In essence, we left our Casa in Loreto about 1:15 PM. After customs, we proceeded to Southwest for a 9:15 PM flight to Sacramento. Our airport wait totaled more than the 3 1/2 hour flight time between Sacramento and Loreto. Oh yes, Tony and Deb met us in Sacramento and drove us the hour plus ride home.Yesterday, we did a lot of sitting and waiting.
The trick is to be able to relax either flying to or from a vacation spot. Easily said and difficult to accomplish. It's no wonder you can feel wiped out after vacation. Sitting down getting up sitting down and waiting is downright tiring. Prehistoric man didn't have to deal with this modern age. My suggestion is to focus on breathing and stretching as often as possible. It does not hurt to stand and walk when you can. Walking is good sitting is bad for your physiology. Movement, movement, movement. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the trip.
Tony arrived about 9:00 AM and we did a short 5 mile or so run. We started off at a comfortable pace and at the last half-mile or so Tony showed no mercy. He picked up the pace and I followed. I have felt better. Maybe tomorrow will be different. Thanks Tony.
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