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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are You Interested in Becoming a Centenarian ?

"To realize one's nature perfectly — that is what each of us is here for."– Oscar Wilde
How would you like to be in the study that evaluates your DNA and its genomes? Well, if you’re a centenarian you are eligible. Currently there is a $10 million challenge to scientists to quickly, cheaply and accurately sequence the genomes of 100 centenarians around the world. You might ask for what purpose would that serve? According to Thomas Perls of Boston University “the goal in my mind is not to increase life span but how to increase health span.” Currently, the maximum lifespan is 122 years a record set in 1997. According to Dr. Perls, healthy centenarians are believed to have protective genes which increase their resistance to age-related these diseases such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease .Studying these protective markers might help lead to the development of drugs that could potentially protect against the disease.
According to 2010 U.S. Census, the number of centenarians worldwide are about a half a million and have been increasing by about 7 ½% per year of which 53,300 live in the US.  Per this article most centenarians themselves are stumped by their longevity. One man in the study is 105 years of age. He’s a former math teacher and is interested in science and the universe. He spends much of his time on the computer doing research and reading books on particle physics on his Kindle. He also  e-mails a weekly letter to family and friends which he started in 2004 after his wife died. His 456 th letter went out Sunday. Also he is communicating by e-mail with another 100-year-old blogger from Southern California. The younger man said recently “I’m a simple man who likes basic good things in life: honesty, response and being a good citizen as well as good desserts.” this article was found in the September 22-23, 2012, Wall Street Journal.
If interested about the characteristics of maximizing your lifespan, read Howard’s “How to live to 100 Years old: 16 Common Lifestyle Characteristics of the Oldest, Healthiest People in the World. “Concord, California; Biomed General Press, 2009.  I would like to add that the principles, prescriptions and stories of athletes in “It Has Nothing To Do With Age” dovetails nicely and adds insights and tips to  Howard’s findings.
In any event, remember to keep moving.


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