“It Has Nothing to Do with Age” is a book about individuals who push themselves to physical extremes and who believe they have defied the aging process. If you are at least 30, 40, 50 years of age, join them in such sports as: theTevis Cup, the Dipsea, the Western States 100, the 100 mile ride and tie, the Hawaiian Ironman, the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Meaning of Relaxation
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tomorrow, Linda and I leave for Baja California. We fly from Sacramento to Los Angeles and then to La Paz. The plan is for Fred and Gloria Jones of the Vagabundos to meet us at the airport. We will spend a few days there before traveling to Loreto. Fred and Gloria simply put are the Vagabundos. My next blog will come from somewhere in Baja. I have my running shoes and expect to work out and get in a lot of heat training. I am going to emphasize heat. I will keep you posted.
On the 15th, and in the Wall Street Journal , there is an article titled "Is Happiness Overrated "? There are a few things to be noted. First "eudaimonic well-being" is referred to the type of well-being that comes from engaging in a meaningful activity. On the other hand, the pleasure that comes from an entertaining movie is called "hedonic well-being". As you can see, we are comparing a short-term feeling to something very different . It is about long-term well-being. In my book I'm suggesting that by engaging in a meaningful activity that is passionate is more likely to result in eudaimonic well-being for the individual. Simply put, finding significant meaning in one's life is existential extremely important . What can be better than to have both meaning and passion in your life.
Also important is the benefit from eudaimonic well-being and your health. Research found that having a lot of eudaimonic well-being is associated with lower levels of interleukin-6. This means lower levels of inflammation associated with cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Further findings suggest that these individuals live longer(57%), have better mobility, and more likely able to take care of themselves at home. 27% of people 65 and up say they are "very happy" while 20% of people 65 and older say they are "not too happy".
These findings suggest that better health can be found in what we do and how we think about our lives. My book highlights finding meaning, passion, and engaging in aerobic exercise. It's becoming more clear that we have more control than previously thought. How we think, how we challenge our thinking, how we set goals, and the activities we do help define who we are. Health, wellness, passion, meaning, and joy can be within our reach.Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Depression & Anxiety
Within the past few days, I came across an article that suggests "exergames"(which requires physical movement, and help youngsters sweat) can be enough to be equated with moderate to physical activity. So of course, just equip the school's with games and forgot about sports, gym etc. Are you kidding me? Is this what you want for your children? Do you want your children to play inside and not to experience the joy of being outdoors with all it's benefits?
Today, Tony joined me for our trail run. It rained Sunday, Monday and is still raining. The temperature might be 50 and the trail filled with puddles of water. Two choices -either to deal with the elements or stay inside a warm dry house. Guess what we did? Yep, we ran in the wet, cold, and sloppy trail. Did we initially feel thrilled about going out for our run? If you decide to run based on feelings, more than likely you won't. The decision has to be made rationally thinking through the benefits. Of course after the run today, I felt great. Was I cold, were my shoes wet ? You know the answer. It didn't matter. I felt better after the run than I did before the run. This is not the first time and won't be the last time. The moral of the story is don't always do things based on how you feel.Monday, March 14, 2011
Running Madness
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Way Too Cool 50K.
Saturday morning Linda dropped Tara , Jonathan, and me off at the race site. We were then joined by Victoria. They determined the plan for the day was to run with me. They thought that if they didn't stick to that plan, they might be burned out at the end. I said okay knowing that more than likely they would beat me to the finish. This year's course is different from previous races. The first 8 to 9 miles was at the Olmsted. This meant that the trails are likely to be wet, slick, and muddy for most of that distance and they were. We were pretty much together during that part of the run. After about two hours, crossing Highway 49, I said to myself "it is a long way to the finish" that thought is not good for my psyche. Anyway, Tara, age 40, Victoria, age 46, and Jonathan, age 55 get out in front and stayed in front until I reached the aid station at 21 miles. Apparently they had beat me there by least 5 to 10 minutes. Tony joined me and ran with me the last 10 miles.
The young trio were now in the lead and stayed there. I did not catch them. After goat Hill some 26 to 27 miles I began to tire. The good thing is the fact that I was not hurting. Being tired is one thing but being tired and hurting is a totally different story. Well the kids finished before me and they were delighted. For the girls, this is their first ultra. I was glad that the run was over and I didn't hurt at all. I saw a number of familiar faces and like the encouragement I received when I reached an aid station. Both Linda and Debbie and others cheered and clapped.
For me, a trail run 50 K. takes much effort. A few weeks ago Tony an I ran the 20 K. in the Bay Area and it is a totally different experience. I felt terrific and energetic after that race. I must say that shorter races are different. Doing a longer race means that is important to pace. If I run too fast at the beginning I pay for it dearly. Wellness is important. I'm still evaluating the distance for my races. Health, wellness, and feeling good are major factors. I will keep you posted. Further, it is a terrific experience to be joined by friends at these events. Thank you all.Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Psychology behind my book

A cognitive therapy model (Albert Ellis)is demonstrated by challenging Self-defeating thoughts,using internal thinking to influence motivation and drive constantly during exertion periods.An existential philosophy is incorporated by searching for meaning and passion in one's mortality(Viktor Frankl,Rollo May). To quote Thomas Jefferson "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", and Democritus(460BC "is an interplay between temperament and fate" suggests that genetics can not account for all the variance. Which means that we have control over the factors that lead to happiness based on our choices. Studies have shown that happiness is not necessarily related to wealth and things.
The social psychological theory of Alfred Adler is employed to incorporate and understand the makeup of the athlete that competes in ultra and unique sports. His model of creative self is a major contribution to personality and motivational theory. These my friends are some of the psychological roots found in my book. Read it and tell me what you think.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ways to Start
Tara and Jonathan Jordan are planning to run the 50 K. as well. They are leaving Alpine, California sometime Thursday. Jonathan and I have participated in this run before. We first ran it together about four years ago . This is going to be the first time for Tara . Victoria Ordway is also planning on joining us for the run. Welcome to the party. Good luck girls.
My sister Beverly, wants me to give information about running, training, nutrition, etc. One thought occurred to me is talking about getting started in an aerobic activity. One suggestion is as follows:1. Start by combining walking and jogging. The faster the walk the better. The individual could walk 25 steps and then jog 25 steps and do that routine for let's say 15 minutes five times a week for at least two weeks. After every two weeks, increase the walking, jogging , and time by 10%. In other words, begin easy to formulate and determine a base line. After a few months, began to eliminate the walking part and focus on jogging and running. This suggestion is one idea and can be modified easily to fit any individual.2. Make sure that you carry a bottle of water for hydration. If one bottle is not enough then carry two bottles. Hydration is extremely important every time in the year especially in the summer .3. Make sure that you are wearing proper clothing. A long sleeve synthetic shirt to assist with sweat and protection from the sun. Cotton clothing is not recommended because the material does not remove sweat from your body. 4. Proper shoes are important. I purchase my running shoes at Empire shoes in Grass Valley.5.Do not forget a hat or sunscreen.6. Make sure your course is safe for your journey. The time of day is important. You want to be visible to others.If you follow this prescription, provide me with feedback, please.
The more I learn and experience the more I am convinced that aerobic exercise is the way to go. For example, my friend Tony stopped running a few years ago. Then he noticed that he had gained over 20 pounds. For health reasons, he stopped drinking numerous cokes and began running. He is feeling healthy and he lost the 20 pounds. I am sure and he is sure that running has something to do with it.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
On the Trail
Linda complained that Decca at times did not want to work. She had encouraged her by using the crop and her legs to propel her forward. So we finish the ride and run. Afterwards, we saw the movie The Karate Kid featuring young Smith and Jackie Chan.
I'm getting close in sending my book proposal to the publishing company John Wiley . Mike Barlow wants me to work on the marketing section. It seems that I have a lot of work to do. Writing the book is one thing because getting it published is a whole other dimension. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Keeping Young
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
"It Has Nothing to do With Age
The book's unique content is based on the author's journey, along with seven in-depth interviews with outstanding senior athletes in sporting events that include the Tevis Cup (a 100-mile one-day horse race across the Sierra Mountains) , the Western States 100-Mile Run, the Swanton Pacific 100-Mile Ride and Tie (horses and runners), the Dipsea Race ( America's oldest trail race ), the Hawaiian Ironman (swim, bike, run ), the Molokai to Oahu Outrigger canoe race, and national and international rowing.
Read the book and let your journey begin.