For example, religion preaches that human life is important with its “do not kill” commandment, but the government wages military wars and lies about weapons of mass destruction .Local police forces kill unarmed civilians without due cause etc. Religion may “ban “abortions, but the government then limits food stamps and other important aid to single mothers for child rearing. Save the baby so it can be malnourished. Economics also comes into play with mass manufacturing of weapons and bullets. As a consequence, there are approximately 100 gun related deaths per day. The media, movies, TV, Interactive games, continues to glorify shooting, destruction and killing of humans as well.
Furthermore, how important is human life when schools conduct lockdown drills during school hours? That unhealthy message within that institution is clear. What a great learning environment and an important lesson in civics. Because of the insecurity of the nature of man, politics and the media take advantage by promoting so-called hope, but drown it with fear. Guns, walls, immigration restrictions, supposedly promote safety, but instead prey on insecurities and create divisions within people. Carl Sandburg’s poem “A Fence” portrays division with fence, separateness, and death and rain references.
Other confusions and irregularities of morality are expressed by our so-called leaders and celebrities. Some of these individuals are disrespectful of others through abusive verbal tweets and/or sexually inappropriate interactions. These political types, wage war, are indicted, lie, cheat, and exploit. These are our leaders and role models? There ethics are what? So much for integrity.
To Be Continued
Friday, April 6, 2018
Searching for Integrity
What is good, bad, right, wrong, ethical, honest, dishonest, decent etc. is blurred. Ethical and what is moral have become divisive. Has our conscience or moral behavior failed us? At one time, our voice or our conscience was our guide or internal voice that guided and directed our behavior or actions. If there was a problem with our choices or decisions, we then experienced anxiety, guilt or dread.
The development and influence of conscience begins very early as a result of the many interpretations of interactions with a caretaker and/or caretakers. Generally, if that behavior, throughout life, pleased the significant other, one was verbally praised or physically rewarded. On the other hand, if the behavior didn’t correspond with the caretaker’s idea of right or good, but instead was perceived as bad or wrong, one was punished in some way, either or both verbally and/or physically. That behavior might have been ignored as well by the parent. The verbal and physical behavioral consistency or inconsistency by the caretaker was important in developing a notion of the difference between right, wrong and good and bad. Understand that being consistent is very difficult and can be affected by the parents mood, perception, or thinking, at any particular time or day. Add other caretakers, siblings or figures into the equation, and the individual more than likely experienced many other inconsistencies or differences throughout a lifetime. That suggests that an individual would not be clear about what actions gets punished and what behavior gets praised. Would consequences get expressed in a caretaker’s absence? Add to the individual’s experience mixed messages like “Do what I say, not what I do” provides more confusion regarding good or bad.
As the infant or child matures, he begins to incorporate and learn many other messages regarding good and bad from figures or models while developing conscience. In other words, the social network and culture of the child expands. Further influences between right from wrong, good from bad, become more difficult to understand. Teacher’s behaviors play an important part in furthering influencing conscience development, as movies, television, cartoons, commercials and the social media. Thus, the moral and ethical definitions , misunderstandings or irregularities continue to be modified, changed as the result of the many influences of interactions within our human world.
To Be Continued
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